The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 209: Humans and Demons in Different Ways

Chapter 209: Humans and Demons in Different Ways (6)
"And why did she turn into a demon?" In this world, he didn't believe that there was no way to prolong his life besides becoming a demon.

"Even if the king never has an heir, is it okay?"

This sentence shook the little wolf's mind, and his pupils shrank suddenly, "What do you mean?"

"Human monsters have different paths, so it's hard to have children, king!"

The little wolf rushed down, grabbed Cang Wu's collar with red eyes, "You're talking nonsense!"

Cang Wu looked into his eyes, and asked neither humble nor overbearing: "The king has been to Xuanyuan Realm, does anyone know whether humans and dogs can have children?"

How can this bear children?

Let's not talk about ethical issues first, but different races, it is absolutely impossible to give birth to a new life.

Even if they are not humans, it is impossible for cats and dogs in the human world to give birth to cats and dogs or dogs and cats.

Xiaolang suddenly felt a cold feeling that his whole body was being hollowed out...

He and Momo will not have children, is that what you mean?

Cang Wu continued: "Is the king going to cut off the royal lineage of the dog monster clan?"

"shut up!"

He punched Cang Wu's chest, he was so angry that he didn't have any strength left, he punched out so hard that Cang Wu fell to the ground, vomited a mouthful of blood and splashed on the ground.

The little wolf's eyes seemed to reflect the blood, turning redder and redder.

Cang Wu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said aggressively: "If the king still insists on not changing, can he have the face to meet his ancestors at the end of his life, can he bluntly say in front of his ancestors that he died because of a woman?" The royal bloodline of the dog monster clan..."

"Bu...Bujie..." Little Wolf squeezed out these two words tremblingly.

"Whether Bu Jie belongs to the royal family, the king should know better than the minister!"

There have always been many secrets of the royal family, and most of them are scandals, but the past is far away, so why mention it again.

The little wolf glared at Cangwu with his bare eyes, "Is this the so-called knowing the sky above and the earth below? Is this what you, Cangwu, are capable of? Why do you have to know everything, and why do you have to tell this king? .”

"Because the king is the king, and I am the minister!"

He didn't talk about this matter from the beginning, just because he didn't want him to be sad because of it, he just hoped that he would figure it out and let it go by himself, who would have thought that this love would deepen so quickly, thinking that in his life, there was only one thing he regretted However, there is only one thing that can make him utterly overwhelmed.

He never lies, nor will he deceive him because he is infatuated with a human woman.

Human beings have different paths, and it is difficult to have children, but it is true.

If not, those human beings who inadvertently broke into the mountain and sea realm in the past would have used the Pangu ax if they had married with a demon to give birth to offspring, because half a human is half a demon, and a human is also a demon.

This may be the most unknown trick of Huangdi Xuanyuanji, because he has long known that the day of the demon moon in the human world is a loophole for human beings to reach the world of mountains and seas, that is, it cannot be changed, so that demons and humans can't get along. There are descendants, not limited to the continuation of the half-demon and half-human bloodline, which solves the hidden worry of an ancient ax being found and used.


The little wolf howled angrily, "Get out!"

He doesn't want to hear him say a word now, he just feels heartbroken, why is God so cruel, why does he have to pose such a difficult problem to him.

Cang Wu knew that he had listened, even though he couldn't bear his heartache, he also knew that staying any longer would only irritate him.

After he left, the little wolf crazily smashed everything he could see until the meeting hall was completely devastated.

no kids……

He looked up to the sky and laughed bitterly. Just a few days ago, he was still fantasizing about how cute he and Mo Mo's child would be, whether they were more like him or more like her, but now all of them have disappeared.

no kids……

In fact, he thinks that there is no big problem if he has no children. He has already thought about it. There is always a way out.

But no kids... Even if he could find a way to have the best of both worlds, he and she wouldn't have kids...

Such a thing, he couldn't convince himself, what a pity!

He couldn't help but howl again.


In the end it was just a low cry...

In the dormitory, Yu Mo was sitting on the edge of the bed in a daze, because she didn't dare to sleep, she was afraid that someone would sneak over again, she decided to make it clear to him this time, and she couldn't keep sleeping with her.

However, she waited for a long time, and he did not come.

She suddenly felt a little empty in her heart, a kind of loss she had never experienced before, which made her feel extraordinarily lonely and desolate.

"Little wolf..."



This was the first time she called him that.

(End of this chapter)

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