The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 146 Don't Say You Will Not Die

Chapter 146 Don't Say You Will Not Die (2)
Yumo shook her head, "No!" She will leave the world of mountains and seas one day. Dorje is a demon and cannot go back with her. After she leaves, who will take care of him? Will he stay in the dog realm? If he wants to go back to Black Rat Village at that time, the villagers may not take him in. Although the group of rat monsters treat him badly now, it will change in the future.

"Just let him follow like this?"

"You make me think again!" She didn't have the confidence to ruthlessly drive Dorji back.

This is the same as keeping pets. If you can't stay together for a lifetime, it's better not to.

She looked at the entrance of the cave again, but was blocked by Shu Du who was squatting like a dog at the entrance of the cave. He was looking at her pitifully, like a stray dog ​​watching a domestic dog (cub) nesting beside its owner to eat Drink spicy, the sense of being pampered.

How pitiful!

Yu Mo looked away, feeling a little unbearable, this shameless wolf pretended to be pitiful, without any wolf morality.

After the little wolf saw Shudu, he hooked his fingers and directed the Tuntian dog to sit at the entrance of the cave, not only blocking his view of looking into the cave, but also facing him with the dog's buttocks.

Facing Tuntian's huge dog butt, Shu Du said in a sinister manner, "Tuntian, if you don't want to be made into a dog meat bun by me one day, move away quickly."

Tuntiangou heard a chill down his spine. Although monsters and big monsters have similar force values, they are still one level lower in terms of species level. It glanced at the little wolf, whose eyes were very fierce.

Aww... Warcraft is hard to do!

But its owner was a little wolf, and he swore to be loyal to him to the death. He turned his head and grinned at Shudu, whined several times, flicked his big tail, and swept some dust for him to eat.

"Bah! Bah! You bastard, just like your master!" He grabbed Tuntian's tail and bit it.

Tuntian was so painful that he immediately blew his hair, and before he could bite back for revenge, he was thrown out by Shudu with his tail, and he guessed that he would not come back in a short time.

Shu Du clapped his hands and looked at the little wolf provocatively.

Yumo was afraid that the two would fight again, so he hurriedly smoothed things over, "Little wolf, forget it, let him in, squatting at the entrance of the cave and pretending to be pitiful is really against the style of a wolf."

"Do not……"

Little Wolf hadn't finished saying no, Shu Du had already swaggered in, sat cross-legged next to Yu Mo, picked up an apple on a blade of grass, and took a bite, "Silently allow me to come in, you don't have the right to say no, I Just listen to Momo!" He turned his head and smiled sweetly at Yumo, "Right, Momo?"

Yu Mo stuffed the uneaten apple into his wolf's mouth, "Eat, don't talk."

"Okay, eat." He had an apple in his left hand and an apple in his right, and he swallowed it whole.

But the little wolf couldn't bear it, he had to be sarcastic to feel comfortable.

Yu Mo picked a big apple and stuffed it into his hand, "You are not allowed to talk, eat the apple."

Although the little wolf had a reluctance on his face, he obediently took a bite of the apple.

The three of them sat around the campfire, Yumo was in the middle, and after the little wolf finished eating the apple, he gently tugged at her arm, and moved her to his side. Seeing Shu, he shook his eyebrows and quietly pushed his butt towards him. Yumo moved away from her side.

Seeing this, the little wolf's face was gloomy, and he moved a foot to the side, then stretched out his hand and lightly pulled the big Jiao Ye where Yu Mo was sitting to lean against him, Shu Du gnawed on the apple, twisted his buttocks and moved to Yu Mo's side .

The little wolf looked at him coldly, and moved the plantain leaf on which Yumo was sitting by another three inches. Shu Du met his eyes, and moved three inches away without fear and with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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