Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 268 Chapter 275 My mother is no longer in this world

Chapter 268 Chapter 275 My mother is no longer in this world (qq thousand votes plus update)

Rui Mengmeng did not say that she is the granddaughter of Zhang Zhiwei, the old celestial master, but what the people who eat melons think is their own business.

Having said that, what is more exciting than the fact that Rui Mengmeng is the granddaughter of the old heavenly master is that the old heavenly master is not an old virgin!
There are times when the Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain gets first blood!

For a while, the gossip surrounding Zhang Zhiwei became a hot topic in Longhushan.

Correspondingly, everyone did not pay too much attention to the fact that Rui Mengmeng easily defeated Zhang Lingyu.

It wasn't until the melon-eating crowd in the auditorium gradually dispersed that Wang Ai asked Wang Bin, "Why, are you confident?"

The king was silent.

Even if he is arrogant, he still has some vision.

Zhang Lingyu's skills are far superior to Wang Bing's, but she voluntarily admits defeat in front of Rui Mengmeng.

In terms of Wang Bing's own strength, he has no chance of defeating Rui Mengmeng.

Wang Ai stood up on crutches, and stretched out a hand to touch Wang Bing's head: "Don't worry, take a good rest tonight, no matter whether you win or lose tomorrow, just go all out."

On Rui Mengmeng's side, after defeating Zhang Lingyu, people who eat melons have been surrounding her asking about this and that. Hidden Dragon, who is known as an information dealer, even directly asked about the relationship between Rui Mengmeng and the old heavenly master.

To this, Rui Mengmeng answered in a straightforward manner: "We have nothing to do with each other."

"Then why do you know the Golden Light Curse and Leifa? And you are so proficient at using them?"

Rui Mengmeng rolled her eyes: "I've said it before, and I didn't lie."

In this way, people will not believe that she has nothing to do with the old heavenly master.

After finally getting rid of Hidden Dragon, a young man came to find her. The man said humbly, "My lord, Wang Li, by the order of the Patriarch, invite the girl to go and have a talk."

"People from the Wang family?"


"That's fine, I'll go with you." Rui Mengmeng agreed straightforwardly, and after explaining to Xia Cheng and Fan, she followed Wang Li to a side courtyard.

Wang Ai is not only a celebrity among the top ten, but also the patriarch of the Wang family among the "four families" of aliens. In terms of power and background, he is much stronger than Feng Zhenghao, who is newly promoted to the top ten.The residence arranged by Tianshi Mansion for Wang Ai is also much more spacious than Feng Zhenghao's temporary residence.

On the way, Rui Mengmeng saw that Wang Li was neither humble nor overbearing, and she felt good about her, so she couldn't help asking: "Your family's Wang is not so arrogant, why are you so normal?"

"Because my surname is not Wang... I am a servant of the Wang family." Wang Li smiled lightly, came to the main room, and said towards the inside, "Master, I have already brought Miss Rui Mengmeng."

Rui Mengmeng pushed open the door, and walked into the spacious and bright room dignifiedly. Seeing Wang Ai and Lu Ci sitting side by side, she raised her hand and said hello: "Old Wang, Elder Lu, good morning."

Lu Ci had a scar on his face, and his face was fierce, but he didn't say a word.

Wang Ainian's face was wrinkled, and there always seemed to be a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. He stroked the armrest of the seat and said slowly: "Girl, did you really learn this skill from your mother?"

Rui Mengmeng nodded of course.

Seeing Rui Mengmeng's admission, Wang Ai asked again: "Then, did your mother tell you not to show off your martial arts in front of outsiders?"

"Yes, I have."

"Then why do you insist on using Lei Fa against Zhang Lingyu?"

"My mother is no longer in this world, she can't control me anymore."

Rui Mengmeng has a calm face, bragging about not drafting.

But then again, she's not lying!The mother of the main plane is still living in Shanghai, the magical capital, and the mother of the super god universe has settled down in Chengdu... Both of her mothers are not in this world under one person.

At this time, Wang Ai and Lu Ci looked at each other, as if exchanging some information, which made Rui Mengmeng, a bystander, feel gay in gay.

Lu Ci snorted coldly: "There is no proof, how do I know what you said is true?"

Rui Mengmeng's expression also changed: "Why should I care whether you believe it or not! My mother won't let me come to Longhu Mountain, so I'm still here. I don't even listen to my mother's words, who are you!"

At any time, no young junior dared to talk to Lu Ci among the ten guys like this, not even Zhang Chulan, who had a profound background.

Lu Ci originally planned to let the juniors in his family use their innate abilities to read Rui Mengmeng's memories to verify whether what she said was true or not.But now that Rui Mengmeng is so stubborn, it seems that there is no need to verify it.

Proficient in the Golden Light Curse and Leifa, and her surname is Zhang, and Rui Mengmeng is not allowed to show off her martial arts, and she is not allowed to come to Longhu Mountain... All the signs point to the identity of Ruimengmeng's mother—that is, the old heavenly master Zhang Zhiwei's illegitimate daughter.

Moreover, after the conflict between Wang Bing and Xia Cheng yesterday, Rui Mengmeng also went to look for Zhang Zhiwei. Based on this calculation, she might have already recognized Zhang Zhiwei.

It's just that Zhang Zhiwei, an old guy, actually has a daughter... Seeing that Rui Mengmeng's age is only about 20 years old, when Zhang Zhiwei gave birth to her mother, he must be about 50 years old...

Zhang Zhiwei got a son when he was old, but he didn't know whose girl he harmed?Maybe it's old cows eating young grass...

The more Wang Ai and Lu Ci thought about it, they automatically made up a lot of things that Rui Mengmeng hadn't thought of yet.

Then, Wang Ai cleared her throat: "Little girl, you violated your mother's teachings before she died, came to Longhu Mountain without permission, and used the golden light spell and lightning spells. You are unfilial in these things."

Rui Mengmeng gave Wang Ai a white look: "I'm not filial, it's none of your business. Tell me, why did you call me here? Could it be to make way for your great-grandson Wang He?"

Wang Ai nodded: "The girl is a smart person, and she wants to pass the heavenly talisman."

"I'm sorry, but I also want the Tongtianlu."

Lu Ci seemed very dissatisfied with Rui Mengmeng's arrogance, and still stared at her fiercely.

On the other hand, Wang Ai said with a pleasant face: "For the sake of your bloodline, I can make it up to you, girl, just tell me what you want, old man, I will definitely give it to you."

"Really?" Rui Mengmeng didn't believe it.

"How dare you doubt the 'Four Families'?" Lu Ci beside him was not happy.

"I believe it, I believe it." Rui Mengmeng quickly corrected her words, "I saw the spirit-defending general that senior used yesterday, and it feels really awesome. I want this!"

Rui Mengmeng made her own request, and it was a request that gave Wang Ai quite a headache.

She didn't expect that this little girl was so scheming.

"If I don't give up, then Wang has absolutely no chance of winning. But if I give up, Wang can enter the final. His opponent should be Zhang Chulan, because Feng Baobao of the company should clear the way for Zhang Chulan Yes. Wang Bing beat Zhang Chulan, there should be no difficulty, right?"

Rui Mengmeng talked eloquently and persuasively: "As long as you are willing to teach me how to arrest spirits and dispatch generals, then I will give up the Tongtian talisman and let the king go get it."

The smile on Wang Ai's face became more and more kind: "Okay, it's very cloudy at night, so I just invite Ling Juling, and I will teach you personally."

Rui Mengmeng immediately beamed with joy: "Thank you for your love, senior."

 The story under one person will end in chapter 280 according to the calculation of the face.

  After that, the next volume of the biography will be called "Killing the Sky"

  Please ask for a recommendation ticket, the starting point will be added soon

(End of this chapter)

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