Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 861 861 Splash Monkey!Next year today is your death day!

Chapter 861 861 Splash Monkey!Next year today is your death day!

In the room where the flame totem was burning, Pan Zhen stood side by side with the great elder of the presbytery under the fire phoenix.

"Sun Wukong takes it as his mission to destroy the Heavenly Court of Clouds, and we only have one solution left now."

Pan Zhen gave a brief explanation to Di Hongkun.

The Great Elder also echoed beside him: "Wu Cheng'en is wandering outside now. If he wants to seal Monkey King with his existing power alone, he can only launch a super-large-equivalent flare bombing, but this is not in the universe, but on Lieyang Star. We can't take that risk."

Di Hongkun was silent for a while, then replied: "So, we only have one solution left now."

The elder replied: "Yes, we need to liberate Lena's power."

"go a head."

Then, Reina was called into the Tiandao Tower.

The Great Elder told Leina's life experience, and told her, as the goddess of dawn, the mission she should shoulder.

Lena didn't show too much surprise about this, but nodded deeply: "No wonder I always feel that there is a powerful force in my body... No wonder I have been doing everything smoothly since I was a child, and it only took 200 years. , from a small soldier to an admiral of the fleet."

"It turns out that all of this is because you are secretly paving the way for me."

Pan Zhen replied respectfully: "Please forgive me for my past offenses. From now on, you are the main god of all vassal civilizations ruled by Lieyangxing and Yunxiaotianting!"

Reina closed her eyes and took a deep breath: "Let's get started, I will not shirk my responsibility, I will protect my people!"

The upgrade of the Goddess of Dawn is carried out in the Tiandao Pagoda, and it is expected to take three days.

During this period, Pan Zhen and the Great Elder will stay in the Tiandao Pagoda to help Leina truly awaken the power in her body.

As for the Lieyang Fleet, it is temporarily commanded by the Canglong Guardian Dongfang Shuo, who has the highest status among the Four Guardians.

When Dongfang Shuo took over the Lieyang Fleet, it was equivalent to obtaining Pan Zhen's military power in Lieyang, which also included the authority to recruit Lieyang Star and the "gods" of various civilizations under its rule.

"An announcement to all civilizations ruled by the Sun, tell their gods that war is coming."

Dongfang Shuo sat in Pan Zhen's unicorn ship with a flamboyant expression.

"All the gods included in the 'Fengshen List' must arrive at Yunxiao City within two days to defend the Heavenly Court, otherwise, their civilization will face the wrath of the Sun God!"

The first ones to rush to Yunxiao City were the 28 places under the jurisdiction of the four guardians.

"There are currently 28 people in the 23 Constellations, and they have arrived, please follow orders!"

Then, there is Nine Obsidian Lord.

"I didn't expect that there would be another battle of the Conferred Gods in my lifetime. Who is the enemy this time?"

Then, there are the eight scattered immortals.

Big Dipper.

Five Qi True Monarch.

Four Heavenly Masters.

Above the four heavenly masters are the four guardians, that is, the four heavenly kings.

Above the four guardians is Pan Zhen, the guardian of the fierce sun and the regent.

Those recorded in Lieyang's "Fengshen Bang" are these 66 "gods", which constitute the "heavenly court" that governs Lieyang star and the civilization under its rule.

As for the House of Elders headed by the Great Elder, they are higher than the Regent King Pan Zhen. Although the elders are all outstanding in strength, they have not been included in the list of gods.

Sun Wukong wanted to destroy the Heavenly Court of Clouds, so he fought with these 66 gods at the same time. In the past 2 years, no one dared to do this, and the gods didn't even know who Sun Wukong was.

But after Dongfang Shuo brought up the video of the battle between Monkey King and Pan Zhen and let the gods watch it live, they no longer had any doubts.

Because these "gods" included in the list of gods are not real gods, but false gods-most of them are second-generation super fighters or practitioners of similar strength, who truly possess the third-generation god body and reach the level of "gods". In the domain, there is only Pan Zhen alone.

"Sun Wukong's ability to draw with the Great General proves that his combat power has surpassed everyone here, including our four guardians. Big guy, this is a tough battle, so don't be careless!"

Dongfang Shuo sounded the alarm for the gods in the sky.

The day after the gathering of the gods, Monkey King and Su Daji led the monster army to the outer city of Yunxiao City.

"Children, it's today!"

Monkey King shook the golden cudgel, and the monsters rushed over like a tide.

Within three days, the monsters encountered a small group of Lieyang troops on the way to march, but most of them were ineffective and were crushed by the monster army.

Now, the monsters are as powerful as a rainbow, but Daji is worried for some reason.

The monster clan army has come under the nose of Yunxiao City, where is Pan Zhen?
Where are the gods listed on the "Fengshen List"?

The Lieyang army didn't resist outside the city for too long, the monsters quickly broke through the three lines of defense, and rushed into the empty outer city of Yunxiao City.

After the residents were evacuated, the outer city of Yunxiao City had been evacuated.

The monsters quickly seized the streets and alleys of the outer city, and acted in groups according to Daji's prior order to seize the front.

At this moment, a huge Qilin ship descended from an altitude of [-] meters above the battlefield, and thousands of combat ships also emerged from all directions, forming an array around the Qilin ship.

Dongfang Shuo stood in the command room of the flagship and yelled, "Shoot! Shoot the fuck! Shoot all these monsters and grandchildren against the wall!"

The Qilin ship's secondary guns started to operate, and thousands of warships launched an air-to-ground bombardment on the monsters almost at the same time.

The bombardment fell to the ground, immediately burning many monsters to death, and some monsters located in the center of the bombardment were even vaporized on the spot, leaving no bones left.

Sun Wukong and Su Daji stood side by side in the ranks of millions of monsters, looking at the corpses killed by the Lieyang battleship beside them, the anger in their chests burned more and more intensely.

"Wukong, don't be impulsive. Now that the battle has not been completed, it is not appropriate to fight head-on with them."

Su Daji tried to hold Monkey King's hand.

"No, I have to buy time for everyone, Daji, you stay in the army, let everyone take the position as soon as possible, I will come as soon as I go."

Monkey King's figure soared into the sky and rushed towards the Qilin ship.

He didn't understand why Pan Zhen didn't show up yet?

But it doesn't matter, no matter whether it is Pan Zhen or some ghosts and snakes, they will all be smashed with this iron rod.

In the flagship of the Kirin Ship, Dongfang Shuo watched the approaching Monkey King, stood up suddenly from his seat, threw the wine bowl in his hand on the floor, and smashed it to pieces: "It's now!"

Rune arrays used for teleportation lit up in the flagship and in the inner city of Yunxiao City. One by one "Gods" stepped forward and were instantly teleported to the bottom of the Kirin Ship.

In a blink of an eye, Monkey King was surrounded by gods.

Although they are all just second-generation super fighters, so many people appearing at the same time successfully attracted Monkey King's attention.


Sun Wukong started to get a little impatient, he still didn't feel Pan Zhen's aura, what kind of conspiracy is that guy planning?
"Splash Monkey! Next year today will be the day of your death!"

The gods each held magic weapons, and almost at the same time, they launched a full-scale attack on Monkey King.

(End of this chapter)

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