The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 320 Heading to the top of the mountain

Chapter 320 Heading to the top of the mountain (3)
She snorted, and really bit again, Xu was not relieved, she held his hand again, and bit the back of his hand hard.

This biting appearance is really ruthless.

He looked at the clear teeth marks on the back of his hand and said with a smile, "Mo Mo, you are more like a dog than me!"

She stared angrily and said, "Who said I look like a dog? It's obvious... It's obviously you who bullied me first."

"Well, I was bullied!" He didn't think there was anything wrong with that at all, and said it with confidence.

Hearing this, she became even more annoyed, she ground her teeth, and wanted to bite him again.

He didn't resist, and handed her his hand generously.

So conscious, how could she continue to bite, turned her head, and didn't want to talk to him anymore.

He followed her, continued to hold her tightly, and checked to see if she was hurt. Although he didn't know what happened to her after the separation, but she was safe and sound at the moment, and he didn't care about anything. When he looked at her, golden His eyes seem to be dripping with tenderness like water

He hugged him a little tightly, and his eyes were so focused. When he breathed out, he would always catch her inadvertently. She avoided his eyes and lowered her head. It stopped, and it was blank again.

Caught off guard, a soft kiss landed on her temples, with infinite warmth, he lightly lifted her forehead hair, looked straight into her eyes with shining eyes, "Speak!"

Without saying anything, how would he know what she was thinking?
She lowered her head, almost to the ground.

If you want her to talk at this time... what can she say?
Do you want to discuss with him the feeling of being kissed by your own dog?

She covered her hot face, about this, she only knew that she didn't hate it.

Damn not annoying!This must have been caused by another Inumira.

She just felt a little confused...

If Little Wolf is just an ordinary person...

She fell silent, her face blushing even more.

After a while, she mustered up her courage and asked, "Why did you kiss me?"


She looked up, staring.

What the hell is excitement?

He said: "Generally speaking, dogs will be very excited when they see their owners whom they haven't seen for a long time..."

Wagging tail, pounce, lick...

He did it, isn't he excited?

Hearing this explanation, Yu Mo was dumbfounded...

If you think about it, it really makes sense.

But...she was stupid to believe it!
keep staring at him...

Her eyes have already fully explained one thing, she is not without thoughts about him, which makes his heart fly to the sky with joy, but he doesn't say anything clearly, and still looks innocent.

"Do not believe?"

She nodded heavily, it was only strange if she believed him.

He asked back: "Otherwise?"

She said urgently, "Ask you!"

After finishing speaking, she regretted it, why was she so anxious, he was the one who bullied her, and she was the victim.

For this reason, she developed a small temper, and struggled to break free from his embrace, "It's fine if you don't say anything, who cares!"

She raised her head proudly and walked forward.

"Momo, where are you going?"

She said angrily, "Get out of here!"

He chuckled and shook his head, he was just playing his temper, and followed.

"Do you know how to get out of here?"

She paused, and looked around her surroundings. Just now, she was so confused that she didn't have time to check it out, but now she can see it clearly. It is a plain with no end in sight. She remembers falling from a cliff...

She raised her head, but there was no cliff, only the sky was black, like a cloud of cotton, and a mountain top could be seen in the distance, which was the tripod-shaped cover she saw before going up the mountain.

With a bang, a thunderstorm fell from the clouds, which startled her, and hurried back to the little wolf.

The last time she separated from him was because she ran around by herself. This time she has a long memory, and finally met him, and she can't be separated again. Otherwise, who knows, where she will be taken again.

The little wolf looked at the sky, the thunder was a little strange, there seemed to be something in the cloud?
"Little wolf, where are the others?"

"In another place."

He has broken the illusion of the blood river of corpses and souls, and the others should have come out of the illusion, but he broke into the enchantment that sealed Yumo again. The two illusions represent two formations, and the mirror is another formation. He also broke the law, but the enchantment may not be figured out, so he and Yu Mo should be in another place on Mount Sumeru now.

After the illusion is broken, you will return to the place where the spell was performed, but I don't know where it is?

Acting alone is harmful but not beneficial. He must join Shudu and the others as soon as possible.

"Then what are we going to do now?"

"Go to the top of the mountain!"

He was keenly aware that the top of the mountain must be the key to all the problems. He held Yu Mo's hand tightly, and this time he would not let go no matter what he said.

"How are we going to get up?"

At a glance, there is no way up the mountain.

"You just need to follow me, remember, don't run around anymore."

She nodded, "No more!"

Under the sound of thunder, the little wolf walked in the direction of the north by instinct. There was no danger on the way, but the clouds were getting lower and lower.

Suddenly, a huge tail of dragon scales swung down.

Both of them were startled, and then the clouds were pierced by light.

Cracking the sky and flying down.

(End of this chapter)

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