The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 390 Part 153 Another tripod

Chapter 390 Part 153 Another tripod

The furball is Shirasawa! ?

How can it be?

After shaking for a few seconds, Yu Mo looked at Bi Xi, "Are you sure?"

Bi Xi picked his nostrils, because he had no fingers, so the whole fin was stuffed in, "Sure!"

"Didn't you say that Bai Ze is gone?"

It said so surely before.

"Yes, but now there is another one." It pointed to the big golden egg floating in the air, "How did I know you brought one back."

There must be no more Bai Ze on the island. How would it know if there is Bai Ze outside? It doesn't have clairvoyance and ears. It is also very puzzled by the sudden appearance of this female Bai Ze.

"Are you really sure that the fur ball is Bai Ze?" Yumo asked again in disbelief. She always felt that she was dreaming that the fur ball was Bai Ze.

"It's the same as many times you ask, sure! Did you see that golden egg?"

Yu Mo nodded.

"After Bai Ze was born, every evolution needs to be completed through the golden egg. Without the golden egg, it cannot grow up." It has coexisted with Bai Ze for tens of thousands of years, and it is very clear about their living habits, so there will be absolutely no Wrong, "It's better to ask yourself, how did you meet this Bai Ze, or is it a female."

It not only emphasized once that the fur ball is female, but this aroused Yu Mo's curiosity, "Why do you keep mentioning that the fur ball is female?"

Animals are either female or male, what's wrong?

"You don't even know that!" Bi Xi had a disgusted expression, "Well, I will teach you that Bai Ze is respected by his mother. In the whole ethnic group, there will only be one female, and the others are male. The only mother, Bai Ze..." It raised its head and whistled at the golden egg, "It's the queen!"

Yu Mo was startled, "Queen!"

"Well! Just like a bee, the female will be the supreme leader, and only she has the right to reproduce. Bai Ze, who is the queen, will naturally give birth to the next generation of queens without mating, which means that only queens can give birth to queens."

"Parthenogenesis!" she was surprised.

"What singleness? Why do you always say things I don't understand."

Yumo feels dizzy now as if he was hit by a pie falling from the sky.

The furball is Shirasawa!
Bai Ze was actually by her side all the time.

But it's not right...

"Bixi, you said that Bai Ze respects his mother so that a queen can give birth to a queen?"


"Where did the male Bai Ze come from!?" The queen gave birth to a queen, meaning that a mother can only give birth to a female, but there is a male Bai Ze in the ethnic group. Since it was not born by the queen, could it be that it grew out of the ground? "

"This...heh, come on, I'll tell you!" Bixi hooked the fish's fin at Yumo, "Did you see the golden egg?"

She nodded.

"After the birth of the queen of Bai Ze, she will first evolve through the golden egg. Once the evolution is completed, the queen will release the demon power and inject the shattered golden egg into the demon power. The demon power will brew life in the golden egg and turn it into a king Ze guards it, and the number is determined by the queen's demon power after her first evolution."

Yu Mo's eyes widened, "So amazing!?"

"It's really long hair and short knowledge. What's so amazing about it? Bai Ze is an ancient spirit beast. He doesn't even have this ability. How can he be called a spirit beast?"

Yu Mo was still stunned, thinking it was too incredible.

"Crazy woman, don't be dazed, answer what I said."

Yu Mo didn't have the time to answer it, she stared straight at the golden egg which was bigger again, her heart was full of burning joy.

Mei Luo was saved.

Just wait for the hairball to come out of the egg...

"Bixi..." She suddenly thought of something, "When will the hairball come out of the egg?"

Bai Ze found it, but it was inside the egg, so he couldn't take the whole egg back, and it seemed that the egg would become even bigger.

"I don't know!"

Yu Mo reached out and lifted it up, "It's because you don't want to say it, or you don't know."

"Didn't I say that the golden egg is the key element of Bai Ze's evolution, how long does it take to evolve, how do I know?"

"Aren't you Penglai Island? You always know how long the previous queen evolved?"

"This...I think about it..." It lowered its head and meditated hard, and after a while, it replied with bright eyes, "75 years..."

75 years?

Hearing this number, Yu Mo only felt a mouthful of old blood stuck in his throat.

It's not 75 days, it's not 75 months, it's 75 years... Wouldn't it be until all her teeth fall out?

"You didn't lie to me!"

"Why did I lie to you? Back then, I made a bet with my father's Bai Ze..."

Unfortunately, it lost in the end.

"75 years, how could I wait for 75 years!" She scratched her hair, not to mention that she couldn't wait, even if she could, Mei Luo couldn't wait that long. Take a little time, because they have a lifespan of 2000 years, but now he is poisoned and lives in the torment of poison hair every day, should he suffer for 75 years?

No, neither she nor he could afford to wait that long.

"Can the egg be broken?" This was the first aid method she thought of, but she had to make sure that it would not harm the hairball.

"No, Bai Ze was at his weakest when he was in the golden egg. Evolution consumes a lot of energy and energy. Once the external force destroys the meridian, it will reverse. It is either dead or injured. Absolutely not. When the evolution is completed, they will Come out and wait patiently."

Wait patiently?

How could she wait patiently.

After a few minutes of joy, I fell into hell again, feeling even worse than when I couldn't find it.

"Why are you in such a hurry, but 75 years, soon...playing with the snow, blowing the wind, and playing hide and seek together. Whoops!"

It was beaten by Yu Mo, and its forehead was swollen again.

"Crazy woman, why are you hitting me again!" It howled while holding its head, its eye circles were red, it had never met such a violent woman.

Yu Mo was so worried about the time of 75 years, like ants on a hot pot, circling around the golden egg non-stop.

75 years...does it really take 75 years for a hairball to come out?The previous queen was 75 years old. Maybe the hair ball will come out early, but it may come out late.

Longer than 75 years, how many years is that?

She is more anxious.

Taotie has no interest in Bai Ze, its focus is on the tripod.


"Ah?" Bixi wiped his red eyes, forced back the tears, covered his head and sobbed, "What do you want to ask again?"

"This cauldron is..."

"Oh, this cauldron, the Shennong cauldron!"

Taotie's eyes brightened, it really was the Shennong Cauldron, no wonder it resonated with the Demon Refining Pot.

"Girl, come here!"

Yu Mo ignored it, still circling below, talking about 75 years.

Taotie sighed and dragged her over, "Girl, climb up!"

Yu Mo only has eggs in his heart, and he is not interested in anything, "Why do you want to climb up?"

"This is the Shennong Ding, an artifact. Since you have met it, of course you have to take it into your bag. What are you waiting for, go up and take it away."

"Didn't the artifact have to choose its own owner? How do you know it will definitely choose me!"

"So let you try it! If it is willing to be with you, it is considered acquainted, if it is not..." Taotie pressed his finger joints, making a clicking sound, and his face became grim, "I smashed it!" it!"

Yu Mo reminded: "Sacred artifacts cannot be destroyed..." Didn't she want to smash the demon refining pot before, and she slammed it with a stone, and it was fine and intact.

Taotie stared, "What are you doing talking so much nonsense, go up!"

It grabbed her by the collar and threw her directly onto it.

"Ah!" Yumo screamed, falling like a parabola, and fell into the Shennong Cauldron, her head turned inward, only her two legs could be seen flopping.

The demon refining pot was right next to the Shennong cauldron, and after dancing around, it returned to her necklace on its own initiative.

Yu Mo raised his head from the cauldron disheveledly, and yelled, "It's so bitter! It smells like medicine."

"Girl, hold its tripod ears, if it is willing, it will not turn into a stone, otherwise it will turn into a stone."

This is the reaction when the artifact chooses a master.

Yu Mo wiped his face and looked down at the big bronze tripod. It was older and dirty than when he saw it through the ice before, but the carvings on it were very exquisite, and the patterns were mostly medicinal herbs. The patterns, and some scriptures, are not the characters of the mountain and sea circles, but are older.

Underneath, Bixi smiled and said: "Gao Tie, you think highly of her too much, Shen Nong Ding is something that lives longer than you and me, how could you choose her as the master, impossible, absolutely impossible, Shen Nong Ding is already here It has been a sacred object of the Bai Ze clan for a long time, and the former queen entrusted me to hide it before she died, otherwise you will not find it!"

Bai Ze only eats medicinal herbs, and the Shennong Ding happens to gather the aura of all the medicinal herbs in the world. Because of its existence, Penglai Island is full of herbs, allowing Bai Ze to inexhaustibly feed and multiply, which is equivalent to Shennong Ding raising Bai Ze. , Bai Ze protected it for generations to repay his kindness.

Taotie probably thought it talked too much, so he kicked it away.

Bi Xi obviously has a turtle shell, but every time he is kicked, he will roll away like a ball, and then he will fall on his back, unable to get up.

The turtle shell is heavy!

After turning over with great difficulty, it howled out of breath, "Do you have any interest in bullying me with a turtle shell?"

Taotie snorted, "You just said that a girl can't become the master of Shennong Ding?"

"Of course, she is a crazy woman!" It despised Yu Mo from the bottom of its heart.

"Let me ask you what is the ability of Shennong Ding?"

"Refining medicine!"

The Shennong Ding is an ancient tripod made by Shennong who tasted all kinds of herbs for the common people in ancient times. Because of the accumulation of countless elixir, it became a divine weapon, and it was able to refine the unrivaled magic medicine that even the gods of the heavens could not easily refine. .

"That's right!"

"Right to what!?"

Taotie had the expression of a yellow woman selling melons, "My girl is a wizard, she has a heart of benevolence, and her medical skills are also very good. She will definitely be able to hit it off with Shennongding."

"Hey, is this girl a wizard? It doesn't look like it!"

Such a lunatic, how could she have the demeanor of a wizard.

"Just watch." Taotie looked confident.

Yumo climbed out of the Shennong Ding. She didn't intend to become the owner of the Shennong Ding at all. She just wanted to go down and find a way to get the fur balls out early, but the Ding was floating in the sky. She couldn't fly, and she would fall if she was not careful. He had no choice but to listen to Taotie's words and try holding the tripod's ear, if he fails, he can't blame her.

Because the tripod is quite big, even if you extend your hand, you can't grab two at a time, so you can only try to grab one first. As soon as your hand touched it, the tripod emitted light, wrapping her in a circle of light, and she was stunned by the light. I don't open my eyes, and when I can open them, I come to a different space, and there is nothing around, only white clouds drifting by, one after another.

Where is this again?


No one responded.

She was anxious, afraid that she would lose contact with them again, and was about to lift her feet to find someone, when a dizziness hit her, and she fell to her knees.

"Hmm..." She felt her head was very strange, as if something had been ripped out of her mind. .

With a bang, the white clouds around disappeared, and countless floating images appeared, all of which were her past, when she was saving animals, some were dispensing medicine, some were performing surgery, and some were bandaging wounds.

Countless images are changing rapidly, like a revolving lantern, passing by Yu Mo's eyes one after another.

"Are you a wizard?"

Cangliang's voice sounded in the air, startling Yumo to look around, "Who, who is talking?"

"Here, here!"

Yu Mo looked over following the sound, and there was a tripod floating in the air not far away, it was the Shennong tripod she had just seen.

How can Ding speak?
She thought she must have heard wrong.

"You heard me right, I am the one who is talking, and I am Shen Nong Ding."

She opened her mouth wide in shock.

"Don't be so surprised. I am a divine weapon, so I naturally have special features different from other dead objects. This is my barrier. I just brought your thoughts in and talked to me. There are only you and me here. No one else can hear us."

After experiencing many miraculous things, there will be no fuss. After being shocked for less than a minute, Yu Mo regained his calm.

"Did you do this?" She pointed to the pictures.

"Yes! If I want to choose you as my master, I naturally need to know what kind of person you are?"

"No, no, you misunderstood, I didn't want to be your master." She was worried about how to get the hairball out of the egg, and she was not interested in anything else.

"You mean you look down on me!" The desolate tone changed, sounding a bit sharp.

"No, I didn't mean that." She couldn't hold the matter of Shennong Ding in her mind now.

"Since ancient times, all wizards have wanted me crazily. You really don't want to?"

Yu Mo shook her head firmly, "I don't want to!"


"This...comrade Shennong Ding, I know you are very powerful, great, and miraculous, but my ideal is to be a veterinarian who specializes in treating animals. His specialty is surgery. You are a cauldron for refining medicine, honestly. Saying it doesn't help me much."

Shen Nong Ding twisted his body, looked very unhappy, and his voice was cold, "Isn't that helpful?"

"Yeah! Medicine is something in internal medicine, but it's useless for many diseases, such as tumors and cancers. These all need surgery to remove them. Taking medicine can only maintain stability, but can't remove the focus. Now that you have seen my past , you should know, what am I best at?"

Animals also get tumors and cancers, just like humans.

It's a pity that her surgical skills can't be fully utilized in the mountain and sea world. The equipment is not good, let alone the technology. It's hard for a smart woman to cook without rice.

"Well, I saw it. It is indeed a very miraculous technology. You have no demon power and are human. Could it be that this is the current medical realm of your human beings?"

"Yeah, it's great if you understand, can you let me go back quickly, I'm very anxious to save someone now."

"I know!" Its tripod body was no longer twisted, and returned to its original shape.

"how do you know?"

"The memory in your mind told me that those pictures were also found from your memory."

Yu Mo covered her head, "Aren't you peeping at privacy?"

"No, I just don't want to choose the wrong master!"

She glared at it, "Excuse!"

"You seem to be in a bad temper?"

"Yes, it's very bad, so I can't be your master, please let me out!"

"Hahaha, it's interesting. This is the first time I've met someone who doesn't take me seriously."

"Don't talk so much nonsense, let me go back quickly."

"Don't worry, I haven't finished my sentence yet." It twisted its claws and jumped over with a jingle.

Yu Mo took a step back warily, "What do you want to do?"

"You just said, what kind of surgery is better than medicine?"


"I don't think so, you have deeply hit my self-esteem as an artifact."

Yu Mo twisted her face, "You... what do you want?"

"I decided to make an exception and choose you as my master!"

"Huh!?" Yu Mo opened his mouth wide.

The self-esteem of the artifact is simply distorted.

"Don't be so surprised. Anyway, I'm tired of staying here. Besides, you saved my benefactor's child and followed you. It's considered a repayment."

"I saved your benefactor's child? Who?" Yu Mo was a little confused by this sentence.

"You saved that little guy, didn't you?"


"Do you call it a fur ball? Hehe, let's call it a fur ball! This fur ball is a descendant of Queen Bai Ze who has lived with me for a long time. The previous Queen Bai Ze has protected me, and I have nourished Penglai with spiritual energy." The medicinal herbs on the island are eaten by them, but unfortunately the previous queen died tragically, and I can do nothing, since its offspring was saved by you, I naturally want to thank you for her."

"So casual?"

"How can you say that you are free to repay your kindness?"

"But, Comrade Shennongding, I really have no interest in you."

It would be a different matter if it was the Pan Gu Axe.

"Oh, so you were looking for the Pangu axe?"

Yu Mo was startled, "How do you know what I'm thinking?"

"I said, this is my enchantment. The you now is your mind, so I will be very clear about what you think in your heart."

"Now that you know, can we say goodbye now?"

She just wanted to leave this cauldron that could only read minds quickly.

"Did you know that artifacts resonate?"

"I know, but it's useless, it's just resonance, and you can't tell me the exact whereabouts of the Pan Gu axe."

"Well, indeed!"

"This is the end!" She already had a demon refining pot beside her, and she could resonate with the Pan Gu axe.

"I really can't tell you the exact whereabouts of the Pan Gu axe, but I can help you with other things. You want to save a demon named Goumi Luo, right?"

Yumo would no longer be surprised how it knew.


"He has the poison of Huoduoluo, and the antidote for this poison must be refined by me. Gather all the eight herbs, as well as Bai Ze's blood and saliva, mix them with the herbs, and I will refine and infuse them. Reiki, it can be completed in three hours."


"Of course it's true, and..." It twisted the tripod's claw again, and moved a few inches closer, "You killed a lot of demons."

This is Yu Mo's nightmare, and his whole body trembles when he thinks about it.

"You regret it and want to atone for it?"

"Why do you ask if you know?" If time could be turned back, she hoped to go back in time to save everything.

Shennong Ding heard her voice, "It's impossible to go back in time, even a magic weapon can't do it, but there are other ways."


"You already have the Demon Refining Pot now, and with my words, as long as you get the Nuwa Stone, you can create a formation called Rebirth, with me as the core, plus the ability of the Demon Refining Pot, the Nuwa Stone With the restorative power, you can bring back the demon you killed!"

Yu Mo froze as if struck by lightning, looked at it in disbelief, trembling lips and teeth: "Rebirth?"



"Yes, but only for those you kill..."

"No limit?" she had to ask again.

"There is no limit, one person, ten people, a hundred people, or even ten thousand people, it's all possible!"

The color of the eyes was soaked by the water, and tears fell drop after drop.

Melo... did you hear that?

I can go back to the dogland, I can go back to you.

"How? Girl, do you still dislike me?"

She desperately wiped away her tears and held on tightly, "What can I do to become your master?"

"Hehe, don't do it, you are already my master." It disappeared and slowly turned into green smoke.

After the green smoke dissipated, she returned to the original place, still holding the ear of the tripod.

The light on the bronze-colored tripod gradually faded, and there was a blank area where the patterns were originally carved. On the blank area, a golden light was like a pen, and three characters were written with iron and silver hooks.

Lan Yumo.

Shennong Ding GET!

 Silently, there was another tripod in the dowry!

  Dorje: The Formation of Rebirth... Hehehehe.

  Yumo: Duoji, why are you smirking?
  Dorje: I don't know what I'm laughing at, I just think it's funny.

  Yumo: ...

(End of this chapter)

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