The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 296 A big black wood

Chapter 296 A Big Black Chai (2)
But pretending is his family's business, it has nothing to do with her, what she has to do is to make sure that he won't hurt Bobo, Qiuqiu and Xiaohei, as for other things, she doesn't bother to care about them.

She glanced at the floor, and the three stray dogs and Lin Lang were lying quietly at his feet, as quiet as trained guide dogs.

This was really beyond her expectation, how he trained Bobo, Xiaohei, and Qiuqiu well in such a short period of time.

These three are usually naughty and can't stop for a moment, especially Bobo, who is just like a child with ADHD, so lively that he doesn't even need to sleep.

Regarding this point, she really wanted to study it carefully.

Because a good veterinarian not only needs to be able to treat diseases, but also knows how to domesticate them, so as to help more small animals integrate into human families. Among many abandoned small animals, fuss and destruction are one of the main reasons , being able to train these mischievous little guys to be "well-mannered" is absolutely beneficial to adoption.

She glanced at Inu Miluo with a paralyzed face, and the more she looked at that handsome face, the more troubled she was.

The handsome face in the dream actually also suffers from facial paralysis, but the difference is that it never exudes an unapproachable cold towards her. Even when she has to keep a straight face, she looks at her eyes with a smile, just like Two little suns can give her absolute peace of mind.

They obviously have the same face, so how could there be such a big difference?

And why is it so coincidental that she would have this strange dream before meeting him again?
"Silence, silence..."

Ruan Xin waved her hand in front of her eyes, but she didn't respond for a long time.

"Mo Mo, wake up!" She stretched out her hand and pushed Yu Mo.

Yu Mo was pushed awake, blinked, looked at Ruan Xin, "What's wrong?"


Yumo looked out the window, and the car really stopped, in front of a quaint manor.

"here is……?"

"Handsome guy's home! What's wrong with you, you're getting confused again, why don't you hurry up and get out of the car."


The driver had already got out of the car and opened the door, and the four dogs quickly got out of the car, following in the footsteps of Inumiro.

Yu Mo put on her schoolbag and got out of the car with Ruan Xin.

The manor in front of me seems to be a few years old, and it looks particularly historical.

City S is an international metropolis, known as China's Manhattan, so the architecture is quite diverse, not only with Chinese flavors, but also with European flavors. The manor in front of you is a typical European style. It is a large-scale pastoral area, and there are several country-style pastoral houses in the pastoral field. With the wind, the scent of flowers floats from nowhere, making people feel as if they are in a mist of fragrance. I can't see or touch him, but I hug him tightly, making people unable to extricate themselves from wanting to take a deep breath of the unique air here.

The main house in the front stands quietly in this fragrance, and it looks extremely peaceful. The pure European architectural style can always express the noble demeanor vividly. Dreamy and majestic.

Ruan Xin shouted, "I didn't even know there was such a house in S City."

Based on today's housing prices, such a manor would not be worth [-] million yuan.

Aristocrats are really rich local tyrants.

This main house not only covers a large area, but is also four stories high. Standing in front of it, it feels like being in an old English castle.

During Ruan Xin’s summer vacation, she often travels to Europe, so she has seen many European castles. Because of the cultural relationship, many castles look similar, but their connotations are different. Whether it is a romantic and magnificent Western European castle, it is full of legends. The Eastern European castles, or the Central European castles full of fairy tales, or the relatively simple Nordic castles, and the exotic Southern European castles, all have their own unique features and representative historical cultures, but this building in front of you, It seems that all the essences have been extracted and blended together skillfully. Not only does it look unobtrusive, but it also gives people a sense of freshness. It should be newly built, but why does the color of the exterior wall look so old? Deliberately choose nostalgic color materials?

(End of this chapter)

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