Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 295 302 Ah Zhui, Long Time No See

Chapter 295 302 Ah Zhui, Long Time No See

The peak of the European Alps, above the clouds and mist, is covered with snow all the year round. At this time, the highest peak has a new owner.

Holy Caesar placed the throne on the top of the mountain, and the angel team also temporarily used this fairyland-like mountain peak shrouded in clouds and mist all the year round as a pilgrimage.

After sending Angelyan to Frazier, Kaisha no longer has a confidant to chat with.Angel Leng is not young anymore, but his mind is full of fights and killings all day long, and he is simply more childish than a child who is hundreds of years old.

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, the angel flew out of the clouds in a hurry, came to Kaisha and knelt down on one knee: "Queen, I received news from the City of Angels that recently there have been scumbags in the outer area of ​​​​the Angel Nebula." Harassment!"

"Scumbag?" Keisha raised her eyebrows, and suddenly recalled a very bad memory.

"Is the news true?"

"It's the news from Captain Keira. It is said that Tian Zha has destroyed a fleet of the Yiren Civilization." Angel's cold eyes were full of fighting spirit, "Queen, do you want to return to the City of Angels and attack Tian Zha?"

Keisha shook her head: "Why did Tian Zha jump out to make trouble at this time, having been silent for more than 1 years?"

Asked by Keisha, Angel was stunned.

Her mind was full of fighting, and when she heard the scum coming, she flew up excitedly, wishing she could go back and tear the scum with her hands, but she never thought about the reason behind it.

The angel Moy next to him said: "Queen Keisha came to the earth and was about to attack Morgana, and Tian Zha started to make some small moves over there. Ganna used it as a cover to divert our attention. If we withdraw to the City of Angels at this time, Morgana will have time to recuperate. She will definitely take the opportunity to control the earth and spread this beautiful land all over the world. evil."

Keisha nodded, with a look of appreciation in her eyes: "Moy, it seems that you have learned a lot by Yan during this time."

"Thanks to Sister Yan for her guidance."

"It's not easy for you to think of these things, but don't forget that Morgana was also a member of the crusade against Tian Zha back then... For this reason, I fought side by side with her. Therefore, it can be concluded that Tian Zha appeared in the Angel Nebula The outside is definitely not Morgana's instruction."

Keisha started to mention the guardian angels under her. Now that she is thinking about retiring, she tries to find opportunities to teach them as much as possible.

"Give Tian Zha 1 guts, and they dare not invade the City of Angels. Tian Zha must have something else to rely on. Considering that Morgana has been upgraded to the fourth-generation divine body, she must have got Karl the God of Death." Assistance... In other words, Tian Zha's actions were probably instigated by Karl. But there is no need to worry about this, the City of Angels has the Tianji King in charge, and it can be said to be as solid as gold."

"I see!"

The angel Moy suddenly realized, and the angel Leng was also thoughtful.

Speaking of Tian Zha, Angel Leng couldn't help but think of someone... But this longing was followed by pain.

Angel frowned coldly, and jumped down into the sea of ​​clouds, trying to dispel the unhappiness.

Speaking of Karl, the god of death, the holy Kaisa remembered the last time she came to the Death Song Academy, and remembered that she had left Zhixin to watch over him.

Zhi Xin is only a five-hundred-year-old child, but she loves to study and research. In the field of science and technology, she has delved deeper than Angel Yan, almost on par with Kaila.

But... It has been a long time since Kaisha led the team to leave the Death Song Academy, and it has been a long time since Zhi Xin contacted her.

Keisha crossed her legs on the huge throne, and sighed softly: "I haven't chatted with Zhi Xin for a long time."

Angel Moy said: "Zhi Xin hasn't contacted us since the last mission."

The angels had no idea that Zhi Xin had already died at this moment, and his body was still nailed to the cross.

Holy Kaisa thought about Angel Yan's male god, and began to arrange a man for Zhi Xin, and said to herself: "Actually, I think that the earth's..."

She just remembered a name, but she shook her head again, and changed her words: "Liu Chuang of Earth is indeed a good man. Although he was a little naughty when he was young, but now that the prodigal son turns back, the prospect is worth looking forward to."

"Liu Chuang? Is that that vicious man with a black axe?"

"That's right." Kaisha nodded and shook her head again, "It's a pity that he is also one of the three major god-making projects. I have already matched Yan to the power of the galaxy, so Zhixin can no longer be matched to Nuoxing anyway." God of War, Earth will not agree."

Angel Moy said: "Besides Liu Chuang, there are several super fighters at the Super Seminary."

Kaisha smiled slightly: "Let me see... Zhao Xin is good, very brave... Cheng Yaowen is also good, but unfortunately he is a bit hostile... There is also a person named Zhao, who is too ugly to be worthy of Zhixin .Then Xin Zhao...they are a good match."

Angel Moy said with a smile: "I really look forward to Zhi Xin's expression after hearing the news, she seems to have never thought about this aspect."

Keisha said "hmm": "Zhi Xin is a good child, if the war can be quelled in the future, she may be able to take over Tianji King's class."

Keisha looked up and looked around, and asked, "Where is the angel chasing after, wandering in the city of the earthlings?"

"Yes, she went to see Rui Mengmeng."

"Chui must be more than 3000 years old...I didn't expect to be so innocent."

Hearing Keisha's words, the angel Moy asked nervously, "Queen, do you want me to bring Ah back?"

"No need." Keisha shook her head, "I actually like her simplicity, with the fighting power of Angel Chase, even if that Rui Mengmeng has bad intentions, there shouldn't be any safety issues, just let her go .”

The angel Mo Yi has been pardoned... For a moment just now, she was really worried about the future of the angel chasing her.

In fact, as Keisha guessed, Angel Chasing is wandering in the cities of the people on Earth.

She knew that with her own strength, if she went to look for Rui Mengmeng on Devil One, she would only be beaten by meat buns and never return, so she set her sights on Huaxia.

Angel Chase repeatedly traveled to and from the three cities of Beizhixing, Tianhe City, and Juxia City, and spent the most time in Juxia City.

This is the place where she first met Rui Mengmeng. At that time, they didn't know each other, and they cherished each other. She believed that Rui Mengmeng's body was full of warrior blood, and she would never give in to Morgana easily.

She expected Rui Mengmeng to give her an explanation.

Then... She actually met Rui Mengmeng.

At that time, Rui Mengmeng was wandering on the Huangpu River, Angel Chase saw her from a distance, and immediately spread his wings and rushed over.

When she saw the angel lying in front of her, Rui Mengmeng was astonished, and slowly took off her sunglasses: "Ah Zhui, long time no see."

 1. A bad memory of Keisha.Back then, were Keisha and Hua Ye an unmarried couple or husband and wife?This involves a question, is Keisha a 3-year-old spinster, or a 7000-year-old pretty widow?

  2. Is Burning Heart and Xin Zhao compatible?In fact, Bu Yan thinks that Zhi Xin and Xiao Lun are a good match.

(End of this chapter)

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