The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 315 Scars on Fingers

Chapter 315 Scars on Fingers (3)
"I'll help you!"

Yu Mo stretched out her hand and lifted it vigorously. With the strength of her hand, it was no different from a mantis arm blocking a car.

"Don't move, I will do it myself."

"What's the difference between you and me at this time... work hard together!"

Although the two joined forces, they still couldn't shake the crossbeam, and they were still stacked together. After a long time, embarrassment came.

Yu Mo turned her face aside, "Well...take a break first..."


In the silence, the embarrassment became more intense. Face to face, chest to chest, each other's body temperature could be felt very clearly.

And the heartbeat...

The more I thought about it, the faster my heart beat, as if it was going to fly out of my throat.

She swallowed, "That..."


As he stared down, a strand of hair fell down and landed on the tip of her nose, and the faint smell of mint penetrated into her nostrils.

She is very familiar with this smell, and the little wolf in the dream often carries this smell.

She took a peek at the man who was pressing her down. Although he was very close, the light was weak. She couldn't see very clearly, she could only see his appearance dimly, but maybe it was because of the hazy relationship that he looked It's so unreal, even though I can feel his body temperature, I still don't think he's real.

The little wolf in the dream was not real either, but at the moment the two overlapped.

Let her begin to be confused, which is which.

Subconsciously, she actually felt how wonderful it was that the little wolf in her dream could become a normal person in reality.

Although his temper was a bit awkward, he was not bad at all.

It was true that he bullied Xiao Hei, but it was more than enough to adopt him afterwards.

He also adopted Taotie, a bad-tempered Heichai, which shows that he is very soft-hearted.

In such a harsh environment, he didn't leave her alone, and took care of her everywhere. He was a heart-warming man.

In this way, his advantages outweigh his disadvantages.

"Actually, you should have left by yourself..."

She is not physically strong, and carrying her is also a burden, but he can run faster by himself.

"You think I'm doing something useless?"

"No, no, I just think that my life is more valuable in the face of a catastrophe."

"Indeed!" He smiled slightly, "It's just..."


"Some people are so stupid that they don't even understand why I put my precious life aside, and insist on suffering with her shamelessly!"

Yu Mo is not a fool, in this dark and dangerous space, it encourages the brain to function even more.

"You..." She blushed.

No way!
It's not what she thought it was!

She suddenly felt a little difficult to breathe, and the blush on her face extended to her neck.

"If we can escape, I think..."

She screamed, "Think about it, don't think about it!"

"you are not willing?"

She didn't expect him to be so direct, and more importantly, what is the situation now, he still has fantasies about such things.

"I...I..." She was already incoherent.

The first time I encountered this kind of thing, I felt my head was empty.

But... the word "love" was very large and horizontal in the blank space in her mind.

She was flustered and confused, and felt that the development of things was like a rocket, which was ridiculously fast.

She has only known him for a few days, not for two weeks, and has not done any in-depth understanding at all. How can she fall in love, and why must he be the first person she falls in love with.

(End of this chapter)

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