The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 104: The Capital of Shu Appears Again

Chapter 104: The Capital of Shu Appears Again (1)
Quanjing is an island structure. When the sea is full, the sea under the scorching sun is a golden light. Water, water to the sky, sparkling, a magnificent scenery, more people feel calm and serene.

The outermost market is the busiest place in the dogland. It is crowded with people all the year round. There are people who drive goods, and some sell goods. At a stall, all the stall owners are dogs. They wear human clothes and have human faces, but there are dog tails on their buttocks and dog ears on their foreheads. It shakes and shakes, which is very funny.

Because it is an island, there are a total of three docks here. The south dock is dedicated to unloading and transporting goods, and the west and east are dedicated to the comings and goings of merchants. Because there are a lot of merchants, there are many restaurants and restaurants. The post stations have already put up signs that they are full of customers.

There are also a lot of goods on the stall, dazzling, colorful, bright and moving, it can be seen that the people of the dog monster clan are prosperous, this is a place for business and trade, and the whole area is open to the outside world, so there are other monsters besides the dog monster among the people who come and go. It is related to demons, and some skin colors are extremely weird, like dark blue, red, and webbed hands and feet, and there are a lot of lizards with big tails suddenly exposed after walking two steps.

The dog stall owners skillfully bundled up the parcels and quickly collected money to change. Except for those weird features, there is no difference between this place and the human market. It is lively like a torrent, flowing forever.

But today, the stall owners seem to have lost interest in doing business. They can't even hear a yell for a sale. Many dog ​​people gather together, whispering about the news of Dada's resurrection. As for the business that their family depends on for survival, has been completely forgotten.

The dogman with black spots on his face shouted, "Have you heard, General Dada is alive again!"

The owner of the dog stall selling stinky tofu echoed, "I heard that my daughter cries and laughs at other times, it scared me to death."

"This is the first time I've heard that people can still live after death."

"No, I thought the previous news was wrong."

"My son came back from the army yesterday, and he was also very happy. He said that the wizard from the other world brought back by the king cured him."

"An alien world? Where is that? This wizard is even more powerful than Mr. Bu Jie?"

"It seems to be called the Wheel World!"

The sea fish stall next door came over after finishing the fish. His button-black dog nose still had fish scales on it, and he shouted, "What is the car wheel world? It's the Xuanyuan world."

All the stall owners looked at him, "Where is that place?"

"Ask me, I don't know." Weak monsters with imperfect human figures like them seldom go to other places for safety. They are satisfied with a stall in their own clan to support their children, and they will never run around. Only the powerful demons are qualified to travel in the mountains and seas, a world of the jungle and the jungle.

Several stall owners talked very enthusiastically, which also attracted many businessmen and customers. A small group of people squeezed together, and gradually became a large crowd. No one noticed a man squatting on the ridge of the roof. The man in the blue shirt.

Because the human form is complete, it is impossible to tell what race he is, but he is holding a fiery red fruit in his hand, and while throwing it, he listens to the people below.

The fruit looked a bit like a durian, the outer shell was very hard, and it was not easy to eat immediately. After picking it up, he grabbed it back and rubbed it on his clothes. His pair of hands were extraordinarily slender and beautiful. Suddenly, the nails on his hands were like stretching springs. Yes, he popped out his sharp claws, and removed the hard shell with two swipes, revealing the plump and moist fruit inside. He stuffed the whole fruit into his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it. After eating, he licked it and it disappeared With sharp clawed fingers, he squinted his eyes and muttered, "The wizard in Xuanyuan Realm saved the stinky cat Dada, seems that the stinky dog ​​didn't lie to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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