Rui Mengmeng of Super Seminary

Chapter 894: 894 special attack against triangular bodies

Chapter 894: 894 Special Attack on the Triangle
After the United Fleet to conquer the Triangle ascended to the atmosphere, Rui Mengmeng, as the commander-in-chief of the fleet, summoned the main generals and prepared to arrange the key points of the battle.

"Preliminary investigation results show that the triangle fleet near Proxima Centauri is not large in scale. In terms of warship-shaped triangles, the total number does not exceed one hundred, while our number of battleships is 109. It can be said that in terms of military strength , the two sides are almost evenly matched.”

Rui Mengmeng's flagship was the one captured when he killed the Taotie King Shixie last year. She is sitting in the former seat of the Taotie King Shixie, introducing the situation to Ge Xiaolun, Zhi Xin and others.

"There are three basic attack modes of the Triangle, one is sound wave attack, which does not work in the space environment, the other is high-energy electromagnetic radiation attack, which can be offset by the light energy barrier of the battleship, and the third is the most difficult The... space collapse attack!"

The triangular body chooses to evolve itself to perceive and utilize wormholes, which means that they can cross a certain distance of space and make leaps without relying on other tools or the cooperation of the fleet in war, so they have strong mobility.

But that's not the hardest part.

The most difficult thing is that the triangular body will use its expertise in sensing wormholes to create a space vortex inside the enemy target, thereby destroying the target.

This is the result Artest obtained when he sliced ​​the mutated dolphin on Devil One.

"You can take a look at the results of the simulation."

A warship and a triangle projection appeared in the middle of the round conference table.

The battleship fired first, but most of the artillery fire disappeared strangely when it got close to the triangle, and was sent to other places.

The triangle kept its cruising speed, and kept approaching the battleship with short-distance jumps. In the end, it didn't see any special movements, and the battleship broke into several pieces by itself, as if an invisible giant hand broke and twisted the battleship, and finally it was in a piece. It turned into ashes in the explosion.

When everyone saw this scene, they had different reactions, but they were all shocked.

Liu Chuang yelled: "What kind of attack mode is this triangle, I don't understand it."

Zhi Xin's small face was full of dignity: "Space collapses, my God, the triangular body has evolved to this extent."

Just as Rui Mengmeng was about to explain, a NERV employee hurried over and whispered in Ruimengmeng's ear.

Rui Mengmeng immediately looked excited: "Tell everyone a piece of good news, we have new reinforcements!"

Two minutes later, Sun Wukong enjoyed the crowd's welcome, entered Ruimengmeng's flagship, and formally joined the expeditionary force.

Behind Monkey King, Su Xiaoli followed.

"My old grandson, Lie Yang, has seen some things like triangles. To be honest, it's not easy to deal with."

He looked around and saw Ge Xiaolun, Angel, NERV superheroes, and even the gangster Liu Chuang who was once looked down upon by him.

"This battle is to protect our homeland. You are all good boys. My old grandson can't stand by and watch."

Ge Xiaolun clenched his fist and slammed it on the table: "Brother Monkey came too timely."

"That's a must, as soon as Brother Hou comes, the game will be settled!" Liu Chuang followed behind and echoed.

For some reason, when Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang saw Sun Wukong, they felt that he seemed to have changed a little bit compared to before.

Although he couldn't figure out what this change was, on the whole, it seemed that Monkey King had become even more obscure.

After Sun Wukong took his seat, he waved to Ruimengmeng: "Girl, you continue."

"The most critical part of this battle is how to defend against the space collapse attack of the triangle. As long as we can block this attack, we will be invincible."

After speaking, Rui Mengmeng took out a wormhole jammer from the arsenal.

"This is a wormhole jammer made by the Demon Legion. It can interfere with the generation of wormholes in a small area and form a so-called 'ultra-stable space domain'. This will be one of our main props to defend against triangle attacks. But it's a pity , this kind of wormhole jammer is not powerful enough to provide enough protection for our warships."

Seeing the thing in Rui Mengmeng's hand, everyone recalled ten days ago when two teams of demon fighters used the wormhole jammer to capture the triangular body.

They were relieved at first, but when they heard Rui Mengmeng said "not enough power", they were suddenly worried.

"Xiao Lun, go on."

Rui Mengmeng threw the wormhole jammer into Ge Xiaolun's arms.

"There is still at least half a month before the fleet goes to the vicinity of Proxima Centauri. During this half month, you and Zhi Xin are responsible for improving the wormhole jammer. You must complete the arming of the entire fleet before the battle begins!"


Ge Xiaolun readily agreed.

"Secondly, about the battle of super soldiers. It is known that the triangular body will release high-energy electromagnetic radiation at close range, causing interference to super soldiers. We have already completed the firewall in this regard, and the data packets will be shared later For everyone, please super fighters, according to your own super genetic model, carry out self-adaptation and corresponding fine-tuning.”

"All super fighters who can fly, including but not limited to wings, mechanical wings, flying skateboards, etc., except the flagship personnel left behind, will all go to battle, cooperate with the fleet's bombardment, and strive to annihilate the triangle fleet."

Hearing this, the obedient student Angel Lingxi raised her hand: "I have a question."

"please say."

"It is known that the triangular body can perceive and use wormholes to transmit the shells that attack itself and transfer them to other places, so how can we ensure that our attack will not be missed? If the triangular body can send our attack back, Aren't you asking for trouble?"

Rui Mengmeng nodded: "This problem is very good, and it does exist, but we should be able to notice that in the exchange of fire over the East China Sea ten days ago, the Triangle only diverted a part of This shows that there is a limitation on the power of the triangular body using the wormhole. We can take the form of relatively concentrated firepower, and a small team concentrates on attacking a triangular body, which greatly exceeds the upper limit of their transfer, so that they can be quickly Annihilation."

"There is one more problem." The angel Ah Jiu who was sitting in the back row stood up, "What if the triangular bodies escape, they can make space transitions when they escape, but our battleships don't have the ability to travel through wormholes, what should we do?" Chase?"

At this point, the angels all thought in unison that it would be great if there was a Skyblade warship.

The space-time shield of the Skyblade Battleship can effectively defend against the space-collapse attack of the Triangle, and the Skyblade Judgment can be launched from the air to directly destroy the Triangle.

Regarding Ah Jiu's question, Rui Mengmeng could only shrug her shoulders: "Give up the pursuit, our goal is to crusade against the Triangular fleet entrenched in Proxima Centauri, not to start a war with the entire Triangular civilization. Once Triangular is removed from the vicinity of the cyc planet The expulsion is complete, and our assistance to the Cyc civilization has been completed, and a victory against the aggression of the Triangle has been completed."

Everyone in the meeting either felt that it was a pity, or that it was reasonable, but Monkey King curled his lips lightly.

... Let's play, you just play well.

Monkey King, the Monkey King, knew that Rui Mengmeng's plans were definitely more than what they appeared on the surface.

(End of this chapter)

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