Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

第781章 781剧透1时爽,1直剧透1直爽

Chapter 781 781 Spoilers are cool for a while, spoilers are always cool
Rui Mengmeng's power is not very prominent among the main god-level masters in the super god world, but converted to the moon world, appearing as a servant, and also has A-level muscle strength, this power is currently strangling Jin Gu His neck was almost broken.

"You... how did you..."

Jin-goo is in great pain, struggling to make a sound.

He really couldn't understand why Rui Mengmeng broke through the restriction of the sky lock?

However, Rui Mengmeng didn't break through the restriction of the sky lock, she just cut the space, so that her hand just appeared on Jin Gu's neck.

In other words, Rui Mengmeng is still bound by Jin Gu with chains, but due to Rui Mengmeng's own superiority in space technology, this "shackle" does not constitute an actual obstacle.

Just by calculating the two ether gates, Rui Mengmeng can easily strangle Jin Gu by the throat.

"It doesn't feel good to be pinched by someone's neck, but what's more sad is yet to come!"

Rui Mengmeng's pupils, one gold and one blue, suddenly shone brightly. Jin Gu felt that those two gazes seemed to have a confusing magic power, and his consciousness was pulled into an imaginary space in a blink of an eye.

"Crack the target's thinking, 5%... 27%... 98%... the invasion is complete!"

"Write target data, start fear implantation!"

" writing complete!"

In Jin Goo's consciousness, he saw a completely different "other self".

That one did not encounter such a strong enemy as Rui Mengmeng, but commanded Lafum and successfully invaded Uruk.

However, after witnessing the scene of Lavum abusing ordinary humans, that "self" expressed dissatisfaction, and in the end, Lafm turned back and took out the magic furnace heart—that is, the heart, which is a Holy Grail.

Laphm brought Jingu's heart to Tiamat, and the seriously injured Jingu was covered by a strange-moving Lafm and fled to the hill of heaven.

There, Jin Gu met Gilgamesh again, and was implanted into the great cup of Uruk by the King of Heroes, and was able to regain his life.

At the end of the story, facing the god Tiamat who was approaching the city, Jin Gu once again incarnated as the lock of heaven, the god of origin of the lock system, and finally broke after a long delay.

In this moment, Jin Gu saw the second half of his "other self".

Although it was just an illusion created by Rui Mengmeng, it made him feel extremely real, as if it was his real experience.

Could it be that this is a real thing that happened in another world?

I am not a descendant of Tiamat, but a puppet resurrected from the corpse of Enkidu?
The "mother" whom he loves and is loyal to, wants to destroy him in the end?
The pulsation deep in the soul made Jin Gu's brain shut down.

He was unconscious.

Without the supply of Jin Gu's magic power, the chains that entangled and bound Rui Mengmeng turned into golden spirits and disappeared slowly.

After Jin Gu fainted, the few hundred monsters remaining on the vast plain in the south of the city also lost their leaders. They seemed to be afraid of Rui Mengmeng's AOE fire, and they all chose to retreat and fled back to the Persian Gulf.

Rui Mengmeng let out a sigh of relief, it is really troublesome to deal with this Jin Gu.

Can't hit or scold, Rui Mengmeng can't sit still and wait for death, so he has to use the method he used to deal with the Hulk to "implant fear" on Jin Gu and destroy his psychological defense line.

She forcibly implanted the original FGO story, especially the part of Jin Gu's story, into the opponent's brain, and in a short period of time, allowed Jin Gu to spend the rest of his life.

Let Jin Gu see what the original world line should look like, and let him see his tragic history as a fake.

Commonly known as spoilers.

Spoilers are cool for a while, and spoilers are always cool.

Jin Goo really lost himself and lost the ability to act.

The effect was so good that even Rui Mengmeng was pleasantly surprised.

Half a minute later, Rui Mengmeng carried Jin Gu to the top of the divine pagoda in the city like a little chicken.

"My lord, I have captured your good friend."

Jin Gu was thrown at Gilgamesh's feet by Rui Mengmeng.

Gilgamesh's beautiful eyes flickered slightly, and he nodded slightly to Rui Mengmeng: "You did a good job, this king will forgive you for beating Enkidu."

Jin Gu is a puppet made of Enkidu's corpse, so in Gilgamesh's view, Rui Mengmeng's beating of Jin Gu is equivalent to beating Enkidu.

Rui Mengmeng crossed her arms and said, "There is a Holy Grail in this guy's heart. It may be the key item for the god Tiamat to fully awaken. Your Majesty, you have to keep an eye on him. You can neither let him run away nor let him go away." We can't let him be injured by Laverm."

Gilgamesh nodded, and took out a lock in the shape of a necklace from the King's Treasure, and put it around Jin Gu's neck.

"This is a chain used to bind sinners. Although it is not as effective as Enkidu itself, it should be enough to trap Jin Gu."

After Gilgamesh explained to Rui Mengmeng, he waved to Siduri, the chief priest under the tower: "Bring Enkidu to the palace to rest."

Siduri hurriedly walked up to the tower with small steps, then quickly carried Jingu on his shoulders, and hurried down again.

It's amazing how effortlessly the adult weight of Jin Goo is carried on her thin shoulders.

Before Siduri went far, Gilgamesh stood on the tower and began to issue orders again: "Over there, over there, and two over there, you come to cover the retreat of the people!"

"All women, children, and old people, pack your rations and go to Nippur! Be sure to evacuate beyond the north wall before the monsters attack again!"

Niang Shining stood on the top of the tower, overlooking the raging crowd of people in Uruk.

Rui Mengmeng laughed at the side: "Don't be so anxious, there is still plenty of time. Now that Jin Gu is in our hands, God Tiamat cannot fully wake up without the Holy Grail. We can plan for the long term."

According to the storyline of FGOChapter 7, after Tiamat wakes up, he can only stay in the sea and cannot go ashore. He only started to land after he got the Holy Grail in Jin Gu's body.

Rui Mengmeng simply captured Jin Gu alive just now, thinking that he would have nothing to worry about, and his mentality was much more relaxed.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished speaking, she heard Niang scolded: "Ulusai! Who told you that Tiamat must have the Holy Grail in Enkidu's body? The moment she woke up, she was in a complete state. The spreading black mud has swallowed dozens of kilometers of land in half a day, and according to the current progress, I am afraid that the observatory by the sea has been submerged."

"The wave of monsters that were wiped out just now was just a skirmish, there must be more behind!"

Nani? !
Tiamat is in a complete state from the moment of awakening, and does not need the Holy Grail to activate?
Rui Mengmeng was a little angry.

This is different from what was agreed, why did Tiamat hang up?
PS-1 Jin Gu uses Enkidu’s body, and his skills are similar, he can change his face and restore blood, and it’s very troublesome to beat him by force, so here Rui Mengmeng adopts the mental victory method (hacking for short, hacking into the opponent’s brain, giving He spoiled it, let him see his tragic life)
PS-2 FGOChapter 7 original plot: Kingu's heart was taken out by Lafum (Holy Grail), and then the Holy Grail was thrown into the sea, and Tiamat was fully awake.Here is a magic change, no need to worry about it, Tiamat is directly in full state.

(End of this chapter)

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