The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 349 Part 109 Making a Wedding Dress for Someone

Chapter 349 Part 109 Making a Wedding Dress for Someone

Shu Du's ass was pierced with more than a dozen needles, and the pain caused him to inhale and exhale continuously.

Yu Mo slapped it, and applied medicine to his naked buttocks.

"Ouch! Momo, please, take it easy!"

"How can you stick it tight with light pressure, you bear it!" After applying the medicine, Yumo pressed the medicine patch again, making sure that it fit tightly before letting go, "Okay!"

Shu Du lay on the bed and took a breath, touched his buttocks, it was really a disaster, he fell down one morning, and drank a large cup of spicy powder tea.

In the end, the buttocks were pricked again.

How unlucky is this?

The most terrible thing is that Momo is the one who heals him. If it's his hands or feet, it's fine, but it's his butt...

Ass, you can only apply medicine if you are naked. Of course he was unwilling at first, and he refused to allow her to treat her. He yelled at Aman to find Bujiao or other wizards. It must be avoided that Yumo didn’t pay attention and hit the chair. , and sat down again.

As a result, the needle did not go into the flesh.

Because Bu Jie went out to supplement medicinal materials, he was not in the dog area, and he would not come back in three days. The doctor's office sent a young wizard who was not on duty. I was terrified, my hands were shaking nervously, and I didn't take out a single needle.

Le Xian had a bad temper, and shouted and drank from the sidelines, and finally knocked the little wizard into a coma.

Come on!

I wanted to find another wizard, but he couldn't stand the pain, so he forced the needle out with his own demon power. The idea was good, but the reality was cruel. Most of the needles were indeed forced out, but some Two of them got stuck in the muscles, and they were not very deep. He was as strong as a cow, and his muscles were as tight as a stone. It was easy to get in, but difficult to get out.

In the end, Yumo got the needle.

Recalling that scene, he couldn't help knocking his head against the pillow desperately.

It was so embarrassing, I felt ashamed to see her in the future.

Yu Mo was washing his hands, seeing him in such embarrassment, it was completely understandable, a big man is always embarrassed when his ass is seen, in fact she was also quite embarrassed, but saving lives is important, from a doctor's point of view, it's okay I'm sorry, and Shu Du's butt is very good-looking, which can be regarded as an eye-opener for her. No wonder some rich women in the human world like to look at men's butts. In a sense, she has made money.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but blush, since when did she become so lewd, no, no, forget about it quickly.

She coughed to hide her blushing, "Okay, I've done everything, why are you ashamed, put on your pants quickly, so as not to catch a cold."

When Shu Du heard this, he remembered that he forgot to put on his pants, so he quickly pulled them up, but the hurdle in his heart couldn't be overcome, and he hit the pillow with his head again, and his face turned even redder.

The famous name of the whole life is ruined.

Yumo packed the medicine box, seeing that he was still lamenting, he couldn't help saying: "It's just taking the needle, you should be lucky, if you are bitten by a poisonous snake, what do you think you will do?"

Shu Du raised his head, depressed, his brain stopped thinking, and asked stupidly, "What are you going to do?"

"Suck! Use, mouth, suck!"

After the words fell, Shu couldn't help imagining the scene. His face was already very red, but after imagining it, his face was smoking, and he hurriedly covered his face with his hands.

Yu Mo was just joking, trying to ease his embarrassment, but he really thought about it.

"Just kidding, you are serious, who will suck it for you! Smug!"

"You said it yourself..." He blushed quietly.

She shrugged her nose at him, "You are beautiful, there are plenty of drugs for taking drugs! You are a big monster, and drugs can be forced out."

Needles can be forced out by him, so can poison.

Moreover, she would never do this kind of thing even if it was to save someone, and today it was because Mei Luo was not here, if he was...

This is a wake-up call for me. You must not let Meiluo know about taking needles in Shudu's buttocks today. If you know, he will definitely lose his temper, and maybe he will kick Shudu's ass to death. After all, she Those hands haven't touched his ass yet.

The ass of the Xuanyuanjie period does not count.

After packing up the medicine box, she prepared to leave. Before she left, she left some painkillers for Shudu, as well as some pills for reducing swelling and inflammation, and told him to swallow them with warm water every morning and evening.

When he walked to the door, he suddenly thought of Le Xian.

"Shudu, Lexian is still young, it's fine if she passes the penalty, remember to coax her."

When she was taking the needle, Le Xian was there, but Shu Du yelled in pain. The little girl thought she was too hard, so she also yelled at her, which finally annoyed Shu Du, drove her back, and punished her to face the wall and think After ten days.

When she left, the little girl cried terribly, but Shu Du hardened her heart and gave no room for change.

"What are you coaxing, the bigger you are, the more you don't know how to measure. Fortunately, I went today, otherwise you will be the one who suffers. I don't know where you learned these dirty tricks. If you don't punish her well, she will really be lawless. Don't tell her Love, some things cannot be tolerated, I have the final say on this matter."

After the ass was pricked with a needle, he knew why Le Xian insisted on drinking tea for Yu Mo, and with the oil and water on the stairs, when the three things were put together, the fool also understood what was going on. Those who want to bully others.

If she bullied others, he would just turn a blind eye and close his eyes, but the target was Yu Mo, how could he bear it.

Therefore, he decided that he could no longer condone it and must be punished.

"Okay, you have the final say, but let me remind you that she is not in good health. You scolded and yelled at her just now, and you even had Aman beat up. She must be in a panic. If you get into a corner, My heart is blocked, which is not good for my recovery.”

Aman also committed crimes, with such a master, Shu couldn't bear to physically punish Le Xian, so he called all the corporal punishment on Aman.

The little girl was beaten badly. She originally wanted to call it quits, but when she thought about it, if something happened to her, if something happened to her, it would be better to teach Le Xian a lesson, so as not to make a big mistake in the future. Wrong, as for the injuries on Aman's body, it was a bit tragic, but Yao has a strong recovery ability. Such skin trauma is not fatal. It will hurt for at most two days. She has secretly given painkillers and anti-inflammatory medicines. Ah Luo, if you take it on time, it will get better sooner.

After hearing this, Shu Du felt a little pain in his heart, and asked nervously, "One should be fine, right?"

"One day...well, it's fine!"

He breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good!"

"Okay, I'm leaving, you have a good rest, remember not to take a bath, remember to take the medicine, if you have something, call me again."

She went out and was busy all morning, and it was noon now.

Not far away, Shu Du suddenly chased him out.


Yumo turned her head and saw him running over with twists and turns, and hurriedly said: "What are you doing out here, go back and lie down, the medicine was just applied to you, it's time to absorb it, if you move around like this, it will fall off , it’s not a white post.”

"I have something to tell you."

"Is there something to say? Why didn't you say it just now?"


He was so embarrassed and shy in the room earlier that he completely forgot the most important thing.

This is something he thinks about every day, he can't wait any longer, he must say it today.

He impulsively grabbed her hand, his eyes were full of affection, "Momo..."

Obviously there is a lot to say, but I really want to say it, but I can't find the words.

Yu Mo understood when she saw her, "Do you like me?"

Some things that should come will always come, and she can't hide. She didn't know that Shu Du liked her at first, but today Le Xian's words and reactions were too obvious, and she is not stupid. Clear.

No wonder that time when Mei Luo said that Le Xian liked him and that he was attractive, he would mutter angrily that she was also attractive.

Wronged, she doesn't even know how the butterfly and bee were recruited.

Is she that good?
But, since he spoke, she should speak clearly as soon as possible.

Emotional matters should not be procrastinated, they must be cut quickly, otherwise the longer the entanglement, the more troublesome it will be.

Shu didn't expect that she would say it outright, and his eyes were rounded in shock, but they were also bright and sparkling.

It turned out that she was not indifferent, and her fussing was not useless.

He had the courage to speak out all his thoughts of envy.

"Mo Mo, I like you, I like you very much, I like you very much, I want you to be my queen!"

There were no gorgeous rhetoric, no heart-pounding vows, but simply told her his heart.

As long as it is a woman, facing a handsome and noble person who confesses to a person who is handsome and noble, except for Erha's funny attribute, and the overall score can reach 90 points, no matter how reserved, she will always feel embarrassed.

So did she.

But... quickly disappeared.

Because she already has someone in her heart.

"Shudu, thank you, but I refuse."

Shu Du's grip on her stiffened, and the sparkle in his eyes dimmed. In fact, he wasn't surprised. He knew who she loved when he was at Mount Sumeru, but he was a wolf, and he wouldn't let go if he recognized her. .

"I'm not good enough?"

Yu Mo shook his head, "You are very good, but in front of feelings, it is meaningless to measure only by good and bad."

Otherwise, there would be no such saying that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'.

What she meant was to tell him that as long as he wasn't Mei Luo, no matter how nice he was, it was useless.

"Momo, tell me honestly, is it because we met for the first time that I offended you, and... and the demon poison..."

"No, it has nothing to do with those, but I admit that when we met for the first time, you really made me feel that you are not a good person, and the thing about the demon poison is the same. I also thought that if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be poisoned by the demon, and I wouldn't come here because of it." Detoxification in Shanhaijie will still be an ordinary female college student. But... Shudu, things have already happened, and it is impossible to change, and I am gradually getting used to the life here. I have been with you for so long, are you Good or bad, I know very well, so you don't need to worry about it. If you think this is the reason why I don't like you, then you are really wrong. I did come to the Mountain and Sea Realm because of the demon poison, but think about it Think about it, there is a big premise for all of this.”


Yu Mo looked at him with a smile, "I saved Mei Luo, who turned into a dog, and that was the beginning of everything."

If she hadn't rushed out of the house to buy durians that day, then she wouldn't have met Mei Luo who had fallen into Xuanyuan Realm by mistake, and if she hadn't met him, the demon poison in Shudu would have no effect on her.

Therefore, the fundamental reason for coming to the Mountain and Sea Realm was not because of the capital of Shu, but because of Meiluo.

He is the real instigator.

This is the so-called fate.

She continued: "Shu Du, why do you like me? I don't know, but I want to say that being with me may not necessarily lead to happiness, and may even be painful."

"How can it be painful!"

To love but not to have is pain.

"I am human."

"So what!?" He knew she was human from the beginning.

"My lifespan is very short. For a demon who can live for 2000 years or even longer, my lifespan is too short. You say you like me, but have you considered it? When you were young, I was already old Maybe I will still be sick, and you will watch me grow old, very ugly, what do you think it will be like at that time?"

She never said that to Mei Luo.

Because she and he both know that if this problem cannot be solved, falling in love is the cruelest thing for them.

It can be seen that Shu Du has never thought about this at all. His liking can't be said to be superficial, but can only be said to be too straightforward.

"I know!" He yelled excitedly, there was a clear pain in his eyes, like a scar that was about to heal, as if someone had suddenly ripped off a scab that had just formed, it was very painful, very painful.

"You know?" This surprised her.

He suddenly hugged her and held her tightly in his arms.

"Mo Mo, you are a human being, and there is no way to change it, but I am a wolf. We wolf demons will only have one wife in our lifetime. The only one, no matter whether we can grow old or not, there will only be one wife. If she can live a long time, then The best. But no one can say for sure about the future, she can also be very short-lived. Do you have to use the question of whether the life is short or not to measure whether it is worth it? Whether it is ten years, twenty years, or 100 years , 1000 years, as long as she is my wife, ten years can also be very happy, we have loved or not, it’s just that one has left first, can leaving, can erase everything we once had?”

It's okay to love...

Yu Mo's heart trembled, and his heart was so shaken by his words that he couldn't control himself for a long time.

Lifespan is only a small part in love.

Even if both of them are human beings, even if both of them are demons, so what.

Natural disasters and man-made disasters happen from time to time, who can guarantee that they will be able to grow old together, isn't it always when they are in love, and they work hard to live every day.

Once in love, once had the most important person in life, that is the most important.

Her heart became clear at this moment, and the heaviness that had deeply suppressed her disappeared in an instant.

Why do you have to be so persistent.

Fate is never perfect, it is the people who run it that make it perfect.

She hurriedly broke away from Shu Du's arms, and cried when she was excited, but she cried happily.

"Thank you, Shudu, I will never call you Erha again, thank you!"

She held his hands behind her back and thanked him all the time.

Monk Erzhang in the capital of Shu couldn't figure it out, "Huh?"

"Thank you! I'm leaving, take good care of your health, and I'll come see you tomorrow!"

Yu Mo didn't even want the medicine box, and ran quickly to Mei Luo's bedroom.

Shu Du stood where he was, stunned for a long time.


Did he make a wedding dress for someone?

A gust of wind blows...

cool off!

"Auntie, is Mei Luo back?"

Yu Mo rushed back to the bedroom like a whirlwind. Lin Lang, who was arranging lunch, saw her and hurriedly shouted: "Miss, slow down, don't fall."


She rushed into the bedroom, looking for people inside and out.

"The king hasn't come back yet, what's wrong with Miss?"

"I have something to tell him!" She had an excited expression and clenched her small fists.

Lin Lang put the bowls and chopsticks on and said, "Elder Huang Hua caught a eagle demon from Penglai Island. I'm afraid the king will be delayed by this matter. If Miss is in a hurry, I'll go find the king right away."

"Caught an eagle demon?" That's Bai Yu's man.


Don't ask how Lin Lang knew this, she used to be Queen Qi Luo's personal bodyguard and maid, even after resigning, her position is still there, some news, even if you don't ask, someone will take the initiative to tell her.

Although Yu Mo has a lot to say to Mei Luo, the matter of Bai Yu is very important, and it is related to the safety of the entire dog monster clan. Compared with her words, there is no need to be so anxious.

"No, I'll wait for him. Auntie doesn't have to look for it."

"Miss, let's eat. I went out early in the morning and came back at this hour. I must be very hungry."

"It's okay!" She was indeed busy all morning. If it was normal, she would have been hungry for food, but at this moment her heart was so full that she didn't want to eat at all. "I'll eat together when Mei Luo comes back. Feed safely."

She skipped and went to the outside with the bird feed. When she looked up, she found that the bird rack was empty.

Ping An is gone!
 Shu Du is actually a warm man...

  On October 10, continue to be on duty.

(End of this chapter)

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