The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 299: Gluttonous Nemesis

Chapter 299: Gluttonous Nemesis (1)
Yumo was bitten, dripping with blood, and the biting fierce dog Taotie still clung to her bite, as if he wanted to eat her whole hand to be reconciled.

A group of people surrounded Yu Mo, yelling and chasing the dog. Ruan Xin was so frightened that she burst into tears. With the full cooperation of everyone, Yu Mo's hand finally broke away from the dog's mouth, but the blood gushing hand was already bruised. The two canine tooth holes were particularly obvious. After Ruan Xin looked carefully, she cried even louder, as if her hand had been taken away by a dog. The servant next to her turned pale, but the one who should cry the most, should be pale Yu Mo didn't show any expression.

The pain must be painful, but she was very calm, and shook her numb hand from the pain, blood splashed all over the floor immediately.

Ruan Xin cried out: "Hospital, go to the hospital quickly! No, call 120!"

Yu Mo glanced at his hand, five fingers were still there, not one was broken, the nerves should not be damaged, but a piece of flesh in the tiger's mouth was split.

"Ruan Ruan, calm down, I'm fine!"

You must go to the hospital, but you can avoid calling 120.
"It's okay, your hand... your hand..." The blood that kept coming out stimulated her eyeballs, and she was already dizzy.

Quan Meiluo walked slowly from upstairs, seeing this situation, his expression changed and he quickened his pace.

"What happened?"

His appearance made a group of pale-faced servants even more pale.

"Gao Tie bit... bit... miss!"

Taotie had already been pulled away at this moment, and was put on a collar by two servants, but he was extremely rebellious, with an attitude of looking down on others.

Quan Meiluo frowned, his face was ashen, his golden eyes had gathered a storm, and he stared fiercely at Taotie.

Taotie was not afraid at all, he squatted there, looking more domineering than his master.

The servant hurriedly fetched the medicine box and stopped Yumo's bleeding first.

Yu Mo was also puzzled, it was so good, it didn't provoke anyone, why did this big black wood bite her, she frowned and looked at Taotie, and began to study it up and down.

"It doesn't make sense!"

"What doesn't make sense?" Ruan Xin was helping a servant clean her wound.

"Why did it bite me?"

Ruan Xin saw that she was still interested in studying this, and immediately became angry, "You idiot, why are you still asking at this time, it is a dog, do you need any reason for biting you, I think you really have a problem with your brain."

"I just can't figure it out..."

"There's nothing I can't figure out, you go to the hospital quickly, such a big wound requires stitches."

After debridement with soap several times, Ruan Xin yelled at the people from the dog house to drive over, then pushed Yu Mo into the car, and hurried to the hospital.

In the emergency room, Yumo had 11 stitches on her jaw, and was taken to get two injections of rabies vaccine. The doctor also told her not to touch the water for the next week to avoid infection of the wound.

Yumo is familiar with the first aid for being bitten by animals.

Since she was a child, all the scars on her body were caused by small animals, either scratches or bites. She has become accustomed to it, except for the marks on her fingers pressed by the scalpel.

She didn't feel much pain, but it was hard to tell after the anesthetic wore off, but she could bear it.

As soon as Ruan Xin arrived at the hospital, she was busy. After the treatment, she was exhausted and paralyzed.

"Come on, drink water, thanks for your hard work!"

Yumo handed over a bottle of mineral water with her uninjured hand.

Ruan Xin took a sip and said, "You are really worrying."

(End of this chapter)

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