The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 211 The matter of the daughter's house

Chapter 211 The matter of the daughter's house (2)
"Exactly!" Linlang picked up the fair chopsticks, picked up a piece of pickled radish and put it in Yumo's bowl, "Miss, eat as much as you want, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, if you eat less like this, I'm afraid you will attract illness. "

There are only two seasons in the dogland, summer and winter. Winter is the longest, but because of the warm winter in winter, it is actually like spring, the most comfortable, and then it will enter summer. After entering summer, the climate is very hot, and dog monsters are all If you are afraid of heat, you will be listless in summer, which is easy to cause diseases.

Although she doesn't know if humans are also like this, but it's never wrong to leave a star heart.

Yumo nodded and tried to eat as much as possible, unlike Duoji, who seems to have two stomachs, eat whatever he has, and he must eat it all. Although it is a blessing to be able to eat, it is always bad for the body to eat too much , she was afraid that he would spoil his stomach, so she advised: "Don't eat so fast, no one will grab you."

There were seven or eight dishes on the table, and only she and he ate them. She usually only ate [-]% full, and couldn't eat much at all, and the rest went into his stomach.

Duoji opened his greasy mouth, "It's a waste if you don't finish eating!"

Although he no longer has to worry about eating and drinking, and will no longer be hungry, the virtue of saving food is deeply rooted. Even if he really can't finish it, he still needs to make a small bowl with Mu Xiang, so that after these days, he has gained weight Quite a few, it’s not obvious when it’s in human form, but when it’s in mouse form, it’s really chubby, and it can catch up with the chinchilla in Miyazaki’s works, and it’s getting softer and cuter.

"Miss, you don't need to worry about him. Duoji has to practice every day, and it's time to grow your body. It doesn't matter if you eat more."

Linlang picked up the fair chopsticks again, and put some meat in the Duoji bowl, which was regarded as small meat. She always felt that Yumo's vegetarian habit was not good, so she asked the kitchen to make one or two small meat while cooking, hoping that she would If you watch too much, you will eat it.

However, Yu Mo's habit will not be changed easily. Even if the chef in the kitchen makes the meat delicious and fragrant, it is useless. She will not touch it at all. In the stomach sac.

"Sister, are you bored? If so, Dorji will accompany you. Let's go shopping, shall we?"

Duoji keenly noticed that she was not in good spirits these past few days. Although the life in the palace was very comfortable, she was really tired and panicked after staying for a long time.

"No, so I don't have to go out and make trouble."

"That Duoji accompanied my sister to stare blankly..."

Staring eyes is a kind of card game in the human world, a pastime game. Because Yu Mo was bored, he made two decks of playing cards out of cardboard to pass the time. Because staring eyes is best played by four people, it is interesting, so it took A lot of time taught fungus, Muxiang, and Duoji.

Yu Mo still shook his head, "Let's practice calligraphy."

Every time they played cards, Fungus and Muxiang were trembling, as if their heads would fall off after playing the cards. She had better not harm them, so as not to be seen one day, saying that they were playing games and losing their minds.

"Well, my sister is practicing calligraphy, and Duoji is grinding ink."

"You don't need to grind, you practice together."

Dorji was not popular in Black Rat Village since he was a child, so the education he deserved was delayed. Compared with her, he is truly illiterate.

Duoji said with a bitter face: "It's so difficult!"

Compared with practicing calligraphy, he prefers to practice kung fu.

"Aren't you going to be a big monster? If that's the case, you should be omnipotent in civil and martial arts. Otherwise, you can be regarded as a martial artist at best if you only know martial arts."

As a human being in the twentieth century, education is the most important thing. No matter how bad it is, you always have to recognize a few words and count. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are all you need.

(End of this chapter)

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