Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 453 Neoliberalism 459

Chapter 453 Neoliberalism 459

On November 2015, 11, on this auspicious day, the results of the New Free State presidential election were announced at noon today.

Through online voting and referendums held by churches around the world, real estate tycoon Trump became the highest governor in the United States with a high approval rate of more than 83%.

As a public figure who stood up and converted to the Statue of Liberty from the very beginning, Trump previously announced the establishment of a free country in a church in Manhattan, and recommended himself as the acting president. Now the word "agent" in his name can finally be removed .

"Let's_Make_America_Great_Again!" was the new president's victory speech.

In the past, the president of the United States was also the head of state and the leader of the army, but the newly established free country is very different from the previous American empire. Trump’s presidential status is limited to the highest consul, because the military has been handed over to NERV , the head of the U.S. military is actually Li Feifei, the chief of operations of NERV.

As for the head of state of the United States, it is no longer needed.

From the moment the Statue of Liberty descended on New York Harbor more than two months ago, the head of state of the United States had a new possibility. Heads of state are no longer needed because they have a goddess in their hearts.

When Trump was elected president, Rui Mengmeng was touring around the United States with Angel Yan, and she suddenly received a notification from the ether system, saying that "Submission 8-3" was completed.

Only after Rui Mengmeng accessed the NERV database did she realize that Trump had truly become the president of the United States.

The "Submission 8-3" given by the ether system at the beginning is a multiple-choice question with its own branch. If Rui Mengmeng can overthrow the theocracy in the ruled area (the United States) and eliminate mythological beliefs, the task reward will be 1800 ETH, but If Rui Mengmeng chooses to establish a theocracy, the task reward is only 600 ether coins.

Now Rui Mengmeng is leading North America as the Statue of Liberty, and the system tasks she has completed are naturally the "easy" version, and only 600 ethers have been credited to the account.

In the afternoon, Trump held a press conference in Times Square, New York, and also broadcast live on Twitter to announce his inauguration.

NERV Chief of Operations and envoy Li Feifei attended his inauguration ceremony and expressed the blessings of the Statue of Liberty to Trump and the American people.

But in fact, Rui Mengmeng didn't tell Li Feifei to come over at all. When Li Feifei sent a report to ask her, Rui Mengmeng only replied "whatever".

Casually means that you can do whatever you want, anyway, now that the North American Continent has been decided, Xia Cheng and Li Feifei can do whatever you want.

As a goddess, Rui Mengmeng uses countless holographic projection avatars to appear in churches all over the world, and distributes benefits to believers. It is enough to give favors, and there is no need to run over to give Trump face.

It has been half a month since Angel Yan came to the United States, and the time spent traveling around with Rui Mengmeng has been more than ten days.

During this period of time, Angel Yan not only saw the other side of Rui Mengmeng as a "god", but also saw a series of changes that the earth civilization made when accepting a "god".

Although the "Statue of Liberty" on the North American continent is a native of Earth, she is not American, so it makes sense to say that she is a foreign god.

From the perspective of the history of civilization development, most of the people have to experience bloody massacres and brutal suppression in the process of accepting "foreign gods". Superheroes, agents, and other times are more of a favor to the public.

Helping people treat diseases, optimizing gene expression, implementing the "Human Completion Project"... Although Rui Mengmeng is Morgana's heir, what she has done in North America during this time is something that even angels don't necessarily do.

If Rui Mengmeng can really take charge of the demon civilization, it will be the best result for the angel Yan and the angel civilization.

Because although she does not agree with justice and order, her heart is full of love, and she is a kind and wise goddess.

When accepting this kind and wise Statue of Liberty, the people of the United States also began to adapt to the new order formulated by Rui Mengmeng-the name of this new order is still called "Freedom", but in order to be consistent with the previous American imperialist "freedom" The difference is that people call the order of the goddess "neoliberalism".

"Neoliberalism" advocates releasing nature, respecting one's inner desires, and facing them squarely.

Rui Mengmeng set very few rules and regulations. She didn't even abolish the original laws in various parts of the American Empire, but added three basic rules on the basis of the original ones, so that the churches and governments of all states and cities in the United States can govern themselves. Adjust the judicial system in the jurisdiction.

These three most basic rules embody the core values ​​of "Statue Liberty":

First, force cannot enforce freedom.

Second, thought must not distort freedom.

Third, freedom cannot interfere with freedom.

The first rule guarantees the basic rights of the people in the face of the state apparatus, and the consuls at all levels and armed police officers who are representatives of the power of the government cannot coerce or coerce citizens.

The second rule guarantees the independence of the people vis-à-vis the Church, priests and the media.In the past, the church and the media, which had more information and intelligence, often deliberately misled ordinary people and made them make choices that were beneficial to them, such as hyping up the sanctity and privileges of clergy and so on.But the Statue of Liberty hopes that every citizen can have the leisure and stand of independent thinking, and she doesn't even mind the voices of opposition among believers, because she doesn't need a group of obedient lambs, or a huge and corrupt Holy Church, That would prevent the progress of civilization as a whole.

The third rule is a supplement to the first two rules and the existing laws of various places. If the party violates these three basic rules—meaning to hinder the freedom of others, then the party’s freedom will no longer be protected by these three basic rules.

Of course, the law of the jungle is also a manifestation of freedom, but the premise is that the "predator" has the strength and prestige he should have, because once a predator makes a hunting move, it has violated the three basic rules set by the goddess. Therefore, every predator has to face not only the united prey, but also countless hunters hiding in the dark.

The local government and church organizations in the United States represent the will of ordinary people, and they are free to sanction such "predators."

The Statue of Liberty did not expressly prohibit the law of the jungle, but the mafia, once the largest evil force in North America, gradually disappeared under the new order.

While observing, Angel Yan also spent a lot of time thinking about it every day.

What she was thinking about was not how to fight, or how to promote the justice and order of angels, but she was thinking about Rui Mengmeng's idea of ​​freedom.

 The explanation of some concepts of the protagonist will be presented more intensively in today's episode 2. It may be a bit convoluted, and it may not be able to withstand rigorous scrutiny. Here, I will explain in advance that it is only a fictional imagination. Rui Mengmeng's Neo-liberalism does not move to reality for practical considerations.

(End of this chapter)

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