Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 250 Chapter 258

Chapter 250 Chapter 258

Regarding Sun Kai's unrestrained declaration, Rui Mengmeng just said, "I won't sign it."

Sun Kai's expression immediately changed, and he folded his hands together towards Rui Mengmeng on the coffee table: "Sister Meng! Please, please sign me! Brother, I am your loyal fan!"

Rui Mengmeng crossed her arms and said arrogantly, "I won't sign."

Sun Kai said relentlessly: "Sweet girl, can you give me a face, okay? I am also the richest and second generation after all, so it is embarrassing to be rejected by you like this!"

Rui Mengmeng didn't have the patience to chatter with him any longer, so she stood up and called Xia Cheng to leave.

"Sister Mengmeng!"

Sun Kai jumped over all of a sudden to hug Rui Mengmeng's thigh, but Rui Mengmeng flashed calmly, and Sun Kai missed the opportunity and threw himself on the floor.

His head was knocked on one foot of the sofa, tears came out of the pain immediately, and he began to cry in a crying voice: "If you don't give me an autograph, I will cry for you!"

Rui Mengmeng put on her sunglasses again, nodded towards Xiacheng, then left the rich second generation lying on the ground crying without looking back, and left Sumitomo Mitsui side by side with Xiacheng.

Seeing that Ruimengmeng had gone far away, Sun Kai began to beat the ground and cry bitterly: "I'm broken in love! I'm broken in love before I even started falling in love, my baby feels bitter!"

In the descending elevator, Rui Mengmeng asked Xia Cheng: "If you offend this rich second generation, will you be more difficult to get along with in the future?"

Xia Cheng puffed out his chest quite confidently: "A talent like sister can be enjoyed anywhere."

"Go back to your home first, let me see the results of your training during this time."

Xia Cheng's home is in a villa on the side of Yan'an West Road. This mansion has a history of nearly a hundred years. It is said that it was the place where Sun Ke, the son of Sun Wen, lived.

Walking into Xiacheng's home, there are servants who help her change shoes at the entrance, Rui Mengmeng thought to herself that the family background of this domineering female CEO seems to be not simple, maybe it is the kind of low-key family?
Xia Cheng specially opened up a large room at home for training, which is located in a corner of the second floor of the entire villa.

As soon as she entered the training ground, Rui Mengmeng saw a set of large armor, a set of modern armor, and a set of Nanman armor placed by the wall, and some swords were placed against the wall.

Huge mirrors are installed on the four walls, just like a dance classroom.

This left Rui Mengmeng speechless: "Why do you all go to practice Nibo's kendo one by one? You also have a whole set of plate armor, do you still have a big red feather weave?"

Then she saw Xia Cheng take out a scarlet haori from the wardrobe in the corner: "What, do you want to wear it?"

Rui Mengmeng walked to the middle of the room, hooked her finger towards Xiacheng: "Let me see your strength, come here, and give me a knife."

"Are you serious?"

"If you are a brother, come and kill me!"

Xia Cheng sneered at the corner of his mouth, and immediately swiped in front of him, holding the high-vibration particle knife with both hands, and slashed towards Rui Mengmeng.

Rui Mengmeng calculated the trajectory of the high-vibration particle knife, then gently raised her arm and stretched out two fingers.

Xia Cheng's attack with all her strength was stopped because of this, and when she realized it, she stared at Rui Mengmeng in surprise and asked, "How did you do it?"

There is no other reason, because Rui Mengmeng clamped the sharp high-vibration particle knife with only 2 fingers.

Not only was the sharp blade unable to hurt Rui Mengmeng, but the high temperature generated by the high-speed vibration of the blade did not seem to affect her at all. Rui Mengmeng's holding the high-vibration particle knife was no different from holding a chopstick.

She didn't immediately respond to Xia Cheng's doubts, but nodded lightly: "Whether it is strength, speed or precision, they are far behind Feifei, but your starting point is low, and it is not easy to make such progress. .”

After finishing speaking, Rui Mengmeng let go of her fingers, allowing Xia Cheng to withdraw the high-vibration particle knife.

Xia Cheng couldn't help but said: "Are you praising me, or are you burying me?"

"Of course I'm praising you!"

Rui Mengmeng looked serious.

Facing the speechless Xia Cheng, Rui Mengmeng said surprisingly: "I'll just stand here, if you don't fight back, you continue to hit me."

Xia Cheng glared at Rui Mengmeng with a look of caring for the mentally retarded, and then tried his best to greet Rui Mengmeng.

Rui Mengmeng was only wearing ordinary clothes this time, so Xia Cheng cut a long cut in Rui Mengmeng's clothes with one knife, but there was not even a white mark on her skin.

Xia Cheng couldn't help but said: "Wow, are you a monster, it's all right?"

Rui Mengmeng smiled slightly: "If you are a brother, come and kill me."

Her seemingly soft skin was as hard as a diamond.In Xia Cheng's hands, there is no disadvantage. The high-vibration particle knife that can divide gold and stone has no effect on Rui Mengmeng!
Xia Cheng chopped more than a dozen knives in a row, and she was so tired that she was out of breath...but it was of no use.

 Today's 2nd update, the second update is at 18:[-].

(End of this chapter)

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