The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 205: Humans and Demons in Different Ways

Chapter 205: Humans and Demons in Different Ways (2)
"Those who achieve great things don't care about small details. Since I came, I don't intend to return without success."

If he wants to sit on the throne of the fox demon clan, this trip must not fail. This is his first step and the most important step.

The fox monster tribe seems to be powerful, but in fact it has already been defeated. His father was never a wise monarch. He liked women and had many concubines. In contrast, he was extremely envious of this dog demon king, not because he was the only son, he didn't have to fight for the throne, he was born a king, but he not only had a father who was called a virtuous king, but also had A mother called Queen Hui, and a group of courtiers who are loyal enough to allow him to break into the world without any worries.

And myself...

As the son of the concubine, he has been living under the shadow of the son of the concubine.

King Jing, his elder brother, has been favored more than him since he was born. It's not that he is not good enough, but that King Jing's mother is deeply loved by his father, and it can even be said that he is more than favored.

But his queen mother was the opposite. She was hated by his father and king. If she hadn't been noble and powerful, she would have become a concubine long ago. It is unbelievable that his mother, Queen Yanqing, was once a married couple. Queen Qiluo is as famous as the beauty of the world.

"The wolf has a beautiful bird, the fox has a swallow, and the two sisters stand together in a peerless world" was the most popular ballad back then. It was sung and spread to the streets and alleys, and everyone knew it, but the paths the two of them took in the end were completely different.

One was cherished and cared for by her husband, and lived and died together, while the other was abandoned by her husband and treated indifferently.

Ever since he was sensible, his father and queen rarely saw his mother and queen. Except for festivals, sacrifices, or activities that required the king and queen to attend together, the two would appear together, but even so, the two were still strangers.

What he didn't understand was why her queen mother was never willing to smile at her father. If she smiled, no woman in the Fox Monster Clan could match her. He only knew that the queen mother married her father. She was unwilling, but she finally married and became the queen of the fox demon clan, enjoying the glory of the whole life, but she was depressed all day long, and lived in the palace unsmilingly, even if her father and king spoke ill to her, even if her son was angry with her. Alienated her, she is not willing to compromise.

It was like this every day and every year, who would still want to get close to her, and who would be willing to treat her well.

Under her arrogance and indifference, his son became a scapegoat. As much as his father hated his queen mother, he hated him as much. He even once thought that he might not be his father's child, otherwise his father Why is there such a preference for one.

What the king has, he may not have, but what he has, the king will definitely have.

Perhaps he was born with an arrogant temperament like her mother's, so he never asked for charity, and he didn't need the favor of his father.

"Yi'er is afraid that this dog monster king will make some unreasonable demands."

Li Wang heard it, smiled and said: "What kind of unreasonable request can he make? The Suzaku on the Nanshan Mountain is far away from the Fox Monster Clan. It is one hundred and eight thousand miles away from the Dogland. It is neither the border area of ​​the Dogland nor the city adjacent to it. , let alone a commercial checkpoint, are you still afraid that he will ask me to send a few cities?"

"That's true, but there are such precedents throughout the ages. Isn't the White Python Clan in the past also in a similar situation to the Tiger Monster Clan? But because of Bai Yu's repeated violations, they had to ask the Tiger Monster Clan to help them fight back together. As a result, During the war, the Tiger Monster Clan deliberately delayed sending troops, causing the [-] members of the White Python Clan to lose to the White Feather Night Falcon Clan, and retreated to the Horseshoe Valley to defend. .”

(End of this chapter)

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