Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

253 Chapter 261 I Really Love You

253 Chapter 261 I Really Love You
Rui Mengmeng started drinking at the bar, all she could think about was Leina, so naturally she didn't care much about Xia Cheng's thoughts.Lying on the bed at this moment, Rui Mengmeng took the initiative to open the "spiritual chain", and couldn't wait to sneak into Leina's dream.

I don't know if the goddess will have a dream tonight. If she doesn't have a dream, then she might as well create a dream herself.

After sneaking into Leina's dream, Rui Mengmeng sees "Cheng Yaowen" disguised by Heifeng, but this time the plot of the dream is a little different from the past.

——Leina is no longer the one being bullied by "Cheng Yaowen", but can crush the opponent with strength.

"Cheng Yaowen" spoke with his fist rather straight, and after angrily denouncing the sun god's crime of destroying the Deno galaxy, "Cheng Yaowen" punched Lena on the head, making Lena take three steps back.

Rui Mengmeng, who was hiding in the dark, immediately wanted to make a move, but it was Leina herself who reacted first.

"I don't care if you are Cheng Yaowen or anything else, now I just want to blow you up!"

Lady Goddess knocked "Cheng Yaowen" into the air with a small fist, and then a series of miniature flares exploded, "Cheng Yaowen" turned into a piece of severed limbs and flakes into the blue sea.

Rui Mengmeng watched from the side, feeling very strange in her heart.Why, this obscene black wind has changed his nature?Turned into Cheng Yaowen and asked Leina to blow him up?
After killing "Cheng Yaowen", Lena realized that she seemed to have killed someone, and the goddess immediately stopped.

"It's not true, it's not true!"

Reina shook her head trying to end this nightmare, but she couldn't wake up no matter what.

Until that person appeared behind him and hugged her tightly.

Leina buried her face in Ruimengmeng's chest, and asked suspiciously: "Man woman, why do I always dream about you?"

Rui Mengmeng smiled and said, "That's because I love you, and you also like me."

A trace of doubt flashed in Leina's eyes: "You really love me?"



"From the very beginning...from before you came to Earth, from the very, very distant beginning, until now...I...some things I don't know how to explain, but...I really love you."

"I believe you."

Looking at Rui Mengmeng's gentle eyes full of infinite love, Leina knew that the other party did not deceive her.

She felt sweet in her heart, but also a little confused.

After all...they are both women.

Rui Mengmeng was very careful not to bring up the topic of "whether the goddess loves me or not"... To this day, even though she has thoroughly understood Leina in her dreams, she still feels a little inferior.

She dare not ask Leina how she feels about herself, because Rui Mengmeng is more afraid of losing everything than Lena.

What if I can't figure out Morgana later?What if the Demon Legion and the Xiongbing Company start a war again?What if... Morgana turns Reina into an "evil god" again, what can she do?
It is precisely because of the uncertainty of the future that Rui Mengmeng dare not speak out.

She really wanted to go back to the Great Strait immediately and hold Reina tightly in her arms, but if she just did that, it wouldn't do anything to the imminent crisis.Even if Rui Mengmeng was able to return to the Juxia to enjoy the time spent with the goddess, the subsequent war would definitely destroy everything.

The two just hugged each other and lay quietly on the bed until the hour and minute hands of the clock on the wall were in a straight line.

It's already six o'clock in the morning.

Leina reluctantly said: "Is this dream about to wake up again?"

Rui Mengmeng smiled and pecked Leina's lips: "The future will be long."

"'re not dead, right? It's been so long since Morgana captured you, and you're still fine, right?"

Rui Mengmeng was obviously surprised by Leina's question.

... Now, it seems that it is not time to confess.

Seeing that Rui Mengmeng was silent, Leina couldn't help but her eyes turned red, and she hugged her tightly and asked: "This is not just a dream, is it? I'm not dreaming, you really still exist in this universe well, Is that right? I don't want you to disappear as soon as I wake up, I want you back!

"Answer me, Rui Mengmeng!"

Rui Mengmeng kissed Lena's lips again, but unlike before, this time she was very gentle.

"Although this is indeed a beautiful and short-lived dream, I am indeed safe. I am not dead, nor have I been harmed by demons... Sister Na, don't worry, I will be back."

Reina happily shed tears of joy.

Then... She felt a shaking, and a whirl.

Leina slowly opened her eyes, and found that Qiangwei was staring at herself with a pair of panda eyes: "'s strange, why is the goddess crying?"

Qilin quickly poked her head over from the bed: "Crying? Let me see."

Reina's tears didn't seem fake, but she smiled and said to the two: "I'm not sad, on the contrary... I'm very happy. These are tears of joy, not tears of sadness."

Qiangwei and Qilin looked at each other, unable to understand what the goddess meant, but what Lena said next made Qilin stunned.

"Actually, I have dreamed of the same person so many times, and that person is Rui Mengmeng."

Seeing Qilin with a bewildered expression, Leina suddenly felt a sense of victory in her heart. Although Rui Mengmeng was openly dating Qilin on the Juxia, Rui Mengmeng's real love was her own. .

"Mengmeng told me in her dream that she is safe now, let us not worry...she will come back."

Qi Lin was stunned for a while, then suddenly curled her lips and complained, "It's just a dream...My lady, it's dawn."

She got up from the bed and went to the bathroom silently. After closing the door, she punched the metal wall.

"Why... why did you entrust her with the dream... why did she dream of you... why..."

Tears gradually blurred her vision.

"Since you are still fine, why didn't you tell me, why didn't you come back... Do you know how much I miss you..."

Papa papa, tears dripped into the sink, and leaked into the water pipe in a blink of an eye, leaving no trace.

She felt very aggrieved.

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(End of this chapter)

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