The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 151 The Great Elder Cangwu

Chapter 151 The Great Elder Cangwu (1)
dog environment.

In the morning light, on the street in front of the Bujie Mansion, a few servants were sprinkling water and sweeping the floor. The sun that had just risen in the distance broke into the eyes with dazzling rays of light, and a warm yellow beam of light fell on the slowly approaching figure. body.

The man was dressed in a white brocade robe with wide sleeves, a bun and a crown, and a warm jade pendant around his waist. He held a folding fan in his hand, and after shaking it gently, his hair trembled. He walked lightly, gracefully, and extremely beautiful. , as beautiful as pearls and jade, the sun hit him like a layer of golden halo, maybe the rising sun was a bit dazzling, he raised his head slightly, covered his eyes with a fan, his expression was peaceful and serene, he walked along the road , as if the sun was attracted by him, and followed him all the way.

When he got closer, the servant of sweeping saw his face clearly, hurriedly put down the broom in his hand, bowed and bowed: "Elder Cangwu, well!"

"Okay!" Cangwu put away the folding fan, his charm was superb, revealing a careless maturity, but a pair of phoenix eyes were extremely lazy, adding a little enchantment, he smiled and said, "Is your lord here?"

"Here!" The servant turned sideways and respectfully welcomed him into the gate of the mansion.

Cang Wu raised his foot to step over the threshold, and just as one foot passed, it stopped suddenly.


The folding fan in Cang Wu's hand pointed to a corner outside the door, with a slightly displeased expression on his face, "It hasn't been cleaned up..."

The servant sweated and asked someone to sweep it.

Satisfied, Cangwu stepped into the mansion through the door.

The servant sweeping the floor behind complained, "Where is it not clean?" It has been swept three times.

"Sweep if you want, what nonsense, you don't know Elder Cangwu..." The servant looked inside the door, and after confirming that Cangwu had entered, he said: "He has a cleanliness habit!"

It's not just about cleanliness, it's just that people and gods are indignant.

Linlang heard that Cang Wu was coming, and immediately summoned several old servants in the mansion, and ordered: "Put blankets on the floor, new tea bowls, tablecloths, chairs and cushions, all the waiters go Put on new clothes and new shoes. Anyone with moles, freckles, or scars on his face is not allowed to appear in front of him. Tell the servants to look in the mirror before seeing him to ensure that the clothes are clean and tidy. The most important thing is The most important thing is to make sure there is no eye mucus and nose hair before going, if not, the consequences will be at your own risk."


All the servants retreated as if they were facing a big enemy, and went to work separately.

Lin Lang also went back to the house and changed into new clothes. When passing by the atrium, she called the servant girl from the inner courtyard, "Is your lord still in the study?"

"Return to the manager, Pingting has just delivered breakfast, this time the adults should eat in the study."

When Lin Lang heard this, she flew away, landed on the house like a dragonfly, and headed towards the inner courtyard at high speed.

In the study room, Bu Jie was staring at an object on the table, fiddled with it back and forth, and forgot the food box at hand when he was concentrating. With a bang, the food box was overturned, and the soup and porridge inside spilled all over him, and he put it away. After a long time, it was not hot anymore, but the soup was sticky. He clicked his tongue, got up impatiently and patted the leftovers on his clothes, and accidentally soiled the object, so he quickly wiped it with his sleeve.

"My lord!" Lin Lang suddenly barged in.

Bu Jie said angrily, "Didn't I say, don't bother me these few days."

Lin Lang was fearless, with a heroic appearance, "It's not that I'm here to bother your lord, but I'm here to find you when I'm in trouble!"

"What's the trouble?" Bu Jie wiped the soup on the object, and because of the stickiness, it became more and more dirty, and shouted: "Go, bring me a clean cotton cloth."

"My lord!" Lin Lang stepped forward and pressed the object, "You have studied this object in seclusion for a few days, why don't you wait for its owner to come back and ask."

(End of this chapter)

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