The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 242: White Feather of the Night Falcon Clan

Chapter 242: White Feather of the Night Falcon Clan (3)
Although I don't know which artifact is on Mount Sumeru, but there is no doubt that it is an artifact. No matter which one it is, it will be a magical weapon. Those who can get the artifact will be like a tiger with wings. I think that Li Wang and Dog Demon King are both famous big monsters in the mountain and sea world. , They are ridiculously strong without the divine weapon, and if they get the divine weapon, it can be said that this battle has already lost the opportunity.

"How do you know you can't grab..."

His demonic eyes shone coldly in the darkness, and his aura was so cold that everyone who saw him trembled in fear.

Jiu Xian also shook his body because of it, if anyone in this world dares to say such arrogant words, it is only this person in front of him.

He sneered, "Poison, but a very good thing..."

It is well known that he is good at poison, and those who are good at poison are most proficient in poisoning invisible.

This sentence made Jiu Siam understand everything.

"Could it be that my lord wants to..." He didn't finish what he thought, because he already understood that he had a plan.

Leaving aside who will own the artifact, at least in his opinion, it is not very important. Besides, it is possible that no one will choose the artifact, and he can still attack at that time. The enemy is powerful and terrifying. The scary thing is that the enemy is not only powerful, but also He is also very good at sneak attacks, which is the most terrible thing.

"My lord is indeed a man of genius."

This is by no means the flattery of Jiu Siam, but the truth.

"Shouldn't you be on your way too?"

Jiu Xian knew what he was referring to, the artifact was not his responsibility, his task was another.

"Don't worry, my lord, Jiu Siam will not let you down."

"Whether it will disappoint me or not, let's wait until you come back."



In the night, the long sleeves floated up, like a luminous butterfly, with a sense of enchantment in its beauty.

Jiu Xian raised his head, with deep determination in his eyes, and disappeared into the night with a kick.

After he left, the four people, one black, one gray, one purple and one red, knelt down again.

Hei Yi, who was at the front, said: "My lord, I still have something to say."

He has the strongest figure, just like his name, with a pair of black wings growing on his back. He has a square face, thick black eyebrows, and looks like a reckless man, but he is the leader of the four.

All four are named after the color of their wings.

"That person sent another secret letter..."

Who is that person, only the five people present know, even Jiu Xian doesn't know, otherwise he wouldn't wait for him to leave.

"It's time to figure it out, what did you say?"

"Xuanyuan people!"

Hearing that, the 'he' who had been hiding in the dark stepped out.

The starlight in the sky was still there, falling down like phosphorescent light, finally shining on him.

It was an extremely beautiful man, with long eyebrows like willows, and a body like a jade tree. Although his perfect body was highlighted by the pure white robe, he was a little thin, but under the starlight, he was like that jewel, with a unique charm, which was hard to conceal. Fenghua, it's a pity that he has a very indifferent face, it seems that nothing in the world can attract his interest, his handsome face is always covered with a thick shadow, he has not worn a crown, and his long black hair cascades down, If it was an ordinary man, it would inevitably add a bit of madness, but he is so elegant that it makes people think that all handsome men in the world should have disheveled hair like him.

A brocade suit with a moon-white fine pattern background, because of the starlight, a large lotus pattern can be faintly seen on the white clothes, forming a strong contrast with his black eyes like puddles of ink under his willow eyebrows. contrast.

The sleeves fluttered due to the wind, like a pair of snow-white wings, making him look like an eagle, proudly spreading its long white arms, as if it would go straight to the sky at any time, so rebellious.

(End of this chapter)

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