The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 232 Forming a Group to Play a Dungeon

Chapter 232 Forming a Group to Play a Dungeon (4)
He had never been so fierce to her before, never was he gentle and coaxing, and suddenly he was so fierce, as if he was a different person, and her eyes turned red on the spot.

When the first tear fell from her eyes, little wolf regretted it, his heart felt like a sword had been stabbed in pain, he hurried over to hug her tightly.

"Momo, I'm not trying to kill you, I really can't take you there."

He really didn't want her to know about the artifact, but even without this factor, he wouldn't be able to take her there.

It is too dangerous to be hostile to the Night Falcon clan in a place far away.

"Then you can tell me clearly, why hide it?" She was concerned about this matter.

The little wolf was dumbfounded, and had to admit that he had selfish motives.

"If you don't tell me, you obviously don't want me to know. If you don't want to help me find the Pangu axe, just say so. Why hide it from me? If you don't look for it, I will look for it myself."

All she said were angry words, and she didn't understand why she was so angry. He concealed such an important matter, which made her feel cheated.

"You are lying to me!"

Tears were pouring down and couldn't stop, and soon it was tearful.

Tears fell on the back of the little wolf's hand, burning like a piece of iron, directly into his heart.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't hide it from you, but it's not deception. I don't want you to worry."

"What are you worried about?" She wiped her face indiscriminately. She cried so hard that her nose was blocked. Regardless of whether it was elegant or not, she grabbed the little wolf's sleeve and blew her nose. When her nose cleared, her mind seemed to clear "Isn't it very dangerous!?"

Although she was very angry, his safety was also very concerned.

"you can say it this way."

He didn't intend to tell about Bai Yu's affairs, but women are born with the ability to talk, especially when this woman is the person he loves the most, this ability is even more lethal.

Yumo opened his red eyes from crying, like a bullied rabbit, just staring at him, he couldn't bear to look at him anymore, he just felt full of guilt.

"Okay, I said, don't look at me like that."

Looking at it like this, he wanted to dig out his heart.

Yu Mo grabbed his sleeve and blew his nose again, "Then tell me quickly."

Little Wolf helplessly explained the reasons and consequences of King Li's alliance with him, hoping she would understand.

She understood, but she was even more worried.

"That fox is so cunning, how can you deal with him alone, if he cheats, what will you do?"

"Awu will go with me, and Tuntian, you don't have to worry."

"How can you not worry, you have Awu, so does he, that little fox named Ning Bao is amazing, and the last time I met him on the street, there is another woman beside him, who is also a powerful master, three Against three, what advantage do you have!"

She cared about him, and he was very happy, but she looked down on him in the words. She meant that he couldn't beat King Li, and she didn't know what she thought.

Yu Mo continued: "You can't just bring such a few people."

"In your opinion?"

"Take at least a dozen people."

Little Wolf: "..."

She might as well ask him to take a whole team with him. If it gets out, how can he raise his head in the mountain and sea world.

"Did you hear that?"

"Momo, I don't need so many people, I can handle it."

"Don't underestimate him!"

(End of this chapter)

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