Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 263 270 Who Doesn't Like Pretty Girls?

Chapter 263 270 Who Doesn't Like Pretty Girls?
Zhang Chulan naturally rejected Wang Ergou righteously.

He mingled with the crowd lively and lively, Rui Mengmeng was on the outside, so it was not easy to join in by force.

It's not that Rui Mengmeng doesn't have this ability, but that she can't bear it.

She hasn't read the manga under one person, but she has read the first two animations.As the leading actor, Zhang Chulan is quite cheap, but also quite pitiful. He has been under great pressure and rarely has the opportunity to smile.

Forget it... just let him play, even if you force him to do it, it may not be able to induce him to use the kung fu of the origin of the body.

Moreover, even Zhang Chulan himself may not know what the origin of the body is.

Ruimeng had the idea of ​​giving up, and was about to turn around and leave, but a little Taoist priest came beside him: "So you are also interested in Zhang Chulan."

Rui Mengmeng turned her head and saw that this little Taoist priest was handsome, but he looked a bit sloppy, and his temperament was quite different from Zhuge Qing who was in a suit and leather shoes, and also different from Zhang Lingyu who was also wearing a Taoist robe.The Taoist robe worn on Zhang Lingyu's body is called immortal style, but it looks earthy when worn on him, just like the temperament of an old man leaning on a reclining chair in an alley to enjoy the shade.

"Xiao Dao King." The Taoist squinted his eyes and cupped his hands with Rui Mengmeng.

"It turned out to be Mr. Ye, lucky to meet you."

Rui Mengmeng shook the bottle, motioned for a toast, and then took a big sip on her own.

Wang also quickly waved his hand and said, "Xiao Dao can't hold a glass of alcohol, he pours it in one gulp. Sister, I accept your kindness, but I still don't want to drink the wine."

Rui Mengmeng narrowed her eyes and smiled: "It's always good."

"Hey...we've only met for the first time, why don't you just call me that? Don't call me that."

"No problem at all."

"This..." Wang was also speechless, so he had to quickly change the subject, "Is it convenient for Fang to talk in another place?"

"Always invite, of course it's convenient."

Rui Mengmeng was also very curious, why did Wang also follow her?

Coming to a quiet grove, Wang Ye swept away the slovenliness and laziness just now, and showed a rare seriousness: "Can you tell me your origin?"

Rui Mengmeng narrowed her eyes, remembering that Wang also seems to have the talent for divination, could it be that he is not from this world?

"Sure, I'm from the Devil's Capital, and my home is in Jinshan, Tinglin Town."

"You know that's not what I'm asking." Wang also didn't move, but his voice was slightly cold.

Rui Mengmeng chuckled: "Then I don't know, how to answer is the answer you want."

Wang Ye was silent for a moment, and finally sighed: "That's all, it's better not to know what you shouldn't know."

"Always a wise man."

"Actually, before I came to look for you, someone asked me to calculate the variables of this Luotian Dajiao." Wang also raised his head and looked up at the starry sky, "The variables were caused by you."

This time, Rui Mengmeng became interested: "What kind of variables will there be?"

Unexpectedly, Wang also answered, "I don't know."


"Because I didn't count." Wang also relaxed, and returned to that loose look, "The secrets are unpredictable. If you peep too much, you will be punished. Xiaodao, I still want to live a long life."

Hearing what Wang Ye said, Rui Mengmeng felt a little itchy.

Divination has always been miraculous. Some people believe it, some people don't believe it, some people say it's accurate, and some people say it's useless.

Wang Ye's divination seems to be a bit standard, but I don't know if he can predict the changes that Rui Mengmeng brought to this Luo Tian Dajiao?

"Then what if I say, I ask you to divination myself?"

"...Is there another one like this?" This time it was Wang's turn to be confused.

Rui Mengmeng chuckled: "If you want money, if you want money, if you want martial arts and cheats, you can make a price, and I will definitely satisfy you."

Wang just put his hands back into his wide sleeves, shaking his head like a rattle: "It doesn't count, it doesn't count if you kill him."

Seeing that the king didn't want to let go, Rui Mengmeng finally understood after thinking about it.

Wang also came here specially to tell himself these things, presumably to remind her that he had attracted the attention of some people.

Some people may be Tianshi Mansion, Ten Guys, or a company.As for the specific identities of certain people, since Wang Ye didn't say anything, Rui Mengmeng was too embarrassed to ask.

After all, he came here with good intentions to remind himself that Rui Mengmeng can't be a vicious dog that bites back.

But having said that, unless the old heavenly master takes action, Rui Mengmeng is really an invincible existence among this group of people, so she is not worried.

"Then thank you very much. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely repay you."

"Oh, you're being polite, you don't need to repay."

Rui Mengmeng turned around and left, and Wang Ye also followed her side without falling behind.

"Why do you keep following me?"

Wang Ye scratched his head with a smile: "Who doesn't like pretty girls."

After being transformed for more than half a year, although Rui Mengmeng has adapted to being a woman, because she usually contacts with relatively few people, there are still a few men who directly praise her for her beauty, but it is still a minority.

She was stunned, then stopped and smiled at Wang Ye: "Am I beautiful?"

"Beautiful! So beautiful!"


Rui Mengmeng walked quickly towards the crowd with the bottle in hand, while Wang Ye was shocked by the moment of astonishment just now.

Oops, it's a heart-wrenching feeling!
"Hey... slow down, wait for me..." Seeing Rui Mengmeng's figure gradually disappearing, Wang also quickly raised his heels to follow, "I'm already a big boy, and my family is urging me to get married. You Can you go to Beijing with me..."


Rui Mengmeng refused very quickly, and soon came to the campfire, and found that there was an uncontrollable disturbance in the crowd.

Because Zhang Chulan drank too much wine, she stood on a mound with a flushed face at this moment, looking down at everyone from a high position:

"You guys, do you really want to see my ban so much?"

"I really want to!"

"Zhang Chulan, come on!"

Of course, everyone responded with cheers and affirmation.

"Hey hey...then I will let you open your eyes today!"

 1. Also always, there is a mine at home.

  2. The Lena card is not given, but it is agreed to use it
  3. Therefore, Feng Shayan's vision is really bad
(End of this chapter)

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