Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 839 Chapter 839 Su Xiaoli's Dream

Chapter 839 Chapter 839 Su Xiaoli's Dream

Rui Mengmeng still remembers that after the Pluto battle last fall, she accompanied Qilin and Li Feifei on holidays in various parts of China.

Once, Rui Mengmeng and Qi Lin came to the outskirts of Dongguan City next to Tianhe City together, planning to go to the famous "Huaguo Mountain".

During the period, Su Xiaoli, a super soldier stationed in the Tianhe Military Region, even took a day off to be a tour guide for Rui Mengmeng.

Su Xiaoli thanked Rui Mengmeng in person, thanking her for helping Monkey King in the Battle of Badaling, and then took Ruimengmeng and Qilin to have a good time around Huaguo Mountain.

Disappointingly, the Huaguo Mountain on the outskirts of Dongguan City does not have the legendary "Shuilian Cave", nor is it as beautiful as described in "Journey to the West", it is almost a barren mountain.

There is indeed a cave in Huaguo Mountain, but it was dug out by Monkey King himself, and it was used as a place to rest and shelter from the wind and rain.

This artificially excavated cave has no pools or waterfalls in front of it, and no inscriptions at the entrance of the cave. It has nothing to do with the "Shuilian Cave" in the story.

"Little raccoon, your Water Curtain Cave doesn't seem to be worthy of its name?"

Rui Mengmeng even made a joke like this at the time, but Su Xiaoli said, "All fairy tales are deceitful." Can you believe the things in storybooks?
Rui Mengmeng nodded at the time, feeling that she really couldn't believe it.

However, the "Mountain of Flowers and Fruits", which cannot be found in China, and the Aolai Kingdom, which is only found in the stories of "Journey to the West", unexpectedly appeared in the extreme east of Lieyangxing.

This made Rui Mengmeng couldn't help but come up with a bold idea——

At the beginning when Monkey King made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace and marked it as "Heavenly Court", could it be the "Clouds of Heaven" marked with Lieyang Star?
Why Sun Wukong can only be on the earth, or only on the blazing sun, why can't he hold two watermelon knives and chop from the earth to the blazing sun star without blinking his eyelids?

There is also Wu Chengen, the author of "Journey to the West". Both Ducao and Lena mentioned that Wu Chengen is the god of the Shenhe civilization. Is it possible for Wu Chengen to live in Lieyang?

Among the many cultivation stories in the territory of Lieyang Star, there are many legends about "Bodhi Patriarch", so is it possible that Wu Chengen is the Bodhi Patriarch?

Rui Mengmeng spoke out some of her conjectures in the head of state suite of the hotel, communicated with Yunlun and Ye Linger to confirm, and soon aroused Yunlun's interest in Huaguoshan and Monkey King.

The three decided that after a day's rest, they would go to Huaguo Mountain to look for the trace of the nine-tailed demon fox.

At the same time, Su Xiaoli, who was in the underground dungeon of Yunxiao City, woke up slowly.

"Little raccoon, how do you feel?"

Sun Wukong showed joy on his blood-stained Mao face.

Su Xiaoli rubbed his heavy eyelids vigorously, supported the cold stone brick and said, "Great Sage, I just had a dream."

"Dream? You were unconscious just now, didn't you know it?"

Su Xiaoli didn't seem to hear Sun Wukong's reminder, but said to himself: "I dreamed that someone came to help us, maybe someone will come here soon and rescue us!"

Sun Wukong looked down at the sharp blade protruding from the collarbone, and couldn't help feeling sad.

So many days have passed since they were imprisoned here, is there any hope of escaping?

But seeing Su Xiaoli's excited face, Sun Wukong couldn't bear to interrupt her beautiful fantasy, so he could only ask softly: "Who is the person who came to help us in your dream? Do I know him?"

Su Xiaoli had a troubled expression on her face, she thought hard, and said slowly: "I don't know...but that person has a darker complexion and a pair of wings on his back, he looks like a member of the demon army! Maybe he is Rui Mengmeng's subordinate, Rui Mengmeng promised us at that time, she will definitely not stand on the sidelines!"

Rui Mengmeng?
Sun Wukong's heart moved slightly, and he looked up at Yuanli outside the prison fence, trying to find something from Yuanli's reaction.

"Has Rui Mengmeng been to Lieyang?"

Yuan Li remained motionless, without any reaction.

Sun Wukong asked again: "Does your main god Leina know that you treat my old grandson like this?"

Yuan Li remained motionless, without any reaction.

Sun Wukong finally said: "Ruimengmeng and I have made an agreement. If I don't return to the demon army for a month, she will lead the army and attack Lieyang! My old grandson wants to see if old Pan Zhen is real!" Dare to fight the demon army!"

Yuan Li still didn't move, but his eyelids seemed to blink a bit, and he didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional.

Seeing that Yuanli was always reticent, Sun Wukong couldn't help feeling a little discouraged. Su Xiaoli beside him seemed to be very sleepy. After waking up for a while, he lay down on the ground and fell asleep again.

In the haze, Su Xiaoli felt that his soul was slowly floating up, over the mountains, over the desert, over the vast continent of Lieyangxing, and finally came to a place with beautiful mountains and rivers and lush water and grass.

With four paws, she passed through the weeds that were taller than her body, jumped over the pile of rocks, and then lightly jumped onto a towering ancient tree, and got into the nest in the tree hole.

When Su Xiaoli saw his fluffy tail, he suddenly realized that he had turned into a fox.

"Dream here again..."

Su Xiaoli lightly shook the nine tails behind him, quickly climbed up the thick branches of the old tree, looked down from a high place, and saw a group of monkeys chattering and arguing non-stop under the waterfall in the distance.

One by one, they jumped from this side of the pool towards the waterfall, but most of them only jumped two or three feet before falling down and into the pool.

It seems that this group of monkeys wants to jump into the waterfall?

Not long after, a monkey stood out from the group of monkeys, took a few steps on the cliff, and jumped towards the waterfall!

It jumped four feet and crashed into the waterfall!

There is a cliff behind the waterfall, won't it fall to death?

Su Xiaoli couldn't help being anxious, but what surprised her was that after the monkey jumped into the waterfall, it was not knocked down by the rushing water, but spent a long time in it, and then jumped out of the waterfall again. The crowd of monkeys shouted excitedly.

Su Xiaoli couldn't understand the monkey's words, and she didn't want to understand. She just changed her posture and lay on the wide branch to make herself more comfortable when looking at the scenery.

With the breeze blowing, the sun was warm but not too hot, Su Xiaoli felt very comfortable.

She fell asleep in a daze, and accidentally slipped down while lying on the branch.

Su Xiaoli spread her four paws in horror and kicked hard, trying to find a place to stay until a pair of big furry hands gently caught her.

To Su Xiaoli's surprise, it was a monkey who caught her!
This monkey has turned into a human form, but still retains the characteristics of a hairy face and thunderous mouth. After putting Su Xiaoli on the ground gently, he stretched out his hand to smooth the hair on Su Xiaoli's back, and said with a smile: "It's still a monkey. Nine-tailed fox, little guy, hurry up and don't sleep on the branches next time."

Su Xiaoli suddenly felt that this scene was so familiar, as if he had experienced it somewhere.

This monkey...why does it look so similar to Sun Dasheng?

PS-1 Su Xiaoli's "dream" is a reproduction of past history, that is to say, the things in these dreams have all happened in the past
PS-2 Su Xiaoli is not Nine-Tailed Fox himself, but he is indeed related to Nine-Tailed Fox
PS-3 The matter between Monkey King and Ahri, the original Super Seminary is also unclear, this book has a magical change

(End of this chapter)

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