Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 767 Chapter 767 Answer me, are you my Master!

Chapter 767 Chapter 767 Answer me, are you my Master!
Gilgamesh is actually not very cold about ensuring the survival of human beings.

But she once saw herself fighting side by side with Rui Mengmeng, which is worth noting.

Although the King of Heroes has always been arrogant, he remained patient with the King of Magic and listened quietly to Solomon's narration.

"To be precise, I am in the same world as Rui Mengmeng. But the world we live in is full of fear. The strong make rules, dominate the weak, and even transform their own bodies to obtain eternal life. There, the mysterious disappearance, Endless interstellar wars can destroy all civilizations."

"Rui Mengmeng has been fighting unyieldingly, in order to break through those ultimate restrictions and lead mankind to tomorrow."

Hearing Solomon's narration, Gilgamesh couldn't help laughing and said, "According to what you said, that guy is actually a hero who protects humanity?"

Solomon nodded slightly: "Yes, she is indeed a hero who protects humanity. Although I have been separated from her by 2000 years, I respect her very much. I failed 2000 years ago, but I don't want to see her after 2000 years. She also failed. King of Heroes, you are the only person in this world who can help her, I hope you, travel through time and space, and meet her again!"

Gilgamesh snorted coldly: "It's really long-winded. Although the bond of master and slave has not been formally established, that guy is also my subject. You can just say that Rui Mengmeng is in trouble and needs my king's protection!"

According to Solomon, Rui Mengmeng must be doing something very important, so important that Solomon's remnant soul traveled through countless parallel worlds to come here to seek the help of Gilgamesh.

When Gilgamesh understood this, he had made up his mind to accept Solomon's arrangement, but the King of Heroes was so arrogant that he refused to admit it verbally.

Solomon saw Gilgamesh's little thought clearly, but he didn't pierce it, and drew a gate of ether in front of him casually: "King of Heroes, please."

At this time, his body began to slowly transform into spirit particles, and the lower half of his body had already turned into spirit particles and floated away, and his whole figure gradually became blurred.

Gilgamesh delayed no longer, and with head held high, he stepped through the gate of the ether.

Passing through the eddies of time and space, Gilgamesh suddenly found that he was already in the underworld.

It is the underworld ruled by Ereshkigal, the goddess of the underworld.

Gilgamesh had been to the underworld before, but this time, there seemed to be something else.

She tried to recall, and the "experiences" of the past six months flooded her mind like a flood.

Half a year ago, the goddesses Tiamat, Ishtar, and Quetzalcoatl formed the "Three Goddess Alliance" to attack Uruk under the rule of Gilgamesh.

The Three Goddess Alliance attacked Uruk because Babylonia at this time became the seventh singularity in human history.

According to the setting in Fate.Grand.Order, if the singularity cannot be repaired, humanity will perish, and human beings and human history will perish.

No matter which world Gilgamesh is in, she will not let her country and subjects be destroyed, so she sealed her strongest weapon and deliberately limited her power to maintain the entire operation of Uruk.

A few days ago, the magician girl Fujimaru Tateka and her follower Mash Kyrielight who came from Chaldea were brought to the palace by the magician Merlin, claiming to help restore the singularity.

Although Gilgamesh didn't believe in Chaldea's combat power, he still gave Fujimaru Tatsuka some odd and small tasks to do.

At this time, the true face of the goddess "Tiamat" is gradually revealed. It turns out that she is not Tiamat, but the goddess of revenge "Gorgon"!
The Gorgon launched an attack on Fujimaru Tachika and others in Nippur near the north wall of Uruk, killed the follower Leonidas, captured the follower Ushiwakamaru, and threatened to destroy Uruk in ten days.

In response to Gorgon's attack, Gilgamesh asked Fujimaru Tateka to help disintegrate the "Three Goddess Alliance", and has already won over the Venus goddess Ishtar and the Feathered Serpent God Quetzalcoatl.

However, there are usually four of the "Three Goddesses", and Ishtar is not one of the three pillars of the goddesses. The real third pillar is Ereshkigal, the goddess of the underworld.

Ereshkigal took this opportunity to pull Gilgamesh's soul into the underworld, creating the so-called "death from overwork" illusion.

At this moment, in the underworld, Gilgamesh already understood what he should do.

"Huhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... Thank you for coming to welcome me!"

"Don't be afraid of the severe cold of the underworld, you newcomers!"

Gilgamesh boarded a towering boulder and greeted Fujimaru Tachika and Mash.

Now that she has returned, it is absolutely impossible for Fujimaru Tachika to continue playing house games with Ereshkigal, reveal the truth immediately, and end this trip to the underworld.

After returning to Uruk, with less than two days left before the Gorgon's attack, Gilgamesh was preparing to hold a meeting on the attack, when he suddenly felt something.

——I have merged with Gilgamesh from the seventh singularity, so what about Rui Mengmeng?
So far, she has not been able to detect Rui Mengmeng's aura in Uruk. Does that mean that Rui Mengmeng has not come to this world yet?

In what way will she come?
"The group of servants summoned last time have already died a few times."

Gilgamesh sat on the throne and muttered to himself.

The chief priest Siduri stood aside and responded: "Yes, so far, Archer Bayuzen, Lancer Leonidas have been confirmed dead, Rider Ushiwakamaru was captured, Ruler Amakusa Shiro Tokisada and Assassin Fuma Kotaro disappeared, Berserker Ibaraki Doji fled and disappeared without a trace. Now only Caster Merlin and Lancer Musashibo Benkei are still serving the king.”

"It's time to summon new servants, Siduri, help me prepare the summoning array!"

Gilgamesh rose from the throne.


Siduri melted the gem and poured it into the hollowed-out stone slab, while Gilgamesh stood in front of the magic circle and began to chant:
"—I swear here. I am the one who accomplishes the eternal good, and I am the one who spreads the eternal evil."

"...The three spirits of speech that surround you, descend from the wheel of restraint, guardian of the scales!"

At this moment, strong winds and lightning blew up, and the lines on the summoning array shone brightly, with three dazzling white lights lit up.

A tall and straight figure emerged from the depths of the dazzling sea of ​​light, and the follower looked at Gilgamesh with those burning and sharp eyes.

"Servant Assassin, you are here upon summoning. Answer me, are you my Master!""

When everyone heard this beautiful and graceful voice, they suddenly discovered that this servant was a woman!
However, even though she is a woman, she doesn't look weak at all - not only the gray and dull heavy armor, but also the big sword that is as black as ink and shaped like a door panel, and the broad and heavy helmet The victim's head is completely covered, only revealing a pair of bright eyes.

At this time, Gilgamesh frowned: "What, you call yourself Assassin?"

(End of this chapter)

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