The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 200 The crime of hurting the glass king

Chapter 200 The crime of hurting the glass king (2)
"Now that you know, why is Your Highness still sitting here?"

In terms of temper, she is also quite irritable, but she is born with a cold temperament, and being the eldest daughter in the family, she has to restrain her behavior and pay attention to keeping her emotions secret.

"Don't worry, it won't be a waste of Yi'er's tea-cooking skills before you drink this cup of tea."

Upon hearing this, Ning Yi said happily: "Your Highness, have you already thought of a countermeasure?" King Li pointed to the sky...

He did have countermeasures, but now is not the time...

What does this mean?

Ning Yi looked at the sky outside the house, it was cloudless, and the blue sky washed away, but she couldn't figure out what he meant, she was stunned, and looked back at him, still drinking tea and playing chess, without any anxiety.

This is really the emperor not in a hurry, the eunuch is anxious to death.

Sometimes she can't help thinking, is following such an unpredictable master a blessing or a sin?
It was night, and the twilight was like a big gray net, which quietly fell down and covered the entire dogland. The tired moon hid in the clouds to rest, leaving only a few stars that seemed to be on guard, twinkling, Quite playful.

Suddenly, anxious footsteps came one after another, passing through the promenade of Bujie Mansion, getting louder and louder.

"grown ups!"

Accompanied by the anxious call, the figure seemed to be running in a hurry. When he pushed the door to enter the study, he tripped over the threshold and fell straight down.

Bu Jie removed the book in his hand and looked at the people who came, usually Lin Lang would report things, and never acted lightly and calmly, he had never seen such a way of dealing with things that broke his teeth when he entered the door.

If there is no comparison, there is no disappointment. I didn't feel it before, but now I think of Lin Lang's goodness.

It's a pity that he quit and went to the palace to serve others.

Bu Jie shook his head and sighed, "Get up, wipe off the blood before speaking."


The new supervisor, Shi Yikuang, wiped the blood gushing out of his mouth vigorously. After wiping, he forgot to pick up the two front teeth on the ground.

"Can something big happen?"

The medical house is under his jurisdiction, with strict discipline and no deceit. Regardless of whether the illness is mild or severe, he will inquire about it every day, and nothing will happen beyond his expectations. Focusing on the book, he picked up the warm tea on the table.

"King Li is here!"

Bu Jie was startled, he couldn't hold the tea firmly, and spilled a lot of soup.

Shouldn't Li Wang be staying at the inn? How could he go to the medical house? He suddenly had a bad feeling.

"What did he go to the hospital for?"

Shi Yi's voice was naturally loud, and when he spoke, saliva and blood beads came out together, "Tonight is on duty in Dongyang, and he received an emergency case, which is no different from usual, but when that person was looking for a doctor, the subordinate next to him People called him King Li, so Dongyang secretly sent someone to pass the news, I went to take a peek, and it was true, it was King Li, and he was injured."

There are four little wizards in the medical house, namely Chunyang, Xia Yang, Qiuyang, and Dongyang. Because the medical house is not closed at night, the four of them take turns to be on duty at night. Dongyang is on duty today, and Dongyang is the four wizards. The smartest person among the people is also the best at observing words and expressions, so when he got the news, he didn't dare to delay and took a look directly.

The sight frightened him.

When Bu Jie heard that, his eyes jumped suddenly, his pupils seemed to be blown apart, and they magnified in a circle, "How could he be injured?"

"It is said that there was a friction with a drunk clansman at the post station, and a fight broke out after a disagreement, and the result was..."

(End of this chapter)

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