The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 388 Part 151 Strange Name

Chapter 388 Part 151 Strange Name

"Gaotie, can you hear me?"

Yumo staggered forward in the world of ice crystals. She didn't feel cold here, but there seemed to be no living things except her. She could only hear her own breathing quietly. She had already walked along the road ahead. For a long time, but nothing.

Gulu... Gululu...

In the silent space, her stomach made annoying noises.

Holding on to the ice crystal wall with one hand, she bent down and touched her stomach.

In the morning, she was more worried than her appetite in order to find hairballs, so she didn't eat much. At noon, she just ate a steamed bun. After that, she went up the mountain, looked for tricks, and fell into the river. place, physical strength has been exhausted.

"very hungry……"

She was kneeling on the ground, already so hungry that her chest was pressed against her back, and her stomach was so empty that she twitched intermittently.

If it goes on like this, I didn't fall to my death, I'm afraid I will starve to death, if there is water, I can still drink to my fullness...

She glanced at the ice crystals beside her, which were basically made of ice, and ice was water, she swallowed and licked it with her tongue.

The tip of my tongue touched the cold, but it couldn't melt it. I licked it for a long time, like licking glass.

"Bah!" The taste is still weird, a little sour.

The situation is even more bleak.

Humans can live for seven days without food, and up to three days without water, so she must find a way to get out.

She looked up, she fell from the top, it was so high, it didn't make sense, didn't she get hurt at all, maybe it looked like a bottomless abyss, but the height was not high, but the top was pitch black and there was nothing, after looking at it for a long time, I can't see anything either, like a moonless night sky.

The fur ball is still on it, is there anything wrong?

She has to go back quickly, find it, and then meet Shudu and the others. If she can't see it here, she can go to a higher place to see it.

She looked around, and found that the ice crystal wall was extremely smooth, and it was impossible to climb up. No matter the front or the back, there were straight passages, and there were no fork roads.

Then keep going, she doesn't believe that she won't be able to get out.

She strengthened her belief, endured hunger and stood up again, taking a step ahead.


so hungry!The legs are also weak from hunger.

The growling of her stomach became louder and her face flushed with embarrassment. Fortunately, she was the only one, otherwise she would have to dig a hole to get in if someone else heard her.

After walking a long way, she heard the sound of running water. She wasn't sure whether she was starving and dizzy, had hallucinations, or if there was really water, so she listened again.

If it was really the sound of water, ding dong ding dong, it should be a small stream.

Where there is water, go downstream and there must be a way out.

She opened her legs and ran towards the place where the sound of water was heard. The straight passage suddenly opened up, and what she saw was a waterfall, pouring down from a high altitude, hitting the ice crystal wall, dividing two waterways, and converging at the edge. Xiaoxi, there is no road ahead, it has come to an end.

She was so thirsty that she couldn't spit, so she ran over quickly, knelt on the ground, bent down, and drank water with her hands.

As soon as she entered the clear stream, she vomited it all before she swallowed it.

"so bitter!"

The water turned out to be bitter.

She stuck out her tongue, but the bitter taste on her tongue was still there, it was not clean and she couldn't swallow it.

"How can it be bitter... Bah bah bah! It's so hard for me."

It was so bitter that she was about to vomit.

But after tasting the bitterness carefully, she felt the smell of herbal medicine. She took some water and filled it in the palm of her hand. The water was transparent without any impurities. She sniffed it.

A scent of herbs hits my face.

It really is herbs.Why does this stream have the smell of herbs.

She licked and tasted it with the tip of her tongue. There were many herbs mixed in the water, not just one kind, and the number was too large for her to count.

"Herbs..." She muttered to herself, stood up, looked at the rolling waterfall, and looked into the water again. There were no herbs planted at the bottom of the water, so it is very likely that the water flowed through before arriving here. The place where the herbal medicine is so rich, and there are so many varieties, it is likely to be a medicinal herb field.

If there is a field, there must be sunlight, otherwise the herbs cannot grow.

In that case, there must be a way out above the waterfall!


Her face lit up, as long as she climbed up... But soon, the joy on her face turned gray again.

Because I can't climb it, the source of the waterfall is high, and there are also ice walls on both sides, and the naked flies can't stand on it. She has no tools, and she is not a gecko. No matter how she thinks, it is impossible to climb up, but she is not discouraged. He took a deep breath, got into the waterfall, and wanted to see if there was a way out behind the waterfall.

Isn't that how Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, found the Water Curtain Cave?

Maybe this place has it too!

The waterfall is not big, and although the water source is sufficient, the flowing water is relatively slow and lacks strength, which did not make her feel like being hit on the head, and passed through smoothly.

Unexpectedly, when the blind cat ran into a dead mouse, it really made a fool of itself.

Behind the waterfall is another world, but unfortunately it is not the Water Curtain Cave, it is still a world of ice crystals, no different from the place she walked just now, and it is a straight road ahead.

How big is this place?

She shook her wet hair and wrung out her robe. After walking a few steps, she was horrified to find that the road paved by ice crystals was suspended in the air. distortion.

Is it an orange flame?
No, she shuddered, lay down on the ground, and looked down hard through the ice crystal.

It turned out to be magma!
She turned pale with shock, her legs trembling uncontrollably.

The ice crystal looked very thin, and it was not known whether it could bear her weight. Now she seemed to be walking on a glass path, and there was a river of magma below.

If the ice crystals break, she falls into lava and burns to ashes.

Damn, what the hell is this place, why is there still magma! ?
Magma is something in the center of the earth. This is an island floating on the sea. There is no way there is magma. Could it be that when she jumped off, she fell into the sea and then sank to the bottom of the sea?

No, it's impossible. The air pressure on the seabed is so high that an aircraft carrier can be crushed. How could her mortal body not be affected.

You must leave here immediately, you will die if you fall.

Because she was worried that the ice crystal road would break, she didn't dare to walk anymore, so she lay down on the ice crystal road. She is a dignified undergraduate student who has studied physics for several years. Spread the weight.

She crawled slowly and listened in all directions, and if she heard a crack, she would stop immediately.

The bottom is magma, and the top is ice crystals. It must be cold. It must be caused by the high heat of the magma neutralized by the ice crystals. Fortunately, it was discovered early. If she hadn't seen it, she might not have known how she died.

The endless ice crystal road and the magma river below formed two parallel lines, equally long.

Crawling forward consumes more energy than walking. I have experienced this method during my military training when I entered college, but it lasted for 5 minutes at most, but she has been crawling for a long time. Dare to stop, the ice crystal looks not solid at all, if it stops for too long, it may break, she can only shake her teeth to hold on.

"Gaotie!! Where are you, answer me when you hear it."

While crawling, she shouted, such a person.The pressure is too great, and the spirit is already at the critical point of collapse.


Suddenly, a black shadow rushed past her, so fast that the shape could not be seen, and it was hard to tell whether it was a person or an animal.


Yu Mo looked around in horror.


The dark shadow ran past her again.

She hurriedly turned around and looked behind her, but the black shadow had disappeared.

Yu Mo looked around, there was no place to hide here, where did the shadow come from?

"Gaotie, is that you? If it's you, don't make such jokes..."


The shadow brushed over her head, ruffling her wet hair.

"Wow!" She was so frightened that she hugged her head and pressed against Bingjing Road.

Under the ice crystals, the magma rolled and beat like sea waves. The visual effect was extremely shocking, and it frightened her again. When she was afraid, she became irrational and just wanted to run for her life.

She propped herself up, stood up, and ran forward frantically, the more frightened she was, the more ruthless she would speak, growling as she ran.

"You kill a thousand knives, do you dare to come out, be careful to push the old lady, eat you, I tell you, I am very hungry now, ten cows can be swallowed, if I want to catch you, I must chop you first Bleeding your head, peeling off your skin, gouging out your flesh, peeling off your bones, and finally using your skull as a stool, believe it or not, believe it or not!"

She ran forward desperately, but the black shadow showed no fear, and followed her like a shadow, jumping up and down.

"Hee hee... Human..."

She was frightened, and her legs seemed to be on a motor, and she ran faster.

"Wow, help, help!"

She couldn't see the shadow, but the shadow followed her like a ghost chasing her.

When the panic reaches the extreme, the secretion of adrenaline will be very strong, and there will be a short blank in the brain. This blank will make people do extremely bold things, just like some people who are afraid of spiders, when they see spiders, Most people will pass out immediately after rolling their eyes, but a small number of people will catch the spider tightly under the action of adrenaline, and then choke it to death. Even if the spider is dead, they will not let go.

Yu Mo is one of these few people.

When the fear reached the limit and her spirit was about to collapse, her face turned ferocious, and when the black shadow ran past her again, she caught it with lightning speed, and strangled it to death as soon as she caught it.

"Bastard, let you scare me!!"

Her current expression is no different from that of a perverted murderer.

Excited, bloodthirsty, brutal.

"Let go...let're going to strangle me..."

Yu Mo's eyes were bloodshot, he couldn't see anything at all, his thoughts were all on his fingers.

Squeeze it to death!
strangle it!
Or kill it!
All in all, hysterical madness.

"Smelly girl, if you don't let go, if you don't let go, I won't be polite to you."


No response, still pinching.

"Hand strength is really big, okay, you have the guts, look at me..." It spit out a mouthful of saliva, which sprayed on Yu Mo's skin.

The temperature was extremely high, and Yumo, who was hot, let go of his hand subconsciously, covering the burned place.

"It's hot, it's hot!"

"What an uneducated girl, she actually pinches her whenever she meets her. Where did she learn etiquette?"

Yumo heard the voice, and returned his soul and reason, but looked around but found nothing.

"Below, below!"

She lowered her head, her eyes widened instantly.

What is this?
The dragon head, the body of the fish, or the body of a carp, is carrying a large turtle shell on its back.

It is not big, at most the size of a Pekingese.

Still... a turtle!
Is it a tortoise? With such a big shell, I wonder if it is heavy?

and many more!

Yu Mo's eyes widened. She couldn't remember what she had done just now. She only knew that she had met a wonderful creature.

Could it be...

This is... Bai Ze! ?

She became ecstatic, and ran over to grab it regardless of the magma under her feet.

"You are Bai Ze, right!?

She has found it!

Meiluo, we are saved.

"White Pond!?"

Yu Mo nodded.

It pursed its lips, "No!"

"No!? How could it not be!?" She couldn't accept the answer at all, grabbed it by the neck, and shook it hysterically.

She was extremely emotional, as if she was a crazy woman.

"You lied to me, you must be Bai Ze, don't worry, I'm not a bad person, I won't kill you, I just want to ask you for a favor, I promise, I promise with my life, I will never harm you .”

Bai Yu slaughtered Bai Ze, and Bai Ze probably thought she was with Bai Yu, so he refused to admit it.

"Smelly girl, you're about to throw me up, let me go!"

"Quickly tell me, you are Bai Ze!"

Except for Bai Ze, she couldn't accept any other answers.

"I'll say it again, I'm not Bai Ze, you've seen Bai Ze grow up to be so beautiful to me, what a joke, don't compare me with that low-level beast, I'm..."

"No, you are Bai Ze, you are Bai Ze!"

Yumo continued to shake it crazily. She was under too much pressure. She finally found a living creature and admitted to death. No one could get into her ear.

"I tell you……"

"I don't listen!"

"I've never seen such an unreasonable girl like you!"

"You don't need to worry about it, tell me, how to cure Huoduoluo's poison?"

"I'm not Bai Ze, how do I know?"

"No, you must know!"

"Are you out of your mind!?"

"It's you who refuse to admit it." She growled.

If it's not Bai Ze, where is Bai Ze?

With all her strength, she pinched it again.

It rolled its eyes and frothed directly, "'t let go, I will...will..."

"Speak, speak quickly!" She was crazy, irrational at all.

"Silence, stop, you will kill it."

Another black shadow landed and landed heavily on the icy road, shaking the sky and the earth.

Yu Mo didn't stand firm, fell down, and the... the 'turtle' in his hand flew out.

Taotie stretched out his hand, and caught the 'Turtle' squarely.

"It's really you!"

'Turtle' froze, wagging its fish tail, "Let go, let go!"

Taotie Sen breathed out coldly, "How dare you play tricks on me!"

"I do not have!"

"You said no?"

"Do you have evidence?" 'Turtle' looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, "If you don't have any, don't talk nonsense!"

"Really?" Taotie sneered, "Then I'll pry your turtle shell..."

'Turtle' was startled, "Don't...don't..."

"Do you still know how to be afraid?"

Looking at the conversation between the two, they seemed to be very familiar, which made Yumo look stupid.


Taotie turned back, "Mo Mo, wait a moment, let me deal with this stinky turtle first."

Hearing its sound, Yu Mo burst into tears.

"Where did you die, do you know how scared I am..." She burst into tears, and instantly became a teardrop.

'Turtle' protected her shell, trying to divert her gaze, "Grandma, you made her cry!"

Taotie stared and said, "It's not your fault!"

"Have it?"

Taotie threw it to the ground, stepped on it, and crushed its tortoise shell.

"I'm going to kill you now!?"

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts..." the turtle begged for mercy, "I'm just kidding, I haven't seen you for tens of thousands of years, how about saying hello..."

"You are saying hello, you almost killed my master!"

"How do I know that you are willing to condescend to become a human summoned beast, then I must see how sacred this human is?"

"See now?"

"Look...I see, you lift...lift your legs first!"

Yu Mo opened his misty and tearful eyes, "Gao Tie, do you know it?"

"I know it!" It stared at 'Turtle', "Although I know it, it's annoying!"

The tortoise clicked his lips, "I hate it too!"

"Isn't it Bai Ze?"

Taotie said that it didn't know Bai Ze, if it knew it, it definitely didn't.


Yumo burst into tears again, "Then what is it!"

"The ancient fierce beast..." It frowned, "Hey!"


the word...

Damn don't know!

What a wonderful name!
(End of this chapter)

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