Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 272 Chapter 279

Chapter 272 Chapter 279

Seeing Zhang Chulan's constipated expression, Rui Mengmeng chuckled: "Virgin, did you lose your virginity?"

Zhang Chulan's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and she hurriedly put on a coat: "If you don't talk, no one will think you are dumb."

The two went outside and found a vent with a wide view. Rui Mengmeng sat down on the ground, took out melon seeds, hops and peanuts from the arsenal, and spread them out on the grass.

The wide field of view can ensure that the two of them will not disappear in Feng Baobao's field of vision, and the position of the air vent can disperse many mosquitoes.

Zhang Chulan sat across from Rui Mengmeng without saying a word, took a can of beer but did not open it, just stared at Rui Mengmeng and asked: "Is the Golden Light Curse and Leifa so easy to learn? Where did you learn it from?" of?"

Rui Mengmeng was amused by Zhang Chulan: "I learned the Golden Light Curse and Thunder Technique from my mother, not by stealing it. Yesterday, Mr. Lu and Mr. Wang among the top ten also asked me about it. They all know."

Zhang Chulan gave a disdainful "cut": "You lied very cleverly, but I prefer to trust my intuition. Others say that Zhang Lingyu let you go because he cared about your status as the granddaughter of the master, but I know , your strength is very strong, so strong that you don't need to participate in this Luo Tian Dajiao, so... why did you come here?
"For the Tongtian Talisman? With your strength, why do you still pursue something like the Tongtian Talisman?"

Rui Mengmeng was stunned by Zhang Chulan's words.

Rui Mengmeng does not despise the wise men of this world, from the old heavenly master Zhang Zhiwei to Wang Ye and Feng Zhenghao, although Rui Mengmeng is not close to heart to heart with them, she is also sincere to each other without any tricks.

She didn't expect that Zhang Chulan had such an amazing insight and saw the truth all at once.

The truth is, "Rui Mengmeng", as a stranger in this world, has no reason to participate in the Luo Tian Dajiao.

But Rui Mengmeng is not a stranger in this world, so it is impossible for Zhang Chulan to guess the reason why she participated in the Luo Tian Dajiao.

"Actually, to be honest, I'm here for the Tongtian talisman."

When Rui Mengmeng told her true thoughts, Zhang Chulan really looked disbelieving.

She knew that Zhang Chulan was very wary, so she was not in a hurry to gain Zhang Chulan's trust.She is not Zhang Chulan's mother, so there is no need to teach him how to be a human being. She came to see Zhang Chulan tonight just to give him a kind reminder.

"Whether you win or lose tomorrow's battle, you are the only one who has the chance to get the degree of a celestial master." Rui Mengmeng pinched a peanut and threw it into her mouth, "I will definitely defeat you, and then I will take As for the truth you are after, you can go to Master Zhang."

Seeing that Ruimengmeng drank beer and ate snacks, Zhang Chulan opened the can and took a sip: "It may be that, even if you are stronger than me, it doesn't mean I have no chance at all."

Rui Mengmeng shook her head: "That's not the point. The point is that tomorrow night there will be troubles caused by Xiaoxiao. They may be eyeing Baobao Feng. You can remind her later."

Zhang Chulan sneered sneeringly: "You said that if there is a small trouble, there will be a small trouble? Why should I believe you?"

"Believe it or not, it's up to you, I have no obligation to help you."

Rui Mengmeng threw away the empty beer can, stood up, patted her butt and left.

"Also, you tell Feng Baobao that I don't plan to go out after I go back tonight, so tell her not to follow me."

Rui Mengmeng's figure quickly disappeared into the guest room area not far away. Feng Baobao also hung a rope, and came down to Zhang Chulan with a shovel, scratched his head and said, "The idea is tricky, so I can't bury it."

Zhang Chulan said "Oh": "What are you burying? Sit down and drink some wine and relax... These peanuts are quite delicious."

"Oh..." Feng Baobao sat on the ground, looking at the sky with empty eyes, "Zhang Chulan, tell me, after tomorrow's game, can you really figure out what happened before?"

Zhang Chulan shook her head slowly: "I don't know, but what I know is that there is no other way to the truth except by doing this."

The next day, Zhang Chulan lost without any suspense.

Rui Mengmeng used the Golden Light Curse to protect her body and attacked with water dirty thunder. Although the water dirty thunder was restrained by Zhang Chulan's Jianggong Lei, it couldn't stand Rui Mengmeng's strong skills.

Zhang Chulan used the "Leifa·Xunlei" and "Full Power·Xunlei Members" developed by herself, but she still lost to Rui Mengmeng in ten rounds. The two fought fiercely for less than ten rounds, and Zhang Chulan broke down. has been defeated.

The celestial master of Longhu Mountain and Lu Jin who provided the rewards for this Luotian Dajiao were all present, and Zhang Zhiwei announced the selection results of this Luotian Dajiao on the spot.

The winner is naturally Rui Mengmeng, and Zhang Chulan, as No.2, is still behind Zhang Lingyu and Wang Bing.

According to the normal rules of the competition system, there should be a competition between Zhang Lingyu and Wang Bing to determine the third and fourth places, but right now Wang Bing's limbs have been crippled, and his true energy has been released. He fought Zhang Lingyu again.

Getting the first place in Luo Tian Dajiao means that you can inherit the mantle of the old master.However, Rui Mengmeng made a decision that surprised most people: "I came to participate in the Luotian Dajiao, one is to see the Dragon and Tiger Mountain, and the other is to learn the Tongtian, so... the successor of the Celestial Master I don't want the qualifications, I just want the Tongtianlu."

On the rostrum, Lu Jin stroked his all-white beard and nodded: "This girl is sensible and knows how to advance and retreat. Master Tian, ​​you gave birth to a good daughter."

"I told you I didn't."

Zhang Zhiwei muttered something, then got up again, and announced to everyone that Rui Mengmeng's qualification as the heir to the angel was disqualified, and Zhang Chulan would get it instead.

For a while, many people complained that Zhang Chulan picked up a bargain, but most of them changed their views on Zhang Chulan after seeing the battle between Rui Mengmeng and Zhang Chulan, knowing that Zhang Chulan was actually from Longhushan The leader of the younger generation.

Ten minutes later, Rui Mengmeng took the re-engraved rune of "Tongtianlu" from Lu Jin's hands, and solemnly thanked Lu Jin.

Lu Jin said again: "Girl baby, you stay at Longhu Mountain for the first few days. If you encounter something you don't understand, you can ask me. It's best to wait until you have fully learned it before going down the mountain."

Rui Mengmeng understood that he was worried that he would be watched after he went down the mountain - "Tongtianlu", as one of the Eight Miraculous Skills, naturally many people would be jealous.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu, for your guidance."

Then, right under Lu Jin's nose, Rui Mengmeng deciphered and absorbed the rune engraved with the Tongtianlu. This process was somewhat similar to the process of decompressing and reading a compressed package.

"Tongtianlu" itself has no lethality, it is an auxiliary skill, and it can be called a bug-level auxiliary skill in this low-level martial arts world.

It took Rui Mengmeng a second to understand the principle and application of "Tongtianlu" by heart.

In this way, her vacation life in this world will also come to an end.

That night, the celestial master Zhang Zhiwei wanted to teach Zhang Chulan the celestial master degree.

Quanxing also aggressively attacked the mountain at this time.

Hearing the shouts of killing outside, Rui Mengmeng pulled Xia Cheng, opened the ether door and teleported to a roof, looking down in all directions.

At this point, there are still 35 hours before the ethereum system is forced to start recycling.

 1. The full-power Thunder member who is a virgin is really a show.

  2. Lu Jin has no time in his life and is an upright and good person

  3. There is still the last battle left in this dungeon

(End of this chapter)

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