The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 169 A Casual Kiss

Chapter 169 A Casual Kiss (1)
The change of Mount Sumeru makes Cang Wu think that the matter is serious, and he must inform Yu Xiaolang as soon as possible so that he can make a move later.

"Awu, follow me into the palace!"


Just when the two were about to leave, a cry came from the sky, approaching from far away.


Bu Jie fell down in a parabola and hung on a willow tree, fluttering in the breeze, like a broken rag, swaying on the treetop.

Awu exclaimed: "Master, why is this?"

Bu Jie was hanging on the tree, shaking his legs, Yu Mo's small handprint was still on his face, and said angrily, "What are you asking, why don't you get me down quickly."


With a slight lift of his heel, Awu flew to the top of a nearby tree and fished him off the ground.

Bu Jie pissed in disgrace, spit out the leaves in his mouth, and touched his buttocks. The kick was ruthless, and he didn't care about his nephew at all.

Cang Wu couldn't see such a dirty appearance, so he moved seven feet away, and threw away the folding fan to cover his face, "Didn't your lord go back to the mansion earlier, why did it appear like this, could it be that he made some special medicine again?"

It is special to let him fly out in such a mess.

"Didn't you go back too, why are you wandering around the palace?"

The two are clearly laughing at fifty steps.

"I met Awu and heard something."

A Wu nodded, "My lord, you came just in time, why don't you enter the palace with us."

"Enter the palace!?" Bu Jie continued to touch his butt. He was kicked out of the palace just now, and wouldn't he be laughed at when he entered again, "What's the matter, so urgent?"

Awu looked at Cang Wu, and when it came to analysis, he knew that he was not as strong as the Great Elder, so it might be better for him to say it.

Cang Wu put away the folding fan, still far away, picked out the key points about the abnormal movement of Mount Sumeru and repeated it.

After hearing this, Bu Jie's face suddenly became heavy, "This matter is serious, I must tell Mei Luo immediately."

He straightened his clothes, hurried to the palace, ran out a few steps, but did not see Cang Wu following him, turned his head suspiciously, "Let's go!"

Cangwu twitched his eyebrows slightly, "I'll go to the palace first, and we'll talk about it after the two of you go back and clean yourself."

At this juncture, he still despises the two of them being dirty.

Bu Jie: "..."

This old dog is busy.

Palace, dining room.

In the huge hall, Xiaolang, Yumo, and Duoji are having breakfast.

The round table is full of food, including meat and vegetables, red and green, and there are many varieties. Duoji holds a steamed bun with his small mouse claws, and the two mouse front teeth gnaw very neatly, and a lot of them fall out. Bun crumbs.

Hang Chi Hang Chi... Hang Chi Hang Chi...

Standard meal for murines.

"Duoji, don't keep chewing with your front teeth, this is not a nut." Yumo took out the steamed bun from under his front teeth, the top circle was full of tooth marks, "Open your mouth to eat, stuff it in and eat!"

"Oh!" Duoji stuffed the steamed bun into his mouth obediently, and chewed slowly.

Satisfied, Yumo turned around and picked up a handful of green vegetables and put them in the little wolf's bowl, "You too, don't eat so much meat, eat vegetables."

The coyotes looked at the green vegetables in the bowl, and then glanced at the big chicken drumstick not far away, feeling desolate in his heart, he is a carnivore, this dish was specially prepared for her, he never thought about eating it .

"Or do you want to eat dog food?"

Resigned to his fate, the little wolf picked up the chopsticks and stuffed the vegetables he didn't like into his mouth—forcibly stuffing them.

"That's right." Satisfied again, Yumo reached out and took out a handkerchief to wipe Duoji's mouth, "You should also eat more vegetables."

(End of this chapter)

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