The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 162: Picking Out Dog Ears

Chapter 162: Picking Out Dog Ears (6)
The fungus wiped away the tears and hurriedly rushed out to inform his sister that her life was back, luckily.

Yumo looked at Little Wolf, "Did he say something just now?"

"He said that he will be loyal to you from now on, and he can live and die for you."

Yu cut silently, "Nervous!"

She is a modern person and doesn't play this trick.

"Is it not good?"

Yumo walked to the bedside and dug out the luggage he brought from the human world, "We humans don't talk about this, but we must know that three bowls of noodles are the most unpalatable, one is human noodles and the other is human noodles. , a bowl is a scene, and the love face is the most troublesome, you have to pay it back after eating!"

Little Wolf smiled and said nothing, she really hated trouble, and what she disliked the most was being in debt.

"Go out later and tell Mu'er for me that you don't need to be loyal to me, just do what you want, otherwise I will panic. By the way, where is Duoji?"

When she came in, the little guy followed her closely, but was stopped by a group of guards.

"He is a rat demon, belonging to a foreign race, and cannot enter the palace for the time being, but I have arranged for someone to take care of him, and we can see him tomorrow."

The royal palace is an important place among the clans, and any foreign races that need to enter must be strictly inspected to ensure that no troubles will arise. He is not Yu Mo, so he will not interfere, and everything will be done according to the rules of the palace.

"Well, just don't bully him. He is cowardly. You might as well let him stay with Shudu." The palace has rules, and she knows that he has broken the precept for her just now. She dare not bother about Dorji up.

She found out her pajamas, and was about to wash and go to sleep, when she saw the cotton swab she had brought, her eyes lit up, she looked back at Little Wolf, and hooked his hands with a smile.

The posture of her hooking her hands is typical of beckoning a dog, and she almost made a '咚咚咚' sound from her mouth.

Little Wolf frowned: "You want me to sit down again?"

"No!" She happily showed the cotton swab, "I know that I challenged your royal power just now, you must be a little unhappy, so I want to make you happy..." She waved the small cotton swab, "Do you want to clean your ears?"

The little wolf's golden eyes looked at the small and white cotton swab, and he remembered the time when he lived in Lan's house. She would regularly pick out his ears every week. His eyes flickered, and it was like spring water under the warm sun, sparkling .

He likes Yumo picking out his ears.

"Yes!" He said eagerly, his face glowing.

"Come on!" Yu Mo sat on the edge of the bed and patted her thigh.

The little wolf walked over in a hurry, climbed onto the bed, lay down, rested his head on her lap, and then turned sideways, the corners of his mouth curled up endlessly.

When Yu Mo was about to strike, he saw his humanoid ear. It goes without saying that it is beautiful, but...

"Little wolf, you have to become a dog to pick out..." She is familiar with dog ears, not human ears. Picking out dog ears is her forte, and she is very technical.

The little wolf's face darkened again.

"By the way, do you want some biscuits..."

Yu Mo didn't realize it, and took out a biscuit like a treasure. The biscuit was shaped like a dog bone, malted, and rich in green tea factors—suitable for teeth cleaning and snacks for dogs.

Scientific name - dog molar stick.

It can also get rid of dog's bad breath!

Little Wolf: "..."

His veins were bulging, and he felt like his blood vessels were about to burst. He slowly got up, put on his shoes, straightened his clothes, and with a dark face, walked towards the door of the palace, and then left with a bang.

Yu Mo sat on the bed blankly, tilting his head, somewhat inexplicable.

Can you tell me if you don’t like eating biscuits? Why are you so angry? Just say that he has bad eating habits, but I still don’t believe it. She also brought Miaoxian Bao (wet dog food), doesn’t he like it?

Hey, never mind.


After the little wolf left Yu Mo's bedroom, he walked to the porch, the moonlight was enchanting, but he had no intention of admiring it, the corner of his mouth curled up, extremely bitter.

does she like him

No doubt about it, but that's... a liking for dogs.

One of her favorite dogs.

He shook his head and smiled wryly, walking slowly in the deserted moonlight, alone, slightly sad.

Under the same moonlight, there was also a sad man in the outer circle of the dog. He had been squatting on a house for a long time, and he had no intention of sleeping. After a long time, he sighed in disappointment and raised his head towards the moon.


Everything is silent, the night is like ink, and a wolf howls, expressing infinite sadness.

Then, because of the weight of him in his original form, the house collapsed.


The capital of Shu continues to howl...

Continue to be miserable...

(End of this chapter)

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