Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 297 304 If you are willing to be my guardian angel, come and judge me

Chapter 297 304 If you are willing to be my guardian angel, come and judge me

Angel chased and lost, and it was still a complete defeat.

This inconspicuous little girl in the past, now has the level to easily defeat her, and she is afraid that she can rival Angel Yan.

Moreover, Angel Chase also found that Rui Mengmeng had been upgraded to a divine body. Although the Lie Yan Sword was sharp, it was difficult to cause substantial damage to her. On the contrary, the big sword in Rui Mengmeng's hand was able to kill the gods with ease. Cut through the armor of Angel Chase and penetrate her body.

Rui Mengmeng has completely crushed herself in terms of ability and equipment.

Moreover, the difference from the previous gambling fight was that this time Rui Mengmeng defeated herself without even using her superb wormhole transport ability.

All these things made Angel Chase feel particularly frustrated.

Is it because I am old and can't lift a knife anymore, or are the people on Earth too evil?
Rui Mengmeng was holding a big sword, but her eyes couldn't stop looking at Angel Chase.

Angel Zhui's originally handsome and vigorous face was quickly stained with a layer of red: "What are you looking at!"

Rui Mengmeng slowly raised the corners of her mouth and gave Angel Chase a wicked smile: "Of course it's to see beautiful women."

Angel Zhui couldn't help but recall the scene when she met Rui Mengmeng for the first time, when Rui Mengmeng snatched her into her arms and held her tightly.

Why is this little guy still so hateful...

"Don't think that if you defeat me, you can be above justice, I will not give in!"

Angel Zhui muttered a few more words as if to cheer himself up.

It's fine if she doesn't babble, but when she babbles, Rui Mengmeng has a rebellious mentality.

If you don't let me override, I will override.

Rui Mengmeng put away her weapon and chased after the angel.

Angel Zhui couldn't help taking a step back, but Rui Mengmeng was even faster, and immediately approached her with burning eyes, as if she was about to eat her.

Angel Zhui was so scared that he closed his eyes, but Rui Mengmeng raised his head slightly, and leaned over to kiss Angel Zhui's flushed cheek.

"What are you afraid of, I won't eat you again."

Rui Mengmeng pinched Angel Zhui's sharp chin, and rubbed the tip of her nose against the other's nose: "Ah Zhui, I'm going back to Devil One first, and I hope we don't have to fight again when we meet next time."


"If you are willing to be my guardian angel, come and judge me."

Before Angel Chasing could respond, Rui Mengmeng had already flown into the sky on the Devil's skateboard.

"Don't miss me too much!"

Her voice reached Angel Chase's ears far away, and her figure became smaller and smaller, and soon disappeared.

The angel chased and bit his lip, with a complicated expression... Rui Mengmeng asked her before, is a person who has never done anything bad but joined the demon army, is it evil?

This made Angel Chase not know how to answer. She had insisted on justice for 3000 years, and at this moment she finally felt a little shaken.

Is the justice and order of Queen Keisha really perfect?

But compared to this, what makes Angel Chase more concerned is that Rui Mengmeng, this hateful guy... actually... actually did such an exaggerated thing to her!Not only cut through his armor, but also secretly kissed himself!Why did she keep threatening to make herself her guardian angel?It's wishful thinking!

But when she thought that Rui Mengmeng had cut so many knives on her body, but each one was only on the armor and never hurt herself, Angel Chasing couldn't help but feel a little moved.

If she is a male god and has nothing to do with Morgana, Angel Chase might agree.

No... the next time we meet, you must give her a good beating!
The dignity lost due to her humiliation this time must be doubled back!
With such a beautiful and pure fantasy, the angel put on a new set of armor, retrieved his flaming sword, and flew towards the western Alps.

As soon as Rui Mengmeng returned to Devil One, she went to report to Morgana's bedroom. Unexpectedly, Afu, the black tiger, told her that the queen was having a meeting in the main hall.

Rui Mengmeng rushed over immediately upon hearing the news, just in time to see Artest introducing the enemy's troop configuration.

"They have a superhero organization called the League of Haters. There are many superheroes in the organization, but the fighting power is uneven. The strongest Thor and the Hulk are more than the invincible body, which is between the second generation of super fighters and the first generation. Among the three generations of super fighters, the weakest one is only a little better than ordinary human beings, such as this woman, known as the Black Widow. It should be noted that the superheroes of the League of Haters do not belong to a unified technological system, and their combat effectiveness The source is a mystery, and it can be put on the table. The only thing that can be easily analyzed is a person who uses exoskeleton armor. He is called Iron Man. His body is very fragile, but with that armor, he can have the strength of a man of steel and release more Powerful attack."

Rui Mengmeng was in the corner of the hall, nodding while listening.

League of haters?
Thor?Hulk?iron Man?black widow?

Isn't this TM the Avengers?

On the throne of the main hall, Morgana hooked her finger when she saw Rui Mengmeng coming.

Rui Mengmeng hurriedly came to the throne: "My lord, I'm back."

"Although we will attack North America after blowing up Keisha, it's always good to plan ahead. What do you think about this alliance of haters?"

Rui Mengmeng scratched her head: "Then what else can I say, just beat it with your feet!"

"Hit it with your feet?"

"It means to fight casually and push horizontally! I believe that with the strength of our demon army, there will be no technical difficulty in defeating this scattered alliance of haters in one fell swoop, so just fight casually."

Rui Mengmeng walked to Artest's side, and called up the photos and information of the Hateful Alliance.

"In the United States, the organization that organizes the League of Haters is called S.H.I.E.L.D. The superhero members include Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye. Among them, Iron Man, Black Widow, Hawkeye, as well as their commander, Nick Farry, has average physique and can be easily killed by sending a sniper. Then Captain America is only at the level of a man of steel. It is good at having a strong body, but it is unable to defend against Shenwu, so it can be dealt with by Thornton, and the last Thor, the God of Thunder, is the strongest, so I will take a team to deal with him at that time."

"All in all, the Hateful Alliance is just a loose organization. They are scattered and fight on their own, and their overall strength is not as good as that of a company of heroes. We have to solve them without breaking a sweat."

 1. Ask for a wave of recommendation tickets~~~
  2. Angel Chase is so pretty, I want to lick it
  3. The combat power setting of the League of Haters is based on the Avengers movie version, not the entire Marvel world view of the comics. Let me explain here.


(End of this chapter)

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