The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 119 The True Colors of Local Tyrants

Chapter 119 The True Colors of Local Tyrants (2)
Shu Du didn't even raise his eyelids, and directly put a dark blue money bag made of brocade into her palm, "Take it!"

Yu Mo was dumbfounded, this guy was so straightforward, he didn't even have to negotiate the price, and gave her a bag directly, she weighed it, it was quite heavy.

"You gave me the whole thing?" It wouldn't be that generous.

"I have two, I'll give you one, which is exactly half." How can he not bring more money when he goes out? He also used these to exchange a lot of paper money in Xuanyuan Realm. I feel that Xuanyuan people are ignorant and ignorant.

Yumo understood, "Cheer up!"

She decided to quickly count the money in it, but he still held her hand.


"What's the matter? Didn't I give you money?" This girl has a lot of things.

"I want to count how much money is in it to see if it fits the budget in my heart. How can I count if you drag me?" She is not a one-armed nun.

Shu Du's face froze, "Is this because I'm afraid I'll give less?"

Yu Mo shrugged, "Maybe you are a strong outsider but a capable insider."

The purse is so heavy, it may be a pile of stones inside, and you can only judge after you have seen it.

"Chicken belly!"

"Wrong, it's called being cautious, hurry up, let go!" Don't let him delay her business of buying clothes.

Shu Du reluctantly let go, and as soon as he let go, Yu Mo quickly opened the purse, and the golden light suddenly flashed, almost blinding her eyes. The palm-sized purse was full of golden beads. Although it was golden, it was exceptionally clear. , like crystal glass, each one is round and shining with a halo, and the diameter is estimated to be about 10 mm.

This is money?No, it's more suitable to string them together as a necklace.

She took out one and pointed it at the sun. The clear beads reflected the light, revealing the universe inside. It turned out that there was a layer wrapped inside, like gold!

Such a bunch!Get rich!But after thinking about it, no, gold is valuable in the human world, but whether it is worth it in the mountain and sea world is still open to question. If you ask the capital of Shu directly, you will inevitably be laughed at. I glanced at it from the corner of my eye, and there happened to be a tea shed.

The tea shed is a big pavilion with no windows, but with a tiled roof, five or six tables, and a few stools. It doesn’t look gorgeous, but it is very delicate and hygienic. Going to the tea shed opened by the mouse is also a kind of What a special experience.

"Let's go drink tea, I invite you!" It happened to be noon, and she was a little hungry.

The two arrived at the tea shed one after the other, found a place to sit down, and Yumo called Xiao Er, there was no recipe in the tea shed, and some things were placed on the stove, so just go and order, she ordered a pot of tea, two A vegetarian dish, and a few steamed buns. Seeing that there is no meat in Shu, he yelled at Xiao Er and served two plates of beef (the meat of Chunlei beef, a kind of monster, is not an ordinary cow. There are cow demons in the mountains and seas, how can you eat beef casually? ), and added a dozen steamed buns. He has a big appetite and can eat a whole cow pheasant. Whether these are enough to eat, or two, Yumo is not stingy, so he directly asks Xiao Er to settle the score.

Xiao Er compared the numbers, "Girl, there are thirty Luo beads in total."

How much is thirty Luozhu Te?
Yumo took out a few beads and asked tentatively, "Is that enough?"

When Xiao Er saw the beads in her hand, her face cramped immediately, "Girl, are you joking with Xiao Er?"

"Huh?" Is this too little?

"Girl, you are a noble person, and you spend a lot of money, but the small shop doesn't have so much change for you. You can buy my tea shed with just one penny. Do you have any small change?"

Yu Mo was stunned, looking back at Shudu who was eating and drinking, this guy was indeed a local tyrant just like Little Wolf, one bead can buy a tea shed, how much is this bag, she quickly pulled Xiao Er to Behind the stove.


Yu Mo looked at Xiao Er with a smile, he also had a mouse face, younger than the owner of the clothing store, his skin was grayish blue, and he got used to seeing a lot of mouse faces today, so he didn't repel him so much, "I Let me ask you a few questions, you have to answer me honestly, I am satisfied..." She put a bead in front of his eyes, "This is your reward."

Xiaoer's eyes immediately lit up with bright joy, and his gaze stuck to the bead and he would not let go, "You ask, just ask, the little one will know everything, and talk about everything." With such a bead, he spent a whole year You can eat and drink without worrying about it, and you can also renovate the dilapidated house at home.

"I'm asking you..." Yu Mo said the question he wanted to ask in one brain.

Xiaoer also replied truthfully that the currency in the Shanhaijie is divided into Luozhu, Kezhu, and the highest grade Juezhu. She has Juuezhu in her hand, and the currency is in hundreds, which means that 100 Luozhu is equivalent to 1 Kezhu, and so on.

After listening, she straightened her waist to a new height and came to a conclusion.

Wahahaha, she is a rich woman now.

Local tyrants too!
It also gave her a plan.

"Xiao Er..." She hooked her fingers.

Mouse Xiaoer immediately put his ears together, very doggy, "You order!"

"Do one thing for me..." She glanced at Shudu, and while he was eating and drinking before he looked here, she murmured a lot to Xiao Er.


Yu Mo tied her purse tightly, her eyes were bright and sly.

Money can turn ghosts, it is a wise saying everywhere, she has to give full play to her true qualities as a local tyrant.

(End of this chapter)

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