The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 122 Xu You Eat Him

Chapter 122 Xu You Eat Him (1)
At this time, the little wolf had already arrived at Niutoushan, and because of the evil spirit around the Tuntian dog, the Niushan pheasant, which came out for food as soon as it landed, flapped its wings and fled quickly. The field of vision that had to be looked out became a vast expanse of whiteness.

The powder is harmless to the human body and smells like flowers. When it dispersed, all the cow and pheasant chickens disappeared, leaving only the chicken feathers all over the place.

The little wolf turned over from the Tuntian dog and headed all the way along the path leading down the mountain. It rained last night and the mountain was muddy. If someone walked by, they would leave footprints, but he guessed that Shu would not be so stupid. If he came It will disappear.

"Tun Tian, ​​find out if there is a cave with a bonfire nearby."

Yumo is a human being, not as strong as a demon, and walks slowly on land. With her physical strength, if she does not have enough rest, she will easily get tired and get sick. The purpose of Shudu is to let her cure Le Xian's disease. She definitely wouldn't make things too difficult for her, and she probably wouldn't be traveling late at night. If so, the cave in Niutou Mountain is a good place to rest. For rest, heating and cooking are inseparable from campfires.

The swallowing dog howled and sniffed the air.

Niushan chicken can only hide the smell of living things, but it has no effect on things other than living things. According to the smell of the swallowing dog, the aftertaste left by the charcoal fire is easy to distinguish. After sniffing for a while, the swallowing dog The alternating golden and red eyes lit up, and he ran towards a certain direction, and indeed found a hidden cave.

There is no one in the cave, but there are obvious traces of use. Tuntiangou sniffed at a pile of burnt dead branches on the ground, and then stuck out its big tongue at the little wolf, "Wow!"

The little wolf squatted on the ground and checked it. The scorched marks on the dead branches were still fresh, indicating that the fire had been burned only two days ago. With the cow bones scattered around, he could be sure that he was not looking in the wrong direction.

He stood up slowly, the coldness in his eyes gradually overflowed, condensed on these chicken bones, and hummed: "It's still so edible!"

Apart from Shudu, he couldn't think of anyone else who could eat a whole Niushan Chicken.

Tuntiangou sniffed the chicken bones, seemed to be hungry, squatted on the ground wagging its tail, watching the little wolf howling.

He raised his eyebrows, "Hungry?" He must be hungry after running all night.

The Tuntian dog showed a begging expression, and its tail swayed back and forth, like a big broom, making dust in the hole, "Wow!"

The little wolf shouted coldly: "Hold it!"

"Woo..." Tuntiangou became a little anxious, stepping back and forth on its forelegs.

Little Wolf glanced over coldly, " want to stay here for the rest of your life and only have chickens to eat!"

Hearing that, Tuntiangou's eyes were round and startled, and he didn't dare to make a fuss anymore, shaking his head violently.

"Come here!" Little Wolf hooked his hands.

The Tuntian dog ran over quickly and rubbed against him.

The little wolf looked around the entire cave, the cave was clearly empty, but in front of his eyes, Shu Du was sitting by the campfire laughing wildly like a gangster, feasting on cow and pheasant, while Yu Mo beside him was terrified. With a pale face, trembling, like a sad little flower...

The contrast was too sharp, which made him close his eyes, but he couldn't stop the demonic aura from burning, and when he opened them again, his golden pupils became colder and colder.

"Tuntian..." He looked down at the giant dog beside him.

"Woof?" Tuntiangou raised his head flatteringly.

His voice was like an ice knife slicing through the air, "Keep your stomach, after you find Shudu, I will allow you to eat him..."

In the cave, the little wolf's imaginary scene is that the capital of Shu is ruthless, and Yu Mo is pitiful, but the actual situation is...

(End of this chapter)

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