The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 178 A Fight in the Street

Chapter 178 A Fight in the Street (5)
"Little wolf, it's fine for me to go out with Lin Lang. You don't have to worry about me. You can come to me when you're done."

Bu Jie echoed: "Young girl is right, we men have important matters to discuss, it is not convenient for her to be alone."

Knowing that he couldn't escape, Little Wolf told Lin Lang, "Take care of her."

"Lin Lang understands!"

Walking outside, Yu Mo breathed a sigh of relief. Thinking of Cang Wu's eyes, she trembled, and she couldn't help asking Lin Lang, "Sister Lin Lang, who is that man in white?"

Lin Lang didn't know whether she should correct her when she heard her calling her sister, but thinking that she was a human, she might not understand that the age of a demon is not directly proportional to her appearance, so let's explain it slowly later.

"Great Elder Cangwu!"

"Great Elder?" Yu Mo couldn't figure it out, how could he be an old man after hearing this name, how could he be so young and so handsome.

"Cang Wu is the head of the five elders of the dog monster clan."

"Very arrogant?"

Lin Lang didn't understand the word awesome, so she blinked, "What does Miss mean?"

"Oh, it means that he is very powerful?"

Lin Lang snorted, "What's the use of being powerful, you're just a ruthless person."

"Huh?" It seems that this person named Cang Wu and this elder sister don't want to see him either.

"Miss, you don't need to pay attention to him, just avoid him when you see him in the future. This person has a weird personality, likes to be lonely and self-admired, and he can't get used to anyone, especially when he sees people being untidy. Can find fault, a clean freak!"

After hearing her description, Yu Mo understood, "Virgo!"

Dorji asked: "Sister, what is a Virgo?"

"It's perfectionist, neurotic."

Lin Lang and Duoji only had a capital question mark on their faces after listening to her words.

"Hehe, it's okay, it's okay, I'm talking to myself." She rubbed the back of her head, "By the way, sister Linlang, I want to buy some clothes for Duoji, where can I find them?"

Originally, she wanted Xiaolang to help prepare some new clothes for Dorje, but after thinking about it, Dorje was brought by her, and she should be responsible for daily necessities and expenses. Anyway, she is a little rich woman with a lot of money .

"It's in the market, I'll take the lady there."

Dorje said: "Sister, I don't want to buy clothes, Dorje will do it myself."

"I know you can make clothes, but I want to give you the clothes. Is it possible that I will give you the clothes and you have to make them yourself? Besides, making clothes hurts your eyes. You are still young, so you should take good care of your eyesight to avoid myopia in the future."

"What is myopia?"

Yu Mo rolled her eyes, she was too lazy to explain to him the boy who could walk, so she dragged him and went straight away, "Let's go to the market, buy new clothes, new shoes, and There are delicious ones."

"I don't need to eat, I saved a lot in the morning."

"Hey, Duoji, although frugality is a virtue, but now my sister is sending you off, so you don't have to be polite."

"But sister is not good to waste!"

Yumo became angry, "Be obedient, or I will get angry."

Dorje fell silent, and trotted after her.

On the other side was also on the road leading to the market, Yin Ji was panting and running after Jin Ji.

"Sister, wait for me!"

Jin Ji stopped in her tracks, and there seemed to be anger on her delicate face, and her beautiful eyebrows became sharper, like two upturned swords.

Yin Ji panted, "Sister, where are you going?"

(End of this chapter)

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