The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 224 Glass King Is Not a Pig

Chapter 224 Glass King Is Not a Pig (2)
She was lying still on her stomach, with her face down again, and he really couldn't confirm whether she was okay or not.

"Do not say!"

"If you don't speak, how will I know if you are okay?"

"It's all said to be very good, but you don't believe it."

"Keep your head up..."

"do not want!"

How can she see people with her face now, it feels so hot that she can boil eggs.

Perhaps the little wolf knew that she was shy, and forced her, "Then let me tell you, listen."

"Whatever!" She only hoped that he would leave quickly.

"I'll be going on a long trip recently..."

As soon as the words started, Yu Mo couldn't bear it anymore, and raised his head, "Where are you going?"

Under the candlelight, her eyes were extraordinarily bright, like black pearls, her face was flushed, her cheeks were as rosy as if she had applied a layer of rouge, she was extremely charming.

Little Wolf couldn't help stretching out his hand to caress her face, it was soft and smooth to the touch, more comfortable than any silk, "Mt. Sumeru!"

"When are you coming back?"

"I can't tell." He didn't dare to tell her that this trip would be very dangerous.

Li Wang can know the reflection of the artifact on Sumeru, and so will King Jing and Bai Yu. Rather than looking for the artifact, it is better to say that this is a direct declaration of war.

"How long will it take?"

"If it's fast, it's a month, if it's slow, I can't say..."

Mount Sumeru is the northernmost place in the mountain and sea boundary, not only is it far away, but you may also encounter ambushes from Bai Yu and others on the way. The front is relatively unfavorable, so you can only take a detour, so the journey may take a long time.

Yumo had never been separated from him for such a long time, and felt a little empty in her heart. Although she got along well with Linlang Muxiang and others, it would never compare to the feeling that Xiaolang gave her. With him, she could be in the same place. Stay in this mountain and sea world.

She simply made a decision, "I want to go too!"


The little wolf refused straight away, this wasn't a trip to the mountains, she would only distract him, not to mention the matter of the artifact, he didn't intend to talk about it, if he did, the girl might want to go even more.


"I'm going to work?"

"what's up?"

With an attitude of breaking the casserole and asking the end, Yu Mo looked straight at him with his two eyes, and his persistence and stubbornness shone even more inside.

"I am the king of the dog demon clan, and I have to deal with some matters between the clans."

He spoke very vaguely, and didn't say anything specific, which seemed to be confusing, but a woman's imagination is very rich, and when she heard the word "ethnic group", she thought of King Li.

"Is it related to that stinky fox?"

Little Wolf didn't expect her to guess so accurately, if he said no, it would be too self-deprecating.

He nodded: "Yes!"

"You want to help him?"

Although this is also her guess, but it is well-founded, otherwise how could King Li come to the Dog Realm?

Xiaolang felt that if she continued to guess like this, the matter of the artifact might not be hidden, but if she avoided talking about it, she would definitely become suspicious, so it is better to be half-truth and half-false.

"I really want to help him, but this is what the big monsters often do. Today I help him, and he will help me in the future. It's mutual benefit and reciprocity. If you want to ask what is the matter, forgive me No comment, there is an agreement to keep secrets between the ethnic groups, telling you is breaking the agreement, if this is spread, the dog monster clan will..."

He knows her personality, and he doesn't like to cause trouble for others, so this trick must be useful to her.

Yu Mo was really fooled.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it, I just don't ask." Although she was unwilling, but her nature was such that she couldn't learn those methods of persecuting people, she sat up straight, and said: "I'm thirsty, you Bring me some water."

(End of this chapter)

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