The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 230 Forming a Group to Play a Dungeon

Chapter 230 Forming a Group to Play a Dungeon (2)
"Is King Li here to make an apology?"

"Exactly!" He pointed to the wooden box on the ground with a wry smile, "However, Miss Yumo refuses to accept it!"

"Her temper has always been stubborn, Li Wang doesn't need to mind."

"No, it's only right for Miss Yumo to be angry with me. I can only blame Huli for being too small-minded that day, treating a good person as a bad person. I heard that Miss Yumo is also the benefactor of the dog demon king?"

Little Wolf nodded, this was no secret in the Dog Realm, and he didn't need to hide it.

"That's a coincidence. Speaking of which, Miss Yumo is also my benefactor."

Little Wolf already knew about Yumo treating his wounds, so he wouldn't be surprised, but he didn't know why he mentioned it now.

"Farewell on that day, Huli really felt ashamed. Since the fox monster clan and the dog monster clan have already formed an alliance, I would like to ask the dog monster king to say a few good words for Huli in front of Miss Yumo, so that she can see me, and we will be together again." If the matter is clear, if Miss Yu Mo can forgive her, Hu Li will feel at ease."

What he meant was nothing more than wanting to turn fighting with Yumo into friendship. The alliance is built on the basis of trust, and this trust must also be strong. It sounds like he is worried that the matter of Lin Hai will affect the trust between each other, so he spares no effort to remedy it. But on the other hand, it also fully revealed that he knew the importance of Yumo in the little wolf's heart.

If it didn't matter, how could Li Wang, the majestic fox monster clan, come to apologize repeatedly in a low voice.

There is nothing wrong with this thought, and every word expresses the importance it attaches to the alliance.

It's not easy for Little Wolf to drive him away, but Yu Mo's temper is not so easy to change.

"Li Wang is polite, I accepted the gift on her behalf, and I will truthfully convey Li Wang's sincerity!"

"Thank you, Dog Demon King, Huli is very grateful."

Ning Bao was not happy with King Li's humility, but before he came, he was taken care of by Ning Yi, and he was only allowed to use his physical strength, not his mouth.

When the wooden box was moved in by Lin Lang, and the two walked to the corridor, he couldn't help it.

"Your Highness, if that little monster doesn't want to talk to you, just ignore you. Why put a hot face on that cold ass, it seems that we fox monsters are so cowardly."

Li Wang picked up his fan and knocked on his head, "You, when will you learn to use your brain?"

"I'm not using my brain anymore, and I'm not wrong, even if it's an alliance, we and the dog monster are equal, and we're not monarchs and ministers, why do we have to be so humble to them, that little monster just doesn't know what's good. "

When he was in Lin Hai, he still admired Yu Mo's stubbornness, but now she doesn't show any good looks, and those admiration has become a thing of the past.

"Don't call her a little demon anymore. Although I don't know why she looked like that at the time, she is definitely not a demon."

"I know, you said last night that she is from Xuanyuan."

"You still remember."

He did mention it last night, but the kid had been dozing off, so he thought he didn't hear it.

"Of course I remember. My sister also said that she wants me to respect her more in the future. I don't understand, that little... bah, she..." If he doesn't change his words, the paper fan will probably hit him on the head again, " I don't understand, what does she have to respect, I can blow her away with one hand."

"You'll understand sooner or later."

When she gets the Pangu axe, Ning Bao, the three-tailed fox, will never be her opponent.

"Understand what?"

"You won't understand if you tell me!" He didn't bother to waste his words.

"You and your sister like to play charades."

Li Wang smiled and said: "Your elder sister didn't like to use her brain before, but after marrying your brother-in-law, this problem has improved a lot. Unlike you, you are stunned and left. Go back and have a good rest. You are ready to go to Mount Sumeru at any time."

(End of this chapter)

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