The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 305 I'm Happy

Chapter 305 I'm Happy (3)
After installation, it can be connected to the Internet with the mobile phone, and you can see the surveillance images captured by the camera through the mobile phone anytime, anywhere, and you can freely adjust the orientation of the camera by sliding on the screen of the mobile phone, which can be said to be 360 ​​degrees without dead ends.

It was installed on the iron cage that closed the big black firewood, and there was a microphone on the camera. Yumo could talk to Taotie through the phone without hindrance.

In order to ensure that Taotie would not scratch the monitor, he specially picked a place where it couldn't catch it.

Every day after class, Yumo would open the monitor app on her phone and chat with Taotie about the daily routine.

Taotie stares at this monitor every day, at first he ignores it, then becomes manic, and then tries desperately to destroy the monitor, but there is nothing he can do. In the end, he gets used to it, even without waiting for Yumo to open the software to send Voice, as long as it estimated that it was time for her to finish class, it would lazily open its eyes, waiting for her to speak.

However, she didn't move today, and the monitor kept silent.

Is it broken?

It walked into the monitor and looked back and forth. It didn't know much about things in this world, but it knew that there was a green light on it, indicating that there was no problem.

It was too late to wait for the brainwashing every day, and it started to become manic again, walking around in the iron cage...

Damn girl, don't keep your promise!

The sky outside was gradually getting dark, and the sparkle in its eyes gradually dimmed...

What is it expecting... and what is there to expect.

It is gluttonous, a beast that is feared by both humans and demons.

But why is it still looking forward to the appearance of that girl? Could it be that this nagging girl has only this bit of perseverance... Could something be wrong?

Such a broken mouth must have offended many people, and maybe they were bullied by others.

It came in an incarnation. In order not to cause turmoil in this dream, it did not gather all the power together. The current image is just a clone. In order to fit the illusion, it will not be worn out, or its power will not be destroyed. At this moment It can be said to be very 'weak', and it didn't plan to stay forever, but this girl's perseverance is amazing, and it can't get away if it wants to get away, so it can only stay in the illusion.

Although the direction of the illusion is controlled by it, it is only responsible for posing problems for this girl. Those school life, family life, and interpersonal relationships are all produced by the memories in this girl's mind. If she has been bullied before, the illusion will be very difficult It is possible to re-simulate such an encounter.

The essence of illusion is to infinitely magnify a person's subconscious desires. If the person's inner world is very dark, then the illusion will not be bright. How evil a person is, the darkness of the illusion will be proportional. .

But this girl's illusion is totally different from what she has encountered before.

Her illusion is full of peace, without even a trace of inequality. It is more like a paradise than an illusion, but he always firmly believes that no matter how kind a person treats others and maintains fairness, there will always be a dark side, and there will always be some The ulterior secret is that either she bullies others, or others bully her.

If so...

It was extremely irritable, and scratched the iron railing with its paws, so what if it was bullied, this girl's mouth is so naughty, someone should punish her, but at the same time, being trapped in the cage like this, it also felt very boring.

As time passed, loss followed...

It drooped its head, nestled in the iron cage and stopped moving.

At this time, there was a sound of light footsteps, coming slowly from far to near, approaching it step by step. It thought it was a servant who came to deliver dog food to it, so it ignored it, but after the footsteps stopped, it was too late. There was no movement.

It raised its head irritably, and wanted to howl twice to scare the servants, but what it didn't expect to see was Yu Mo's smiling face.

"Gaotie, do you miss me!"

It froze for a while, then turned its head, who missed you, you long-winded brat.

"I talk to you every day, why do you still look so cold, you have no conscience."

Whatever conscience a beast needs, it will be laughed at if it has one.

"I brought you my homemade dog food today, try it, it tastes like beef and vegetables."

It doesn't want to eat dog food, it's food, it's like chewing wax, if it wasn't for it not eating or drinking for a long time, it would have fried its hair long ago.

"Hey, turn your head around and look at me, I took a lot of effort to make it, and it's still hot."

It didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but Yu Mo talked too much, so it had to turn its face and glared at her angrily.

"Are you locked in a cage, are you unhappy?"


Its brown-green eyes were aggrieved.

Yumo stroked his chin, "That's right, after being locked up for so long, the lessons should be enough, do you know you made a mistake now?"

Taotie puffed out its nostrils and exhaled hot air, it would not admit it wrong.

"You have such a tough temper!"

Yu Mo put down the fresh-keeping box in his hand, and moved an inch closer to the cage, "It's fine to let you out, but you are not allowed to act willfully, do you hear me?"

Seeing that it didn't respond, and still looked arrogant, she also found it funny, because she had never seen a dog with such a bad temper.

She opened the iron cage, and the servant beside her frightened: "Miss, Taotie is not wearing a muzzle."

"It's okay, it's okay, it won't bite me again, I trust it."

Hearing this sentence, Taotie was in a daze, and didn't come out of the cage right away.

"Come out, you still want to stay locked in."

It walked out slowly, shook its body from head to toe after coming out, then looked at Yu Mo fiercely, and its teeth were exposed.

Yu Mo raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Remember the grudge, do you still want to take a bite? That's good... But it's okay, don't bite my injured one. If you want to bite, bite this uninjured one."

Bai Nennen's little hand stretched out proactively.

This hand was the one that gently stroked its fur that day.

It opened its mouth and bit it with a click.

The servant screamed, "Miss!"

Yu Mo looked at the bitten hand, there was neither bleeding nor pain, and said with a smile: "Scare me, I'm so scared! Hahahaha!"

It just bites, but it doesn't use force, it's more like a bite than a bite.

When holding it, the eyes are scary enough.

Yu Mo patted it on the forehead, "You can teach a child!"

Taotie let out a snort.

My pleasure!
(End of this chapter)

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