The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 184 The White Fox Arrives

Chapter 184 The White Fox Arrives (4)
Yu Mo pulled off the hairpin on his head, put his hair back into a coil, patted the dust off his body, wiped his face, and asked, "Why do you want to go back?"

Lin Lang was stunned, but didn't know how to answer.

"If you don't go back, fighting consumes so much energy, why don't you go to the market and have a good meal."

She didn't eat much when she left the palace in the morning, and now she was sweating all over, and her stomach was already empty.

"Sister Linlang, take me to dinner!"

Seeing that she didn't care so much, as if nothing had happened, Lin Lang was a little stunned with a bright smile on her face.

Such a temperament, such a temper.


She looks very much like Princess Qiluo from Girls' Generation.

Lin Lang's heart trembled, and she suddenly knelt down.

"Sister Linlang, what are you doing, get up!"

"Miss, please listen to Lin Lang's words."

"Speak as you speak, what are you doing kneeling?"

This place is a dark alley, no one passed by, the fight just now was a small movement, so no one noticed, Yu Mo was also glad that no one could see her shrew appearance, but she didn't know what to do when Lin Lang suddenly knelt down like this At a loss.

"Miss, please listen to Lin Lang."

"Okay, say it, say it!"

"Miss' character and temperament made Lin Lang think of the most respected person. If she was still around, she would definitely like her very much and protect her everywhere. However, she is no longer in this world. I am afraid that her future journey will be difficult. It's been an extremely difficult walk, please promise Lin Lang, no matter how deep the pain is or how great the tribulation is, please don't be discouraged and keep walking, if there is any pain or injury, don't hide it from the king, just confess to him one by one, Wang will love Miss, take pity on Miss, protect Miss, and will never let Miss down, Miss must remember that two people working together is a thousand times better than one alone."

She said every sentence from the bottom of her heart, and at the end, her body was trembling.

"Sister Linlang, I don't understand what you said."

"Miss will understand in the future, Lin Lang only hopes that Miss will remember these words when faced with a choice, thank you Lin Lang." She bent down and put her head on the ground.

"Okay, I see, I remember, I remember, get up quickly."

"Miss Xie!"

"Take me to eat quickly, I'm really hungry, but I'm only vegetarian."

Lin Lang chuckled, "I'll take the young lady there right now, this way please!"

"Duoji, let's go to eat." Yumo walked happily.

Looking at her back, Lin Lang clenched his fists, looked up at the blue sky, his gaze was as firm as a stone.

Queen, Linlang originally wanted to hang out in the Bujie Mansion, so that she could come to accompany you when her life was over, but now Linlang has a new plan, don't worry, even if Linlang risked her life, she would protect this place Miss, it won't be like that time, I didn't even see you for the last time, so Lin Lang can be regarded as atonement?
She closed her eyes, tears fell down...

"Sister Linlang, hurry up!" Yu Mo waved in front.

Lin Lang wiped away her tears and followed.

On the second floor of the inn, there was still the same window, and the same people.

Ning Bao refilled the teacup again, "His Royal Highness, the fight is over, you still have to watch! What's so interesting, two women fighting, really can't get on the stage, this woman from the dog monster clan can't compare with our fox clan Yes, right, sister?"

He poured another cup of tea and handed it to the woman sitting opposite.

The woman has a graceful appearance, with a teardrop-shaped cinnabar between her eyebrows, against her fair skin, she is extraordinarily charming, her figure is graceful, her long black hair is as smooth as satin, and as soft as cloud cotton, the blue silk is loosely tied Standing up, she swayed with her pearl steps hanging down, and the radiance radiated with a slight movement. Furthermore, her eyes were ethereal, her lips were like cherry petals, and her slightly upturned face was exquisitely clear, calm and gentle. When she heard Ning Bao's words, her sky-blue eyes overflowed without waves. Wu Lan's indifference is as unpredictable as the deep sea, with a cold aura.

(End of this chapter)

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