Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 283 290 Here, there is a piece of the American continent, there is a country

Chapter 283 290 Here, there is a piece of the American continent, there is a country

Rui Mengmeng almost yelled out the words "one cut and two breaks", but at this time Morgana had already raised her palm, and was about to open her eyes of insight.

Seeing Rui Mengmeng's determined face, Morgana hesitated.

After a while, Morgana sat down at the table and raised her legs: "Speak."

Rui Mengmeng took a deep breath, and began to reveal the plan she had been thinking about for a long time.

"I think we need two clear goals, one, Keisha must die; two, the earth must be under our control."

She got straight to the point, and Morgana nodded appreciatively.

"As long as these two goals can be achieved, other things can be considered and amended to find an optimal solution. Regarding the killing of Kesha, my idea is still to continue the current combat thinking, but the specific details can be slightly changed. .”

Morgana shook her head: "This plan is closely linked, and it affects the overall situation. How do you want me to change it?"

"Killing Kaisha is indeed to use Lena's power, but we don't need to blow up the Great Gorge, and there is no need to start a full-scale war with the Earth's Super Seminary... After all, the queen was once the tutor of the Super Seminary, as long as we If you don't make any enemies with the Earth Super Seminary, in the future, you will have the possibility to re-enter the Super Seminary."

Morgana shook her head again: "Blowing up and sinking the Great Gorge is a promise I made to Karl. The gluttonous civilization under his command invaded the earth, but they were unable to break through the defense of the Super Seminary. I can only do it. If I don't blow up and sink The Great Strait, Karl will never agree to use the big clock to help me kill Kesha."

"On the surface, it's true." Rui Mengmeng smiled, but the smile was a bit cold, "The question is, hasn't Karl ever deceived the Queen?"

"what do you mean?"

"Carl claims that Taotie is unable to break through the defense of the Earth's Super Seminary. Is it true? Taotie claims that he is only an aerospace-grade technology and has not yet set foot in the field of dark energy. Is it true? Karl let the demon army break through the Earth's Super Seminary. If you don’t have the ability, you still want to drag us into the water?”

Morgana frowned in displeasure: "Although Karl is not a good person, he is not something you, a junior, can judge. Don't consume my patience too much."

"What I mean is very simple. Karl has studied the void and the ultimate fear for so many years, and it is impossible to be fruitless. He will definitely apply his research results, and the best experimental field is the earth that is about to break out of war!" Rui Meng Meng started her own bold conjecture, "Earth Super Seminary has super genes, and Karl can also equip Taotie with a void engine. Super fighters use dark energy to fight, and Karl can naturally give Taotie secret forbidden technology. Although Taotie has no ability to launch annihilation Star strike, but it is still easy to destroy a city... May I ask Your Lady Queen, are the possibilities I mentioned reasonable?"

Morgana was lost in thought for a moment.

"The emissary sent by Karl last time, the god who called himself Snow, he is the leader of the Styx galaxy. I think he is completely like Karl's boss and his second child. He doesn't pay attention to us at all. He Being so confident must be because the strength is strong enough, the power of the Styx galaxy may be much stronger than what we have seen and estimated."

Morgana nodded slowly at this moment: "You are right."

"If Taotie wants to invade China, let them invade. If the Earth Super Seminary is blocking the way, let them figure out a way. We don't need to mess with this whole body." Rui Mengmeng is persuasive, "Leina's flare bombing is albeit It can sink the Great Gorge, but I have been with those super fighters day and night, knowing that they have great potential, and they will never lose their fighting spirit because of the short-term defeat in front of them."

"Great potential does not mean strength."

Morgana retorted that in the past 3 years, she had seen many geniuses, most of whom died young, and only a few of them could grow up.

"Ducao's daughter, Qiangwei, possesses the space-time gene jointly researched by the Queen and Karl. She will definitely send the super fighters to the hinterland of China before the Juxia is bombed and sunk. At that time, we will lose the ability to capture super fighters." The ability to move. Once you start a war with it, it is easy to get stuck in the quagmire, and it is difficult to get out of it in a short period of time.”

Morgana sneered again: "You think highly of them too."

Rui Mengmeng said with a serious face: "They are not inferior to me in every strength, and I have absolute confidence in them."

Morgana said with a smile: "Every strength is not inferior to yours? Are you saying that my vision is too bad!"

If none of the super fighters of the Earth Super Seminary is below Rui Mengmeng, why would Morgana single out Rui Mengmeng and upgrade her to a divine body?

Seeing this, Rui Mengmeng quickly changed her words: "Not to mention anything else, the three major god-making projects all have very high priorities. Ge Xiaolun, the power of the galaxy, can be selected by Keisha to have an equal dialogue, which shows its weight. Dawn Goddess Lena is the Emperor of Lieyang, needless to say. There is also Liu Chuang, the Nuoxing god of war, who possesses the power to kill gods. He once chopped down the earth's native god Sun Wukong into serious injuries half a year ago. Cutting the 'darkness' is much sharper than my exile blade."

Morgana felt a little moved.

Although she has read Rui Mengmeng's memories in this world long ago, Rui Mengmeng's main cognition of the super god world, especially the cognition of setting and world view, still comes from her previous life.So Morgana didn't really pay attention to the three major god-making projects before. It wasn't until Kaisha chose Ge Xiaolun to talk to Morgana that she realized the importance of the three major god-making projects in the mind of the space principal.

In Rui Mengmeng's memory fragments, there is not much about Liu Chuang, the Nuoxing God of War. Now Rui Mengmeng's personal statement of Liu Chuang's strength is more convincing than what Morgana glimpsed from those hazy fragments force.

"If we sink the Juxia, it will basically be an endless situation with these super fighters, which will be very bad for the queen to win them over in the future." Rui Mengmeng continued to persuade, "The Earth Super Seminary is currently managed by Du Kayo and Lianfeng are in charge, one of them is a soldier and the other is a scientist, and they are not enough to carry the banner of the Super Seminary, this position should belong to you, the queen."

She moved her lips and tongue, and her throat was about to smoke. Morgana finally nodded: "I'll think about it."

Rui Mengmeng smiled in relief, but did not stop. Instead, she used an auxiliary display device to project a 3D model of the earth's surface in front of Morgana, marking several major powers on several continents.

"Karl is keen on studying death, and China has the most densely populated population on the planet, so Taotie will definitely kill here. Regardless of whether we join the war or not, Taotie is bound to win for China. Considering that China is guarded by a company of heroes, we don't It should be involved in the battlefield here. The demon army cannot be the knife used by Karl, the god of death, to destroy the Super Seminary."

"And then, you mean let Taotie fight at the bottom while we float in the sky to watch the fun?"

Rui Mengmeng turned the model of the earth and pointed to the other end of the Pacific Ocean: "Here, there is a piece of the American continent, and there is a country named America."

 1. Kaisha must die, which has 2 meanings.If Keisha is not dead, the angel-dominated theocracy will not collapse, Morgana will never see the light of day, and the company of heroes will have no room to grow. This is the first meaning.If Kesha is not dead, the story of Super Seminary cannot go on, nor can it lead to Karl, the behind-the-scenes boss. This is a key node, and this is the second meaning.

  2. The protagonist is not a good person, because what she gave Morgana was a poisonous plan to bring disaster to the east.

(End of this chapter)

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