Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 270 277 The full version of "Ju Ling" "Send General"

Chapter 270 277 The full version of "Ju Ling" "Send General"

Next, Rui Mengmeng taught Feng Zhenghao the Juling Dispatch General that had been reproduced from Wang Ai, completely and without reservation.

In particular, the method of "obedience to the spirit" that was missing in the inheritance of the Feng family directly complemented the dispatch of Juling, so Feng Zhenghao thanked Rui Mengmeng repeatedly.

In the end, Rui Mengmeng even gave Feng Zhenghao the seven spirits restrained by Wang Ai because she didn't need them.

In addition to thanking Rui Mengmeng again, Feng Zhenghao also had a little hesitation in his eyes, as if he wanted to say something.

Rui Mengmeng was not in the mood to care about a native in the dungeon, so she got up to leave after finishing everything.

When she walked to the door, Feng Zhenghao suddenly stopped him: "Wait a minute, girl, I have something to tell you."

Rui Mengmeng knew that Feng Zhenghao was the kind of person who didn't talk nonsense, so she stopped and returned to her seat.

"Although the girl helped my Feng family to retrieve the Juling sent general, but the girl probably still doesn't understand what happened back then."

Rui Mengmeng thought that the old lady understood, the old lady had watched the animation, but she said: "I would like to hear more about it."

Feng Zhenghao adjusted his glasses, and narrated the events of that year.

There is no doubt that the "Juling dispatch general" handed down by the Feng family is incomplete.

This is because Feng Tianyang, who had comprehended the general sent by Juling, was caught by the Wang family when he fled as one of the "36 thieves".

At that time, the head of the Wang family was Wang Ai's father.The Wang family tortured Feng Tianyang severely, and finally obtained this miraculous skill by protecting Feng Tianyang as a bargaining chip.The Wang family also forced Feng Tianyang to swear that in this life he would never pass on the complete Ju Ling dispatched general to future generations.

Therefore, no descendants of the Feng family have learned the "law of obedience to the spirit", but Wang Ai knows it, and Wang Bing also does it.

Judging from the previous battle between Wang and Feng Xingtong, the Ju Ling sent by the Wang family is indeed more domineering and fierce than the Feng family's.

However, this is only the superficial result.

In fact, Feng Tianyang, as one of the 36 thieves, is not a good stubble in itself.And the nine people who have comprehended the Eight Miraculous Skills are all great talents born in the world, and their talents and temperaments are very comparable to others.

Zhang Huaiyi, who has comprehended the "Origin of Qi Body", can still wipe out all the masters who come to besiege him when he is old and frail; Ken surrendered, and passed the Tongtian talisman to his friend Lu Jin before he died.

Therefore, it is impossible for Feng Tianyang, who has understood the general sent by Ju Ling, to be so weak.

Feng Tianyang obviously left behind, the method of "detaining spirits" he gave to the Wang family was indeed more domineering than that passed down to the descendants of the Feng family, but Feng Tianyang deliberately concealed the method of "sending generals".

Detaining the spirit and dispatching generals, just from the literal meaning, how can there be only such things as detaining the spirit and obeying the spirit?

What Feng Zhenghao has learned is actually not limited to the category of "Jing Ling", and the so-called "obedience" method of the Wang family is actually only a part of "Jing Ling".

The method of obeying the spirit is exactly the stumbling block that Feng Tian raised for the Wang family.

The generals sent by Juling are extremely domineering, and Fuling even improves his own strength by directly devouring the undead. This has a huge hidden danger-but anyone who obeys the spirit will become more and more manic.Those with weak willpower may even lose themselves in the end, be assimilated by evil spirits, and become something that is neither human nor ghost.

Feng Zhenghao was originally worried that Rui Mengmeng would abuse "Detaining Spirits and Sending Generals", so he did not reveal this layer of cards, but after seeing that Rui Mengmeng did not covet this amazing skill at all, he even sent Wang Ai's seven evil spirits When I gave it to myself, the shock and appreciation in my heart soared.

He had already missed Zhang Chulan, and he didn't want to miss the second genius.

"Sending generals from the spirit is actually divided into two parts. The spirit is the foundation and the means, but to truly display extraordinary combat power, it is still necessary to send generals!"

Feng Zhenghao was about to introduce the method of "sending generals" in detail, but Rui Mengmeng raised his hand to stop him: "Wait a minute. The method of dispatching generals, you don't need to talk about it. President Feng is a smart man, Feng The part of the method of obedience lost by the family is just a corner of the first half of the Lingling, compared with the second half of the dispatched generals, it is really not worth mentioning."

Feng Zhenghao smiled slightly: "The girl is right, Feng Zhenghao is indeed a businessman, but there is a family motto in the Feng family, which is to be aware of current affairs and be grateful. The important thing is to save my son in time, and I should hand over the second half of the method of dispatching generals to the girl because of emotion and reason."

Rui Mengmeng blinked, still a little puzzled.

If Feng Zhenghao values ​​her as a potential stock and intends to win her over, it is reasonable to do so, but the price is too high, right?
Rui Mengmeng knew that she would leave "Under One Person" soon, so Feng Zhenghao's investment in her would all be in vain.

But Feng Zhenghao didn't know this, and only thought that Rui Mengmeng was really the granddaughter of the old celestial master Zhang Zhiwei, and also a genius who could learn "Jing Ling" in one night.

Therefore, Feng Zhenghao will never begrudge the investment in Ruimengmeng.

Rui Mengmeng hesitated for a while, then nodded her head when she realized that "Juling Dispatch General" was also worth 200 ETH.

"Then, President Lao Feng will give you some pointers."

"The method of dispatching generals, as the name suggests, is to release the fierce spirit and make it fight on its own. This is different from the usual method of inviting the spirit to the upper body, because even if the invited spirit is attached to itself, the strength it can exert is only ten percent. One or two, this is limited by the human body itself. But the "Send General" does not have this limitation, and can fully display the strength of the fierce spirit. Before that, I was concerned about the power of the Wang family, so I never taught Xingtong the method of sending generals .”

Rui Mengmeng nodded again and again: "This method of dispatching generals is so powerful, so there must be shortcomings?"

"That's right, dispatching generals consumes a lot of energy on the human body. If you use ordinary real energy as a supply, it will take at most one stick of incense to consume all the real energy in your body. At this time, you need to 'subdue the spirit'. Swallowing the evil spirits with the method of obedience, and then using oneself as a cauldron, using the swallowed spirit energy to supply the 'sending generals', not only can exert the power of the dispatching generals, but the person himself will not be backlashed by devouring the evil spirits."

After hearing Feng Zhenghao's words, Rui Mengmeng almost broke her thigh.

All of his eight miraculous skills are silver talents!
Zhang Huaiyi's "Origin of Qi Body" has dissected the fundamental method of Qi practice in this world, while Wang Ye's "Fenghou Qimen" has initially involved the field of time and space, and the Feng family's "Jing Ling Dispatch General" Although the height is not as high as the above two, but purely in terms of combat effectiveness, it is surprisingly powerful.

Feng Zhenghao, who has mastered the full version of Ju Ling Dispatch General, should have been able to fight the celestial master Zhang Zhiwei, but if he only relied on his own strength, he might be slapped away.

"Now, I will take out the method of dispatching generals and discuss it with the girl. There is no master-apprentice status between you and me, and there is no insider trading. It is purely a proof of communication between practitioners. The girl thinks how?"

Rui Mengmeng nodded again and again: "Wonderful, wonderful."

 1. The ideas in this chapter about Juling dispatched generals are personal ideas to make up for the face, and do not represent official settings.

  2. Wonderful, wonderful
(End of this chapter)

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