The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 207: Humans and Demons in Different Ways

Chapter 207: Humans and Demons in Different Ways (4)
Wisteria chuckled and said, "Your husband's words will never be wrong, sir, don't doubt it."

Cangwu's erudition is by no means in vain. Even Lin Lang, who hated him, once said that she only knows Cangwu who knows the world and the earth.

After hearing this, the elder Hongsong understood that what Bu Jie mentioned was not a condition, and he clearly wanted to anger King Li.

Fire Qilin can only grow in Yandong, and Yandong is in Zhuque Mountain. If this condition is raised, it means that King Li will enshrine Zhuque Mountain. Will throw up his sleeves and leave.

Knowing that he had said something wrong, Bu Jie rubbed his head, "I'll just say..."


The three elders of Hongsong, Huanghua and Qingshan directly gave him three pairs of blank eyes.

Cang Wu didn't even bother to talk to him, after all he was an alchemy madman, thanks to the coyotes who successfully passed through the void of Hell Pool, otherwise he would have become king, and the dog realm would have turned him into a rotten plaster.

Cang Wu looked at the tallest leader, and saw that the little wolf frowned and said nothing, but his expression was determined, as if he had already understood it.

"Wang hasn't spoken for a long time, but has a countermeasure?"

"I don't have any countermeasures yet, I just thought of King Li's bitter trick, but it gave me a little reminder!"

"Cangwu would like to hear the details."

"He only wants to succeed here, not to fail."

This bitter trick seems to be subtle, but when you think about it carefully, it is a dangerous move. If he is a bad-tempered king, what will happen? I am afraid that he will directly confront him, thinking that he is cheating and cheating, and bullying the people of the dog realm , this kind of embarrassment is not willing to let go, there is no sincerity, the order to evict the guest has been issued long ago.

But he used this tactic because he was sure that he had a good temper. Of course it was impossible. The two were about the same age, and both belonged to the royal family of the big demon clan. Although they knew each other, it was Yumo's time when they met. Knowing him well, there is only one reason for doing this, and that is to settle the matter of the alliance, but even though Li Wang extremely hopes for the success of the alliance between the two clans, it does not mean that the dog monster clan can speak loudly.

He had to consider his bottom line, otherwise he might bite back.

Then again, even though I did deal with the matter in a 'good temper', in a sense the two are still at odds.

Li Wang wanted to show him off, so he did the same.

each other!

Looking at it this way, Ri is not that easy to deal with.

"What does the king think we should do?"

"It's useless to think too much, just see the trick."

Cang Wu understood what he meant, "I will meet you tomorrow, can the king ask you to accompany me?"

"No need! More people will only give him a chance to improve his bottom line."

Because there are too many people talking, it is better to be one-on-one.


"Okay, let's all go back and rest."

Xiaolang waved his hand to signal that they were all dispersed, and after the others kowtowed and retreated, only Cang Wu stayed.

The little wolf stared at him who was kneeling on the ground, "Do you have something to say?"

"Yes!" Cang Wu raised his head, his eyes clear.

"I want to know if this king has already met her?"

She was naturally referring to Yu Mo.

He hasn't returned to the bedroom to rest in the past few days. If it wasn't for Li Wang's matter, Cang Wu would not know about it, but now he not only knows, but also witnessed it with his own eyes, but even so, he still needs to admit it himself before giving up. .


"Wang Ke knows that the reputation of her daughter's family is very important."

Monsters are like people in this regard, men and women are different, and women are also innocent.

(End of this chapter)

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