The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 165 The Meru Mountain Changes

Chapter 165 The Meru Mountain Changes (3)
After we parted yesterday, the man sent by Little Wolf to serve him saw his tattered clothes and shoes, and was afraid of losing his face, so he wanted to give him a bath, but he refused to do anything, kicked open the door and ran away, crying to see her However, the person who served him had nothing to do, so he had no choice but to send him into the palace without taking a bath.

From the perspective of hygiene, Yu Mo had no choice but to take over the job.

Dorje listened to her very much. When she said she wanted to take a bath, he agreed without saying a word, and sat obediently and quietly in the tub.

Yu Mo squeezed out some shower gel, rubbed out rich foam, and rubbed it on his fur.

"Sister, what is this, it smells so good!"

"Shower gel, smell it, it smells like mint."

"Well, I like it!"

She collected the foam and wiped it on his forehead. He wanted to close his eyes subconsciously. She smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, this won't irritate your eyes." Scratching on the forehead, "Is there any itchy place?"

"No!" He narrowed his eyes comfortably.

Yumo picked up a spoon to fill the water and cleaned the foam off his fur. She suddenly remembered that he had been beaten so badly that his body was covered in injuries. She didn't know if he was healed. She peeled off his white fur and looked at it. To my surprise, the wound was gone, not even a scar.

"Duoji, where are your injuries?"

Duoji picked up the foam in the tub and blew, "It's done."

"Okay, I know why there are no scars." She knew that monsters have amazing resilience, and the speed of wound healing is several times that of humans, but it is so good that even the scars have disappeared, which is amazing. .

Dorje said: "I have been like this since I was a child. No matter what kind of injury, the scar will disappear after it is healed."


"Yeah!" He nodded heavily.

Yu Mo stared at his snow-white fur, thinking that he might have made a fuss, and said with a smile: "Duoji, maybe when you grow up, you can become a big monster like Brother Gou."

The resilience is so good, it must have something to do with the demon power.

Duoji clapped his hands, "Then I will become the Great Demon Empress to protect my sister."

"Okay, I'll wait!"

Yumo got up, rinsed him off, then found a cotton cloth to wring out the moisture from his fur, and didn't let him out for a walk until his fur was dry.

Bu Jie waited patiently, saw her come out, put down the tea bowl, and handed the box to her, "Here, you stayed in my house last time."

She took it, realized it was a defibrillator, and thanked her immediately.

The things were returned to their original owners, and Bu Jie couldn't help but asked, "Girl, what is this?"

Yumo didn't know how to explain it. She took out the defibrillator and checked for any damage. Suddenly, she found that the switch on the top was on, but the power light was off, which meant that it was out of power, but she remembered to use it. Closed after finishing.

"Bu Jie, have you ever touched it?"

Bu Jie nodded, "I've never seen such a strange thing, I studied it when you were away."

"You turned on this switch?" She pointed to the top green button.

"This one, I accidentally pressed it, and after I pressed it, there was a small thing on it that kept flashing..." He was also shocked at the time, and he didn't know how to cancel it, so he kept it flashing.

Yu Mo's forehead was twitching. This kind of portable defibrillator is operated by dry batteries. It can usually be used for two to three times. Putting down the defibrillator, ran to the bedside, and searched in his suitcase.

(End of this chapter)

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