The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 323 Jiu Siam's surprise attack

Chapter 323 Jiu Siam's surprise attack (3)
For this reason, she swallowed a mouthful of saliva to get rid of the tinnitus caused by the air pressure. In the high altitude, the cold hit her, and she shivered. When she breathed, she only felt that her lungs were cold.

The little wolf was very fast, but Jian Guang who was chasing after him was even faster, no matter how he dodged, Jian Guang always followed him.

He had to use one move to shoot down Jian Guang, after dozens of moves back and forth, most of Jian Guang had been shot down, he suddenly fell down, turned over and jumped up again, those Jian Guang didn't have time to chase him, revealing the track.

Immediately, a golden sword light appeared in his hand, soaring into the sky, piercing towards them like a snake spitting out its core. After several battles, the entire army of the scarlet sword light was wiped out, but this was only temporary. There will be another batch, as long as Jiu Siam doesn't die, the scarlet sword light won't rush forward one after another.

Yumo noticed that he was always on the defensive, not actively attacking, and every time he defended, he also cared about her first, not himself.

She felt that she had become a drag, without her, he would have caught him out and beat him up, she was very worried that going on like this would be futile, wasting his physical strength and monster power, and hated herself for being incompetent.

If she had the ability to protect herself like Lin Lang or Ning Yi, he wouldn't have to work so hard.

She opened her mouth, telling him not to worry about herself, but the air was extremely cold in the sky, and when she opened her mouth, a breath of cold air entered her lungs, and she coughed straight away, until her lungs seemed to explode.

Startled, the little wolf immediately flew to the ground.

"Cough...cough...little...little wolf..."

Yumo was so choked that he couldn't speak, and his throat was so itchy that he didn't speak once.

"Don't talk, the more you talk, the more you'll cough!"


Suddenly, Jiu Siam, who was hiding in the dark, attacked again, and hundreds of lightsabers struck again.

The little wolf was worried about Yu Mo, and was even more furious when he saw this. He turned around and slashed with a knife. The light wave of this knife was huge, like a huge sickle.

After the light waves faded away, there was silence. I thought that Jiu Xian knew the gap and would not move rashly again, but unexpectedly, a crimson light flashed behind Yu Mo, hiding in the dark, so small that it was almost invisible.

It was only a thousandth of a second, and Scarlet had already attacked the little wolf.

Yu Mo caught it out of the corner of his eye. His instinct was faster than his brain, and he stretched out his hand and pushed the little wolf away.

After the little wolf staggered, he saw nothing but Yu Mo's body stiffened.

Yu Mo felt a pain in his chest, lowered his head, and a line of bright red blood flowed down.

The blood is like a blooming flower, from small to large, slowly blooming...

The blood made the little wolf's eyes red, and he rushed towards it like crazy.

Nuan Nuan's body seemed to have lost all strength, and fell into his arms.

A biting cold wrapped around his heart, strangling his breathing like a rope, and her slender fingertips and delicate face were icy...


She coughed again, but coughed up flying blood.

He clenched his teeth and trembled for a long time before he managed to say, "Moment?"

She took a deep breath, "It hurts..."

The pain spread in her chest, making her feel cold all over.

This almost inaudible sound made his heartstrings almost break, and the fear and sadness suppressed in his heart were about to break through the gate like a flood.

"Momo, don't talk..." He panicked and pressed her bleeding chest.

Yumo's throat felt fishy, ​​and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

She felt as if someone had punched her in the chest, she was so painful that she couldn't speak, and her eyes began to blur.

"Little wolf..." She was afraid that she would not be able to see him, and wanted to reach out to touch him, but with her slender fingers, like a thousand pieces of gold, she struggled to lift it.

He quickly held her hand, but the coldness in his hand chilled his heart, and he desperately wanted to warm her.

She felt his warmth, knew that he was fine, felt at ease, and smiled slightly: "I...very...very...very good!"

The sound is like smoke, light and inaudible.

After finishing the words, she spit out a mouthful of shocking blood, and then the whiteness in front of her eyes was overwhelming, and she couldn't see anything.

The cold little hand fell silently from his hand. Her closed eyes and pale face irritated him into confusion, as if someone had ripped open his brain and ruthlessly tore the nerves inside. Biting teeth.

He bit his lip subconsciously, blood slowly oozing from the teeth marks.

A heart sank, falling straight into the endless darkness.


He seemed to have lost his soul, his internal organs were all empty, only the sound of his heart cracking, slow and piercing, one piece, one piece, another piece, just like a flower that was mercilessly ripped off petal by petal...


Broken to the ground.

blood is cold...

Sanity is gone...

In the depths of the golden pupils, violent waves surged, and the blood color gradually stained with unbelievable despair. After the despair passed, it was a madman, a burst of terrifying magic light...

Demon power, fully released!
(End of this chapter)

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