The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 270 Feeling Messed Up

Chapter 270 Feeling Messed Up (1)
"Give me the money! Did you hear me!"

Like her voice, her white and tender hands were extremely flamboyant.


Leng Buding heard such a sentence in foreign language from his mouth, the pronunciation was extremely accurate, melodious and eloquent, with a typical London accent, Yumo looked at this face that was exactly the same as that of Xiaolang, with a complicated expression.

Her little wolf can't speak English at all, and it's even more certain that he can't be a little wolf, but... this looks a lot like it.

Could it be that, as some people say, even if there is no blood relationship, there are always similar people in the world, but Xiaolang is a person she made up in her dream, but the him in front of her is in reality.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that her head was swollen, she simply stopped thinking about it, saving Xiao Hei was the most important thing.

"Your dog bit Xiao Hei, you have to pay for the medical expenses."

He hooked the corner of his mouth and sneered, "How much do you want?"

She held up three fingers, "300!"

She can do the surgery for free, but he has to pay for the medicine and nutrition.


"Nervous, RMB!"

He was silent for a while, then replied: "No!"

What is no! ?
He is wearing a suit, which is exquisitely crafted and fits his figure perfectly. You can tell at a glance that it is handmade. People who can wear such a suit will not have 300 oceans in their pockets. Who would believe it?

She was the first to not believe it, and she was sure that he was unwilling to give the money and wanted to renege on his debt.

"This gentleman... As a dog owner, if the dog makes a mistake, the owner should be responsible. You don't understand this truth, do you?"

He still sneered, "What's wrong with my dog?"

Yu Mo waved his finger to Xiao Hei who fell on the ground, "Such a big mistake!"

"He was just a dirty brute with no manners and my dog ​​wouldn't have bitten him if he hadn't attacked my dog ​​first."

After listening to these remarks, Yu Mo not only had fire in his eyes, but also smoke in his forehead.

She desperately suppressed the anger rising from her abdomen, clenched her fists and gritted her teeth, and said, "I'll say it again, give me the money, and... an apology!"

"Apologize? To you, or to this dirty...!"

With a slap, Yumo couldn't bear it anymore and raised her hand. She really wanted to slap him, but instead of slapping him, her hand stopped in the air, and she held back.

Some people say they love dogs, but they can’t classify stray dogs into the category of love and care. They still think they are synonymous with filth and epidemic diseases. They are willing to spend money to buy expensive famous breed dogs, but they are unwilling to adopt a stray dog. Dogs, that's why.

Therefore, there is no need to entangle too much with a person whose values ​​​​are different from your own. It is no different from wasting time.

The gap in values ​​determines the size of the gap between people.

Why should she be angry, why should she waste any more words.

Different ways do not seek each other, what can be done is to do what you can do.

She raised her hand and changed its direction, pointing to the door of the greenhouse, "Get lost! Don't let me see you again."

Next time, she might not be able to bear it.

After finishing speaking, she turned around and picked up Xiao Hei, who had already woken up and wailed in pain.

"Hey, it doesn't hurt anymore. You will have an operation later, and you will be alive and well again."

She planned to take it to the operating room for practice, where there are complete surgical equipment, which can be used at will, as long as the name is registered. When she turned around, she found that he hadn't left yet, and was looking at her inexplicably.

She raised her head, looked coldly, and passed by him.

(End of this chapter)

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