Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 464 470 If you are not strong enough, then 1 must be because you don’t have enough kryptonit

Chapter 464 Chapter 470 If you are not strong enough, then it must be because you don’t have enough kryptonite
At the same time that Li Feifei broke into the giant wolf star battleship, Zhao, who set off from the steel tower of the Golden Gate Bridge, also swung his sword at another battleship.

He didn't use the wormhole to get close to the target like Li Feifei did, but directly used the demon skateboard to fly close. Naturally, he would be shot by the opponent during the flight, but all the enemy's attacks were avoided by Zhao with his nimble and quick footwork and exquisite swordsmanship up.

Clark Kent, wearing a blue tights, a red cape and a red belt, followed closely behind Zhao, his eyes full of admiration, and he kept shouting: "My God, what a cake! Teacher, you are too incredible!"

On the same day, Rui Mengmeng left Kent in Smallwell City, and Youzhao came to take him away, and took him with him for training. The battle against the Giant Wolf Star Fleet this time is a rare opportunity for actual combat, and Kent naturally has to follow Zhao's side.

Zhao held the Taidao in both hands, and said forcefully, "My sword is your sword!"

At this moment, he is already very close to the giant wolf star battleship. If he doesn't adjust his direction, he will hit the giant wolf battleship's muzzle head-on!

"The Endless Cut!"

Without dodging or evading, Zhao raised his sword and roared, and slashed directly at the giant wolf star battleship. The sharp sword energy emitted from the blade cut into the battleship like tofu.

In the first cut, he broke through the ultra-hard shell that the giant wolf star battleship is proud of.

In the second strike, he followed the strike point of the previous strike and destroyed most of the command room at the front of the battleship. More than a dozen giant wolf star soldiers scrambled into a mess and began to swarm and flee backward.

In the third cut, the sharp sword energy destroyed the energy circulation loop of the battleship, the coolant of the nuclear reactor began to leak, and the extremely high temperature coolant flowed into the interior of the battleship, immediately igniting everything that could be burned.

For the fourth cut, Zhao's blow was more powerful than any previous blow. The majestic sword energy transformed into the shape of a giant sword, cutting deeply into the entire battleship. The screams and shouts were mixed in the explosions one after another, which seemed so insignificant.

After four consecutive slashes, Zhao withdrew his sword, controlled the devil's skateboard under his feet to brake suddenly, and hovered in the air.

The battleship also exploded bright fireworks from inside, and slowly fell towards the sea surface hundreds of meters below.

At the same time, Li Feifei stabbed to death the last living giant wolf soldier inside the first battleship, and swung a sword flower to wipe off the blood stained on the sword: "Even if you have no honor at all, you still have to die. "

After two battleships were killed in a row, the remaining Giant Wolf star wingmen quickly retreated. At this time, soldiers from the NERV First Fleet asked Li Feifei whether to pursue them, but Li Feifei refused.

"Don't worry about this kind of dog in the water. Prepare for the next big battle."

When she returned to the tall steel tower of the Golden Gate Bridge, she changed the topic: "Tony Stark, is the main ship ready?"

Inside the Pioneer flagship over New York Harbor, a demon warrior who looked almost the same as Tony Stark before his death showed a fierce look: "Ready, ready to act at any time."

"Wait for my order."


Compared with the previous Iron Man, the reincarnated Tony Stark has a more sinister temperament. Although he has inherited the database and appearance of Iron Man, his body is based on a demon warrior, which makes him have a demon warrior at the same time. bloodlust and human cunning.

Although his name is also Tony Stark, he is undoubtedly another person, an out-and-out demon warrior.

Xia Cheng was still standing behind Rui Mengmeng at this moment, and said calmly: "How long will it take for the next wave of attack to come? Is it the Giant Wolf Star Fleet, or a mixed fleet of Taotie and Giant Wolf? "

Rui Mengmeng remained silent.

Compared to Xia Cheng's simple speculation based on the strength of both parties, Rui Mengmeng obviously thought more than she did.

It is impossible for the gluttonous army to come and attack her territory for no reason.

The North American continent is nominally under the rule of Rui Mengmeng, the goddess of liberty, but it goes without saying who is behind Rui Mengmeng, not to mention that the new order that Rui Mengmeng has initially established in North America during this period of time is precisely for Morgana. The succession of degenerate liberalism.

Do you have the guts to start a war with demon civilization?

Rui Mengmeng thinks he has.

But there is Karl on the head of the eater, and Karl will never turn against Morgana easily.

So... why exactly?
Assuming that the Devourer attacked the territory of the demon civilization without Karl's consent, then the giant wolf star fleet attacking from San Francisco must be a decoy.

Where would his real goal be?
Rui Mengmeng thought of Leina and Angel Yan on the 37th floor of the headquarters. If she guessed correctly, the target of the devourer should be Leina.

Therefore, the gluttonous army is bound to descend on Manhattan again.

Tsk... New York City is really full of disasters. Working on Manhattan Island feels more dangerous than passing through the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.

So, now let's look at another possibility—assuming that the phagocytosis was instructed by Karl.

That's even worse.

Because the gluttonous army will have void-level weapons obtained from Karl, maybe it is a forbidden device, used to interfere with the use of dark energy by super soldiers, maybe it is a void fighter, maybe it is...

Rui Mengmeng took a deep breath, and called out Xingchen, the system mother of the ether system, in her consciousness.

The star dust tool is now in the center of Ruimengmeng's field of vision, grinning and grimacing: "Do you want to strengthen or upgrade? Skills or props? Welcome to krypton gold, krypton gold makes you strong! If you are not strong enough, then It must be because there is not enough kryptonite."

Seeing Xingchen's lively appearance, Rui Mengmeng smiled unconsciously.

She had already checked her ether balance before, deducting the purchase of high-level blue-returning potions for Angel Yan some time ago, the two tasks Rui Mengmeng completed brought her considerable income, and now there are a total of 4418 ethers currency.

Although the amount is not as good as the harvest from the Holy Grail War, it can be regarded as a rare time when they are relatively rich.

"Xingdust, I need a boost that can resist void-level attacks, what do you recommend?"

Rui Mengmeng originally planned to let Angel Yan use the void engine in his body to set up a protection program for himself after helping Angel Yan recover his divine body, but time is running out. Angel Yan and Lena are still healing. After the healing is over, Angel Yan inherits Kaisha's database. Including the follow-up preparation of protection procedures will also take time.

But the gluttonous army is about to attack, and the battle is imminent. Rui Mengmeng can no longer rely on Angel Yan to help her resist the void-level attack.

Fortunately, there are many krypton gold props to choose from in the Ether Mall, otherwise Rui Mengmeng really doesn't know what to do.

Facing Rui Mengmeng's question, Xingchen nodded bluntly, and several gorgeous and shining props appeared in Rui Mengmeng's field of vision.

When Rui Mengmeng saw it, her face turned dark.

 1. Promise, from the mobile game of Super Seminary, Master Zhao's big (R)

  2. The current Tony Stark is a demon that combines the original Iron Man gene and the demon gene. As mentioned earlier, the human gene is not enough to withstand the demon's genetic re-enactment, so a hybrid is carried out
  3. The troubled New York City, and the equally troubled Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. . .It happens a lot in movies, you know (laughs)

(End of this chapter)

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