Chapter 252
Tossing and picking is one of Tuntiangou's favorite things to do recently. The origin is naturally Yumo. Hearing that he can play a few more games, he swipes his tail violently and is extremely excited.

"Wow, ow!" it yelled and circled her, basically forgetting who was its real owner.

This is also the most amazing part of Yumo, who can always get close to animals easily and make them feel trustworthy.After appeasing the Tuntian dog, the group went up the mountain.

Walking through the mountain trails is like being surrounded by mountains. The surrounding mountains are in various shapes and forms, which are mysterious and unpredictable. There is obviously only one mountain, but walking inside, the scenery you can see looks like thousands of peaks. Determine whether it is an illusion caused by the fog, or something wrong with the eyes.

Yumo was still walking in the middle, holding hands with Dorje. When she first entered the mountain, she found that the temperature had changed suddenly, and it was a little cold, but Dorje was close to her, and the fur on her body was very warm, which would not make her shiver with cold .

The mountain road under our feet is not rough, but there are many bends, and there are always forks in the road. Every time we reach a fork, it is a problem, because there is no clear direction, everything can only be based on feeling, and everyone should be as vigilant as possible. In case there is an ambush.

I wanted to rely on the Haotian Tower to help me out, and pointed out a clear way out, but who knew that it was of no use at all.

When there are too many forks in the road, the little wolf will let Ning Bao, Ning Yi, Dada, Awu, respectively explore the roads. Some forks at the end of the road can continue to move forward, and some are dead ends, and even cliffs. If you step out without seeing clearly at a glance, you are very likely to fall down. The cliff wall is covered with poisonous prickly pears, densely packed together. It seems that the species are highly poisonous. Once you fall, you will be stabbed. The demon can fly, is not afraid of falling, and can't defend against this poisonous prickly pear.

Because of too many forks in the road, they walked very slowly, and had to go back if they made a mistake, and because the scenery was the same, they often couldn’t tell whether they had passed this road. Walking on a mountain road is climbing a hill, which consumes a lot of energy. Mo soon began to pant. She adjusted her breathing as much as possible, but she couldn't take in too much air, because some of the mist contained miasma. The resistance is far inferior to these monsters.

Worrying that the effect of repelling miasma grass would not be strong for her, the little wolf wrapped her in Lingyu brocade, which has the effect of avoiding poison and is invulnerable to water and fire.

As we walked, the temperature started to heat up again. Yu Mo wiped the sweat from his forehead. He didn't know when he would be able to climb to the top of the mountain, and he didn't dare to ask for a rest, so he could only persevere.

Knowing that she was dying, the little wolf turned around and walked up to her, stretched out his hands and carried her on his back.

She let out a cry of surprise and hurriedly got down.

"Don't make trouble!"

He also knew from the voice that he would not allow her to refuse.

Yu Mo didn't want to make trouble, but was a little embarrassed.

"Won't you say it before you recite it?" She should be mentally prepared.

"You will listen to me?"

Even with her on his back, he walks smoothly, as if he can't feel her weight. His long hair swayed lightly with his footsteps, and every time he brushed the tip of her nose, it was a little itchy and warm. There is a faint mint flavor.

"I'll talk when I'm tired."

Little Wolf just listened, how had she ever said a word during this journey, not even a request.

"Sleep for a while if you're tired."

With her back like this, how could she fall asleep, and there are so many pairs of eyes watching, especially Shu Du's eyes, which contain jealousy and hatred, and I don't know what he is jealous about.

(End of this chapter)

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