The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 153 The Great Elder Cangwu

Chapter 153 The Great Elder Cangwu (3)
"Yes, my lord!"

All the servants hurriedly left, there was no place where Elder Cangwu could stay.

Cang Wu raised his phoenix eyes slightly, and looked at Bu Jie, "My lord's complexion is haggard and tired, but his life span is coming to an end?"

Bu Jie's face trembled, but it was just to study the unknown thing, he didn't sleep for a few days, and his mouth was like the end of his life, it was really poisonous.

"I make alchemy and medicine all day long. I work for the family and the people. I have no time to relax. I can't sleep well. Unlike you, the elder, who spend all day playing the piano, drinking tea, planting flowers and plants, and living an old life... Ah, no, You are already old, how old are you? Oh, now that I think about it, it seems that I just passed my [-]th birthday last year."

According to the average lifespan of a demon who can live 2000 years, he has passed one-third of his life, and he is the one who is near the end of his life. Of course, there are many demons in the mountain and sea world who can live longer.

"My lord has a good mouth."

"Miao Zan, what's the use of a good mouth, it can't compare to the elder's life span of [-] years, and his appearance is so beautiful, I'm ashamed."

When the two were together, Cangwu looked smaller than him, compared to the faces of the three elders of Red Pine, Yellow Birch, and Qingshan, it could be described as a strange flower.

No, it's the weirdest of the weirdest. Because of the long lifespan of the demon, the retention rate of the prime of life is also extremely long, but it doesn't mean it won't grow old.

Different from human beings, demons are not considered adults until they are 30 years old, and then they have a very long period of youth and adulthood, which can last until they are over a thousand years old. They will age slowly, or they may overdo it when they are young and damage their body, resulting in the decline of demon power and premature aging. Very few demons can still look young at the advanced age of [-], which also shows that Cangwu is very powerful , can be regarded as a monster.

"Hehe..." Cang Wu burst into a smile, his beauty was unparalleled, just by looking at his face, he was only 27 or [-] years old.

"Haha..." Bu Jie faked a smirk when he entered a state of alert. Because they are not fat and round, the two of them have similar looks, which are very eye-catching.

Seeing that the two were competing in secret, Linlang felt that it was a waste of time, and said, "The elder came to visit early in the morning, but is there something urgent?"

Cang Wu calmly picked up the tea bowl, blew on it, "There is no urgent matter, just passing by, come in and have a look!"

Bu Jie stared and said, "What are you looking at? Is it to see how dirty or broken I am? Hurry up and get down to business, I'm busy?"

"Anxious and irritable, prone to wrinkles..." means 'Do you know why you don't look as good as me, it's because you have a bad temper. '

Bu Jie only felt tightness in his chest, and twitched his eyebrows, "Why do you compare with me? If you have the ability, compare with Mei Luo."

Most of the demons are beautiful men, but there are more beautiful men than beautiful men. His Mei Luo looks at the entire mountain and sea world, and the top three are well placed.

Cang Wu said modestly: "How can I compare with the king, dare not!"

"Ha, do you know that you don't dare? Don't you dare to beat around the bush every time you speak, and you are a sarcasm in a different way, only Elder Wisteria can stand your virtue." He suddenly felt that it would be a waste to change into a new clothes and come out to see him. In order to save him from being venomous and harsh, now that I think about it, it would be better to come out with the soup all over my body just now, prick his eyes and make him feel uncomfortable.

To paraphrase what Lin Lang said, Elder Ziteng is blind.

Cang Wu said: "The imbalance of yin and yang has been out of balance for too long, my lord seems to be a little cynical." It means--'How about my bad temper?You still have a wife, and you have nothing, which is very sad. '

Bu Jie picked up his tea bowl and pointed it at him, "Believe it or not, I'll hit you on the head with a tea bowl... I think you just need to clean up, don't say yes, don't say I'm leaving."

(End of this chapter)

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