The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 234 Forming a Group to Play a Dungeon

Chapter 234 Forming a Group to Play a Dungeon (6)
"why do not you talk?"

Shu Du directly slammed his head against the wall, and decided that the next time he came, he could not just memorize it, he must prepare a cheat sheet, otherwise he would keep forgetting and how could he propose marriage.

"Mo Mo, you have so many questions, I have to answer them one by one, let me organize my thoughts first."

"It's not a problem. What kind of thinking do you need?"

"Okay, okay, you're right, but I'm in a hurry, can I ask for a glass of water first?"

"You're the one who has a lot to do." She poured him a cup of tea herself, "Drink it quickly, and talk to me when you're done."

After finishing his tea, the capital of Shu said, "You should have said the flaming vulture just now."

"Yes, that's it."

When Dada was injured, she didn't know what hurt him, but later she heard what Xiaolang said.

"The Flame Vulture is the guardian beast of the Night Falcon family, just like the Sky Swallowing Dog."

Yu Mo was startled, this Bai Yu not only had the Xuanyuan Sword, but also a magical beast, which made it impossible for the little wolf to win.

"What about the Xuanyuan Sword?"

"It is rumored that the Xuanyuan Sword is the most powerful weapon among the top ten divine weapons."

Look, it is the most powerful.

She just felt her heart go cold and cold, and the image of the little wolf lying in a pool of blood couldn't help appearing in her mind.

Shu Du didn't notice her thoughts at all, and added, "Whether Bai Yu is powerful or not, I don't know, but I know that he is not only good at using soldiers, but also a wizard."

"Wizard!" In other words, Bai Yu also has the expertise of a nanny.

"Well, but he is different from Bu Jie, he never saves people."

"Then what is he doing?"

"He is poisonous!"

Yu Mo stared round, a poisonous wizard?

"How poisonous is it?"

"It is said that none of the people who were poisoned by him survived, but the reality is, I have never been poisoned, so I don't know."

It doesn't matter if he doesn't know, Yumo has already listened.

A nanny who has Xuanyuan sword, guardian monsters, and can be poisonous, in an online game, is a big boss, how can she let the little wolf go on the road.

"Mo Mo, you suddenly asked Bai Yu, did you know that the dog and the fox cooperated?"

She nodded.

"Then..." He wanted to ask if she knew about the Mount Sumeru artifact, but if she didn't know, it would be a shame if she asked.

Like the little wolf, he didn't want her to know about the artifact.

The more Yu Mo thought about it, the more anxious he became, and suddenly thought that if he couldn't bring too many people, he could bring a big monster there, and the Shu capital in front of him was just a big monster.

"Shudu, can I ask you something?"

"Please ask me to do something, whatever you say, I will do it."

"I want you to go to Mount Sumeru with Little Wolf!"

"Hey? You know about Mount Sumeru?" Doesn't this mean that she knows about the artifact.

"Why can't I know?"

"That's not what I mean, I want to ask Mount Sumeru..."

Yu Mo rushed to talk: "There is a magic weapon!"

She sure knows!

Shu Du became anxious and cursed the little wolf.

How did this stinky dog ​​manage to let her know about the artifact? What if it was the Pangu Axe? Would he want to grab it?

"Shudu, did you hear what I said?"

"I heard, you want me to go to Mount Sumeru with the smelly dog." She didn't need to say, he would go.

"Then are you going?"

"go with!"


Yu Mo didn't expect him to agree so readily, and felt a little grateful, "Thank you."

"You're welcome!" He only worries about one thing now, if the artifact is really the Pan Gu axe, how will he hide it.

"By the way, since Mount Sumeru has an artifact reaction, wouldn't it be easier to find it?"

The artifact is hard to find because you don't know where it is. Now that you have a precise location, she wants to know if it is difficult to find it under this situation, and if there is any danger.

"As I said, the artifact is spiritual. It will choose its own owner. Only in front of the owner will it show its real body. Otherwise, in the eyes of others, it may be a piece of scrap iron, or a stone, or a Pangu axe. Because it can only be used by Xuanyuan people, I don’t know if that’s the case, but my Haotian Tower is like this. After my aunt passed away, it changed back to a tower-shaped stone. You can’t tell it’s an artifact unless you look carefully. It wasn't until I went to get it that it returned to its original state. I heard that the Fuxiqin in the Dragon Palace was also a common violin before meeting its owner, very ordinary..."

It's okay to say that.

Yu Mo immediately said fearfully, "I want to go too!"


Shu was dumbfounded, she went to join in the fun, and then thought of what she just said.

The artifact will only appear in front of the chosen master, which means that the Pangu Ax will only appear in front of the Xuanyuan people for a reason.

Isn't this driving her?
Poor little wolf, he was cheated by two teammates just like that.

And so, three canines and a woman... hit the road.

(End of this chapter)

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