The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 312 Escape from the Darkness

Chapter 312 Escape from the Darkness (3)
"Then why are you doing this?"

"Are you looking for a way, or are you going to continue wasting time?"

"Why is it a waste of time to ask questions..." Seeing his expression of not wanting to answer, she consciously stopped asking, "Forget it, it's useless to ask you, nobles like you must have something to say Human eccentricity."

"Has anyone ever told you that you really talk a lot?"

Hearing that, she rolled her eyes and shone the flashlight on the road ahead, "Okay, let's stop talking, let's go forward, right?"


In order to escape, the two cooperated tacitly, but the collapse was too serious, and it was impossible to tell if there was a way out in many places. After searching around, they couldn't find anything, which wasted a lot of energy.

Once the physical strength is exhausted, the mouth will also be thirsty.

Unfortunately, in this case, drinking water has become a delusion.

She pursed her lips, feeling that she was really going to die this day.

At this time, a bottle of mineral water appeared in front of her eyes. She was stunned and looked at the person who handed it to her.

"Where did you come from?"

"Just picked it up."

"You really know how to pick things up!"

"Then do you want it?"


She was very thirsty, and her saliva was almost dry. She unscrewed the bottle cap and found that it was fresh and unopened. She took a sip of it, it was sweet and refreshing, and she felt much better.

After drinking, she thought of him, "What about you?"

"I only picked up one bottle!"


Yu Mo glanced at the bottle whose water had almost bottomed out, and said, "Why didn't you say so earlier!"

"You drank in such a hurry, I didn't have time to say it even if I wanted to."

"Can you drink first?"

He smiled and said, "Don't you hate me very much?"

"Today is different from the past. When you are in trouble, you should help each other. Even if you drink first, I won't dislike you. Now there are only a few left..."

He took the water bottle and drank it up, "Enough!"

After drinking, he wanted to throw the bottle away, but she hurriedly said, "Don't throw it away, in case we find water, it can still store water."

He was right after thinking about it, and put the bottle back.

Yu Mo asked, "What shall we do now?"

"Give it a go!"

She didn't understand what he meant, "Huh?"

"If my memory is correct, there must be an exit behind the place blocked by stones just now!"



Yu Mo looked at his hands, "You mean digging with bare hands?"


After searching around, not only did not find a way out, but also did not find a tool. If you want to escape, you can only rely on your hands.

"I'm fine, but why do you say you want to give it a try?"

"The stone blocks the place, and it is too close to the sundries piled up above. I am afraid that when I dig, it will also affect the support above..."

Yumo looked at the piece of construction waste above his head in shock. It was like playing an intellectual game of drawing wooden blocks. If he drew the right block, he would win. If he got it wrong, the whole place would collapse.

It is indeed time to fight, not only for luck, but also for character.

He turned to look at her and asked, "Are you afraid?"

Yu Mo straightened her chest, "Don't be afraid!"

If she retreats at this time, there is no hope of getting out alive. There are still many things in her life that she has not done, and she will not give up.

"Okay, let's do it!"

"it is good!"

The two carefully removed the stones one by one, and they would pay attention to whether the construction waste on it would loosen without moving one piece. This not only tested their physical strength, but also tested their physical strength. Although two people worked, one could rest when tired. Let the other person continue to work, but Yumo has a stubborn temper and will never be lazy when it comes to hard work, so the progress of the two of them is also satisfactory after cooperation, and a small hole was quickly dug out.

"Get in and have a look first! Is there a way out?"

She is petite, and it would be more appropriate for her to go in.

"Well, you wait!"

Yumo got in, because the ground was full of gravel, the clothes were thin, and the hole was small, so she had to twist and twist, and if she was not careful, she would be hit by the gravel, and a bloodstain would be wiped out. She took a breath , without saying a word, continued to dig in, like a caterpillar.

She took a picture with a flashlight, and sure enough, she saw a door.

"Yes, there is a door ahead."

"Go first!" He pushed her from behind.

"how about you?"

"I'll dig a little bigger before going over."

He was much taller than her, and even she had to work hard to get through the small hole, so he definitely couldn't get through it.

"Okay, I'll help you on the other side!"

Yu Mo drilled to the other end, and then turned around to help him dig together.

Suddenly, something that no one expected happened. After a stone fell, the construction waste on the cave wall clattered down.

Both of them were pale.

"Silently, run in!"

"No, I ran away, what about you?"

"You don't have to worry about me!"

He pushed her away with his hands, so hard that he pushed her out of the way.

Yumo's side is much safer than the place where he stayed, only sporadic pieces of wood fell, and she was worried that it would collapse, so she screamed: "Climb over here!"

As soon as these words were finished, there was another sound of shaking.

In an instant, the other end of the cave wall collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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