Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 870 870 Pan Zhen, you are defeated

Chapter 870 870 Pan Zhen, you are defeated
Seeing Yuanli who looked at death like home, Rui Mengmeng stopped hesitating and slapped him away.

Xuan Kun picked up the weapon again and attacked from the side, but was also kicked by Rui Mengmeng until he vomited blood, flew more than ten feet away, and passed out.

Standing in front of the Lingxiao Temple, Rui Mengmeng couldn't help thinking, what kind of thoughts did Sun Wukong have when he entered the heaven alone 2000 years ago?

Leina is not in Lingxiao Palace, but in Tiandao Pagoda.

Like it was 2000 years ago.

Rui Mengmeng was about to pass in front of Lingxiao Hall, but a rune formation suddenly lit up not far in front, and Pan Zhen, the guardian of the fierce sun, teleported in front of her.

Rui Mengmeng was wearing a helmet, so people couldn't see her expression, but her voice was very cold: "What did you do to Leina?"

Pan Zhen flipped his palm and took the Tiantian seal in his hand, and replied: "Leina is safe, and there is no need for angels to worry about it. As the guardian of the scorching sun, I am here to advise you to leave Cloud City as soon as possible!"

Rui Mengmeng sneered: "What if I want to see Leina?"

"Then Pan Zhen, I have no choice but to resort to force and expel you from the country!"

Pan Zhen's voice was solemn, and an awe-inspiring and inviolable aura emerged from his body.

Yuanli also moved quickly at this time, forming horns with Pan Zhen, surrounding Ruimengmeng.

Rui Mengmeng jumped off the back of Huo Qilin, leaning on the big sword with both hands, it was suddenly split into two, and there was another Rui Mengmeng beside him.

The two "Angels of Death" stood back to back, facing Pan Zhen and Yuan Li.

"Let's make it quick, Pan Zhen!"

Rui Mengmeng flapped her wings and took off, slashing heavily at Pan Zhen with the giant sword in her hand.

The other Rui Mengmeng also flew towards Yuanli with Huo Qilin.

Two dead angels, which one is true and which one is false?

Pan Zhen and Yuanli's eyes glowed golden in unison, mobilizing the super genetic engine to analyze Rui Mengmeng. Not only that, Yuanli even activated the sub-biological engine to increase his calculation speed.

They immediately encountered a problem - the enemy's data was too large, and the analysis was terminated!

"It is speculated that the other party has a fourth-generation divine body, which cannot be analyzed, and is the real body!"

Pan Zhen and Yuan Li came to this conclusion at the same time. They both ran the super gene engine at full speed as if they were facing an enemy, and chose to defend.

Fan Tianyin flew up, blocking the path of the giant sword, and collided with the giant sword, making a crisp sound.

Yuanli's pair of iron maces crossed each other across his chest, but they were cut off directly by the huge sword.

Yuanli retreated quickly, still unable to defend himself, the armor on his chest was cut by the black giant sword, and a drop of blood came out.

At this moment, Huo Qilin flew to Yuanli's side, raised its two front paws and slapped it down forcefully, smashing Yuanli into the ground.

The square in front of Lingxiao Hall was paved with thick and hard blue bricks, but it was not able to match the majestic power of Huo Qilin. With a slap, it made a big pit on the hard ground, with Yuanli as the center of the stone bricks. , layer upon layer of cracks, spread out like a spider web.

Rui Mengmeng took advantage of the situation and moved forward, holding the pitch-black giant sword instead, hanging the blade above Yuanli's heart.

Just a face to face, she defeated Yuanli.

On the other side, Rui Mengmeng and Pan Zhen fought back and forth, and there was no one-sided situation.

I don't know what kind of material that sky seal is made of, it looks like jade, and it looks like metal, but it didn't collapse in the duel with Killing God Wu, which made Rui Mengmeng secretly surprised.

Eager to win, she swung the giant sword more and more violently, but found that Pan Zhen only used one hand to control Fan Tianyin, while the other hand was gesticulating in the air, as if he was drawing a rune.

Rui Mengmeng couldn't help being very annoyed... I don't want to kill you for Leina's sake, how dare you play it perfunctory?
"Pan Zhen, be serious!"

The giant sword slammed down again, and Fan Tianyin still blocked the trajectory that the giant sword must pass through, but just before the giant sword and Fan Tianyin collided, a gate of ether distorted the space and reconnected, and the giant sword passed Fan Tianyin. The flight path of Tianyin appeared directly from behind, cutting towards Pan Zhen's head!
Pan Zhen burst out with the will to survive in an instant, and instinctively turned his body sideways, turning his head to avoid the fatal blow.

The giant sword slashed down without any suspense, along Pan Zhen's shoulder, and cut off his entire right arm at the root!

At the same time, Pan Zhen's left hand squeezed a formula, and made a slapping motion in the air.

Fan Tianyin adjusted his trajectory, turned into the size of a hill, and fell from above Rui Mengmeng's head.

Rui Mengmeng's immediate reaction was to shift position, but at this moment, a strange-shaped rune array lit up under her feet, hindering her movement.

It turned out that Pan Zhen had been absent-minded just now because he was drawing a magic circle at the same time, was he going to trap himself?
Rui Mengmeng took a look at Pan Zhen and found that he had a ferocious expression, apparently enduring the pain of a broken arm, but behind Pan Zhen's ferocious expression, there was also a trace of luck and rejoicing.

...Did he really think that this rune array could trap him?

Did he think that Fan Tianyin could hurt himself?

After Rui Mengmeng said these two words, she opened her arms and grabbed the side.

Her left hand passed through the Aether Gate, and suddenly appeared at the back of Pan Zhen's neck, then grabbed Pan Zhen's collar, and pulled him over.

Fan Tianyin descended from the sky, bombarded heavily, but hit more than one target.

The sky fell and there was a tall man holding it up. Pan Zhen and Rui Mengmeng were under the Fantian Seal at the moment, but it was Pan Zhen who was taller and was hit hard by the Fantian Seal first.

Both of them were knocked down by Fan Tianyin, both were dizzy, and Pan Zhen quickly took back the magic weapon.

However, his head was bleeding and his arm was broken, which can be said to be the most embarrassing time since the last 2000 years.

Rui Mengmeng immediately put the giant sword on Pan Zhen's neck and said, "You are defeated."

Pan Zhen sighed softly, closed his eyes slightly, and stretched his neck to kill.

At the same time, somewhere underground in Yunxiao City, Yunlun brought the nine-tailed fox Su Daji to the underground dungeon without any danger along the way.

Soldiers who had been guarded for a long time blocked the entrance of the prison. They held swords and stared at Yunlun.

Yun Lun raised his hand, revealing a golden token in the palm of his hand: "I follow His Majesty's order to interrogate Sun Wukong."

When the leader of the jailer saw the token, he was shocked and immediately knelt down: "I have seen my emperor!"

The token in Yunlun's hand is the access token of Emperor Lieyang Di Leina - "Steel Box".

In Lieyang, an empire that values ​​tradition, there is a rule that "seeing the token is like seeing the emperor". From Pan Zhen down, no one can disobey the will of the holder.

Of course, it was impossible for Yunlun himself to get this token, because it was lent to her by Rui Mengmeng.

A few years ago, the autumn when Rui Mengmeng just joined the Xiongbing Company, she once spent a night with Leina in a love hotel in Juxia City.

At that time, Leina gave Rui Mengmeng two gifts, one of which was the special token for the emperor.

Yunlun held it like this, broke through the heavy blockade, and came in front of Monkey King.

PS-1 Did Pan Zhen lose too easily?No, because the big explosion (flare) deleted by Pan Zhen was not well controlled in Yunxiao City, and its power could not be exerted
PS-2 Two Rui Mengmeng, are they clones?Not exactly, it will be explained later

(End of this chapter)

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